Let's face it, if your loads don't match this, you're basically half a man

Let's face it, if your loads don't match this, you're basically half a man.

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you don't get to bring friends.

>Let's face it
I'd rather not. You can do the facing.

This isn't fair. No one jizzes like this. We're still men. You haven't proved anything.

I don't match his penis size either so whatever ;_;

Is that Peter North?

Mine have a yellow tint.

my load is pretty watery 2bh

Do girls like cum on their face?

Just don't cum for a week you nigger



Stop replying this isn't fair,, loads are genetic. Would you ge okay with me saying some black guy couldn't do calculus? Same shit.
Stop it.


but I already am half a man (5'8)

>cum used to dribble out
>testi survives a testicular torsion
>can now somehow shoot a rope or two
still wouldnt recommend

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I-It's probably just lighting, r-right?

when they're with an alpha male, yes
when/if they are ever with you then no

T. Soy boy
I've been a pathetic loser desperate to fix life and tfw girl has demanded I pull out and cum in her mouth.

Stop jerking off so much then, user.

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>spaffing into the face of your lover

Why do alphas think this is good? Little boys with their porno.

>cumming on their face

You're admiring her face. If she was ugly you wouldn't want to cum on it.

>sometimes shoot power blasts across the room
>sometimes cum barely dribbles out even after long nofap
Dicks, how do they even work?

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I've edge sometimes and shot like a sniper rifle, like 6+ feet. Honestly just dribble for the most part now. How do I do it like OP?

Because she didn't want to get pregnant with your retarded child you dumb fuck


There aren't any around here boyo

Short answer: Jews

Long Answer: Jews meme'd this degenerative and degrading act to popularity with their porno tactics to defile the image of women around the globe. Now every Chad and Jamal cums on Stacy's face and hard working white men are refusing to marry them because in the back of their head the future wife they always wanted has already been coated in nigger semen therefore contributing to extinction of the white race. Stay woke.


That’s nothing compared to the absolute fucking jet streams that rocket out of my cock after 3 hours of intense edging.

Should ass this isn't fair. I didn't report this thread, least I should get in return is some tips on how to ejaculate like this.
Honestly, I've earned it and deserve it.

>that mix of shame and pride when you accidentally JO into your eye and/or mouth

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Even being so OBSESSED that you think jews are behind every facet of reality you don't agree with
>my coffee's too hot

Woke as fuck user. I appreciate the run down.

How can people watch professional porn when the woman closes her eyes and hates cum? She's fucking spitting it out and is disgusted by it.

I cum like this every time I jerk off. Its pure white and really thick and stringy in consistency. Is this normal? I only jerk off like 2-3 times a day though

This. even porn stars utilize edging for the climax scene

Zenkai boost senpai

same, but then I cleaned my diet and stopped going on this image board 10 hours a day and it become white.

Virgin porno viewer: watches porn to see women be satisfied, a thing he is incapable of doing
Chad smut gazer: watches porn to see women degraded and immiserated

Jews own the porn industry. When the Israeli troops were besieging Palestinians they were broadcasting porn on their TVs to demoralize them. nytimes.com/2002/03/31/world/mideast-turmoil-fighting-israeli-troops-tighten-grip-bush-says-arafat-must-more.html

>>cum used to dribble out
Same but It's because I just gripped my dick too hard when jerking off.

Nah, I want to see her swallow that shit like a good whore. I don't want to see her disrespecting jizz.

god l wish l was her desu

>jerk off while laying down
>shoots so high into the air it all falls back down onto the chest area of my shirt and on my chin

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I had a long shot once but it was after I had popped like half an hour earlier, so while it hit distance and covered her pretty well, it wasn't a fair amount of thickness

Seriously, dude. How does that help me?

>one part of the ceiling gets noticeably brown and crusty

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they like chads cum on there face not your gross smelly beta cum

>tfw you planned to edge the whole evening, but stumble upon a really good porn bit and cum by accident

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>Fap so much oozing out is normal
>Every now and again shoot like a cannon and miss the tissue

I like to imagine that jizz was planning to get out

It's a romantic way of asserting dominance

imagine having cum splattered all over your face for a living. how would you even live with yourself

Every time user, I download so much then end up finishing on the first

At a guess the $2500 per hour makes it bearable.

Maybe that's why they kill themselves.

my girl swallows, buts shes ugly as all hell and she knows it so she'll do whatever i say she has to

>first time I gave my gf a facial I essentially 1 man bukkaked her
>First time she swallowed she nearly chocked because there was so much
> Creampies are seriously messy

She only really allows me to cum all over her massive tits now. I would probably make a good money shot guy in porn.

f-fuck you OP

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Also I own a private jet, just thought I'd mention ;^)

Depends on the girl. First prostitute I was with in Thailand aggressively demanded I cum in her mouth.
I wasn't even close so I ended up on my knees with her lying under my dick as I tried to fap to cumming.
Was gay, I should've just stayed in her pussy. When I did cum I shot all over her face despite her trying to catch it in her mouth.
Still fap to that memory.