Actresses that should just go into porn

Actresses that should just go into porn

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Who /vaguebusiness/ here?

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>deflated milky

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She has a hot mouth

Day 7 NoFap

Try it
/fit/ changed me

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I have tried it, its literally bro science fed to you by retards. Jack off, just don't watch porn.

Cute. CUTE!

Too old, but still good for her age

Mommy looks like that!?

It's fun, if I'm horny as fuck why would I deny myself the enjoyment?

that will start to decrease after Day 7

Bro I don't get laid to just use my imagination. It's still cool, but I need the material

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Why would I want my libido to fuck off? That's just crazy talk

Don't day that

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Don't say that

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I don't get it. They'd all rather try and break reality by failing to prove their careers don't end with their looks instead of becoming Escobar rich.

>he doesnt like slightly deflated early 40s milkers

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Well I guess you're okay then, for now. Porn is harmful in a lot of ways though, statistically.

It's not bunk there's just guys that think jerking off once a day gives them deathgrip unlike the fucking no limit soldiers that spend half their waking hours doing it.

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No one becomes rich by performing in porn lol

The ones that know how to lock their shit down seem to do pretty good.

who was that pornstar who did blacked who is obviously autistic? she has a twitter pic that gets poster here of her and a stuffed animal saying goodnight. pretty sad desu since she's cute

We've never had a porn star of that magnitude.

She doesn't think its sad, I get what you mean though.

hannah hayes? i don't know about autistic but she's definitely mentally sub-normal, kind of sad desu

yeah i know, she doesn't know beans from common sense but its still sad. fuck, i'm a prick irl and a genuine asshole at work, but i see that pic and sometimes it makes me tear up a little. oh well

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YES. thank you. agreed very sad. especially the one post where some anons on twitter were giving her shit and she responded with something like "its hard over here with no friends i have nobody to talk to"

fuck man

I think Donald Trump would disagree


nah, i don't see it

Don't fall for it
>shes only 19


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Fuck, i'm thirsty now

>who will watch her, and take care of her?
>women are the children of men, without men they grow up without a purpose.

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I'd wear one of those facemasks they wear in japan if I were him.


sounds like she's just finished chowing down on a carton of crayons, where's the family in this?

Let´s be realistic for once

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her dad IIRC is terminally ill and she said something about making money for his treatments. poor girl.

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Porn was a mistake, shit like this makes me want to be a better man.

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>car accident
>knee surgery negated career in sports
>resorts to porn

take me off this wild ride senpaitachi. life is truly not worth it

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Sasha Grey is a true artist, and generations to come will study her. Her porn is a statement on porn itself: what should be hot, or at the very least mildly arousing, evokes no emotion. Nothing.

There's an old-school French pornstar who was famous for having a dick in her asshole while looking as if she were reading the sunday papers. That, at least, represents an emotional state, because she is at least capable of communicating a relaxed state. Grey is a different statement entirely. It's not a lack of feeling, her reaction to sex is so hollow, so lacking in any feeling at all, that emotional concepts no longer apply. There is just nothing there.

Sasha Grey is the ultimate porn actress, because no other actress can make you feel as dead inside as she can.

Obviously feet and gangbang porn

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Lana Rhoades is already a pornstar user


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I think every father in the world would rather die than have his daughter do interracial porn.

She's legitimately retarded. You really shouldn't feel for her.

>wants to get into engineering
I've done engineering, she's retarded enough to fit in with the Indians

there is a universe where ASR is shooting 4k 60FPS double anal interracial gangbangs and I wasn't born in it.
JUST die in my sleep already

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that may be the case, but what kind of man would demean his daughter for keeping him alive?

i still have a soul user. I've been here since 2006, been through 2 deployments, I've seen the best and worst in people. you can't judge everyone unless you see someone on their own merit

shit, usually I feel younger than people my age but she looks so young and dumb here that I legitimately feel bad for her doing porn. Weird feel.

Retarded people have no merit.

who is this?

I would, if she was licking nigger's asses to pay for another day of my living hell.

If you want to stop jacking off then just get some fucking antidepressants

one day, both of you might realize that compassion is a rare trait. we should all be so lucky that someone that loves us is willing to do that in order to support us. I'm not excusing degeneracy, i'm calling attention to the human ability to unconditionally care for someone

watch her interview, she is literally a child

I'm a shy college Soyboy


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what would make her dying father happy is knowing his 5 watt bulb daughter is paired off with someone who'll love and care for her when he's gone, not seeing her get kiked for some of the most important years of her life and most likely ruin any chance at a normal relationship going forward

it's almost like you retards can't put two and two together and realize she got brain damage from the car accident that also killed her sports dream and went into porn to try and support her family
>twin sister is dying
>dad is dying
>she's the only one who can support them
>her real dreams are crushed
>turn to porn
desu you're soulless if you don't find her story at least a little sad

Anyone with empathy should be feeling for her, anyway, then on top of that the male urge to protect should be kicking off in certain people but it all depends on the individual. Vulnerable girl in a bad situation especially with a damn cuddly toy should make anyone feel.

on the other hand can you not recognize the sacrifice she's making? she obviously loves you and doesn't want you to die.

one day. you'll be on your deathbed. you'll be gasping for your last breath with nobody in sight and you'll be grasping at nothingness just to survive. if my daughter came to me and said i'd live because she paid the hospital, i'd be ecstatic because i'd be able to see her and talk to her just a few more times.

fuck you guys are lame. you're not tough, or cool, you're just all fucking posers. i bet none of you have ever been in the thick of it.

there is compassion in death you sensitive cuck. No, I would not appreciate my daughter ruining her life to prolonge mine a bit longer, I wouldn't be that selfish and if I ever have children I'll be sure to not raise them with such meek values. I would kill myself in a heartbeat if my life were causing suffering to my children.

ok my dude. just tell your daughter on your deathbed that she's ruining her life to keep you alive even though she loves you. i'm sure that she'd really appreciate it

I guarantee you guys are thinking about it more than she ever did.

wow, what an enlightened soul you are

teach us, sempai

more compassion and regard for human life than you, underage fuck

why would you care? she IS ruining her life and even if I hurt her now she will eventually understand that I did it for my love for her. I'm not saying I wouldn't die happy knowing my daughter would that for me but I just wouldn't let her.
Honestly, this is completely selfish and pathetic, that's all you breeders think about when having children.
>Waaa I don't wanna die alone pls my daughter you need to work for a kike licking niggers asses so I can enjoy another day with the knowledge of the terrible father I am, and don't forget to spend the night I don't like being alone :(

Holy shit

back to the topic at hand

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This is the worste meme ever but still cute

i hope one day you're mortally crippled, laying down with nobody to help you. your relatives and friends shunning you, and you desperately wish to be helped.

then everyone you know who can help you says no thank you, i don't love you enough to do anything like that.

That's not her, thing in webm has a cock!


and i sincerely hope you never had kids, because your understanding of the parent/child dynamic is completely ass-backwards

i just had a look at her twitter, her feed is full of porn pics and videos of her. is that allowed on twitter?

Don't you need to be at least somewhat pretty for porn?

oh user, i've been there and learned my lesson. all I have to say is you have a hard and difficult road ahead of you. I know you don't have kids, don't pretend.

you've failed as a father if you don't have anybody to love you. maybe you've already failed, it's ok user. you can still make it up to your kids. just be a real person to them and they will love you for it

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>double anal interracial gangbangs
heres where you lost me

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what kind of works would ASR shoot?

blurry webcam clothed masturbations while crying

there's a universe where i'm married to ASR and have her sit on my face every day and i wasn't born in it

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>dear god

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Does her ass look as good when she's not wearing that kind of outfit?

your understanding of filial love is a kind of fucked up co-dependence. that's not a healthy attitude for a family. your parents die, maybe they suffer. it's sad, but it's part of life. trashing your whole future to help them just a little should be the last thing they either want or expect


Yeah Twitter isn't facecuck, you're allowed to post pretty much anything if you add the hashtag #fucktrump

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