seriously Fincher?

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I do not think it was criticizing capitalism in any essentialist way just the culture it has produced.

>buy a sandwhich
>the sandwhich now owns you

I don't get it

He's right tho

jesus. do you fucking snowflakes have to turn everything into a simplistic political debate? Grow some balls and enjoy some fucking fiction once in awhile.

>I do not think it was criticizing capitalism
He was criticizing society on a larger scale, where men exchange part of their freedom and way of living for security and insurances.

You dont own the sandeich anymore once its consumed or perished

But imagine you are in the sandwich business and you're stuck with moving a freezer full of sandwiches worth couple thousand bucks and if you don't sell enough you'll lose money and ergo your mortgage payment and your grocery bills, and your kids toys and tuition as well as your wife's botox injections

Based low IQ OP


materialism does not equal capitalism.

it was bashing materialism, which capitalism certainly promotes a bit but you can have a capitalist economy and have a culture that doesn't value frivolous goods and be generally non materialistic, they are linked but not synonymous.

>the sandwich will make you go to the shitter
you lost all control sheeple

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this, it's about consumerism and materialism, not nessecarily about capitalism

>t. guy who consumes media created by capitalist societies
>inb4 I only watch pro-Communist Chink and Soviet era kino

Wow way to ignore the crux of my argument i said in any essentialist way, but you would not know about the essentialism v. performativity controversy i should just stay on /lit/ this board is for brainlets

yes there is a risk in capitalism, you can make it big by starting your own business or fuck it up and go bankrupt, you can also just get a low tier wagie job and live within your means.

I know this is bait but one of the themes of the movie is that Tyler's view is too extreme. Anarchy is shown to be equally meaningless as conformity.

Tyler isn’t real. He’s an idealized power fantasy constructed by the protagonist who represents his desire to rebel and lash out against society. By the end he ends up getting rejected

Don't know shit about philosophy senpai, you got me there.

>Tyler isn’t real.

so this is the quality of fight club hate threads? I remember they used to be good many years ago. guess the hate died down, it's not edgy to hate on it, so all the best haters moved on

> f-f-fight club is not leftist movie!
> movie ends with protagonist blowing up wall street to erase debt for the people

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my sandwhich started whipping me and fucking my wife

Now i just feel bad

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capitalism is different from consumerism

when the protagonist “grows up” and realizes he doesn’t need Tyler anymore and becomes independent

>freezing sanwiches

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It is not a leftist movie it is actually a reactionary movie.

Nah it's ok, thanks for mentioning all these things, I'm a more educated person now thanks to you.

it's more of a buddhist thing than anti-capitalistic remark

Well the OP is retarded and treats Tyler as if he’s meant to be a realistic character when he’s obviously designed to be a power fantasy

>Being against fractional reserve banking is "leftist"

good goy

but Sup Forums only sees everything in political us vs them terms

This one's really easy if you think about it.
>buy a sandwich
>sandwich now owns me
>write up a small contract
>accept a bit of crust as payment for my soul
>sandwich now owns me
>I now own the sandwich
>I eat the sandwich

> anti-capitalism is right-wing

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>We buy things we don't need, to impress people we don't like

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>mfw a water bottle owns yeezy

Attached: kanye west water bottle.jpg (500x238, 16K)

>We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no great war. No great depression. Our great war's a spiritual one...our great our lives.

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>tfw my parents will never be impressed at my dakimakura collection


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>Opposing capitalist erosion of masculinity and identity is not right wing

Always blame the powers that be to appear edgy and intelligent.

kanye could've been a professional comedian in another life

A cringy reaction image isn't a rebuttal or a refutation.

>You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

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>Fractional reserve banking is imtegral to capitalism
>No one except Communists would be against bonding your citizens into debtslavery to a privately ownded Jewish institution

And Israel is our greatest ally along with the privately-woned FRS fellow Magapede, praise Kek!

*blocks your path*
>Go back to Sup Forums fascist scum

Yur response?

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Both of these are very good observations, and the situation has only deteriorated since.

What are some anti capitalism kino?

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Was Ikea a paragon of consumerist culture at some point? Personally I just see it as a place to buy cheap shitty furniture if you're in college or need to furnish an apartment on a budget.

Yeah, yeah you are right. Also the movie is (less than the novel) pretty much pro-buddhist "propaganda".
Now please provide the dialogue line where they say they blew up wall street.

> amerimutt understanding of politics
conservatives are pro-israel, leftists are pro-palestine
holy shit you're so fucking retarded

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You plebs need to rewatch the movie. The point is that Tyler is NOT right.
Jesus, you are the kinds of faggots who think Verhoeven is advertising fascism.

>you are what you eat
>eat a sandwich
>you are not a sandwich

capitalism is bad though

>Le Fight Club is leftist and anti-capitalist

If you need any proof that Sup Forums is filled with retards that don't understand 90% of the shit they're talking about. Fight Club is so reactionary, it might as well have been written by Julius Evola - it hits almost all of his concepts, only instead of some esoteric LARPing it's a zany action comedy about Gen Xers.

The movie isn't anti capitalism you plebs
Tyler is supposed to be the bad guy, with wrong ideals inspiring people to do bad things

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>Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.

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>the energy in your body is generated by the foot you ate
>even the very thought you are having right now is motored by food
>implying you are not what you eat

The "alt right" actually loves this movie because it is implicitly hWhite and deals with White male angst about the world the lack of meaning the debasement of values the deterioration of community and interpersonal relationships alienation etc.

If you support Fractional reserve banking, you're a (((cuckservative))). Are you legally raterded?

>food analogies

This desu. Right down to the movie embracing oriental religious concepts.

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What would Durdan think about social media?

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hitler was a zionist and loved muslims, kill yourself mutt

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Would he be a cuck for it?

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Are Disneymoms ok with this?

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great posts soldier!

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>just because you think you are certain that you exist
Descartes please go

Why are you endorsing a social media whore?


I don't get it, was she drunk when she decided to post this?

Why don't you get laid?
>social media whore
>not attention whore
>confirmed for being a newfag/r_the_donald-crossposter

why do Sup Forumstards always look so awkward and always have babyfat faces?
how exactly do they want to save the white race if they look so pathetic and impotent?

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Hm? I never said that. But IF you are existing and thinking it's because of energy intake. I am very well aware of the logicial fallacy in CES.

Don't redditors love to post worship social media whores? Why are you comparing me to them when you're the one defending their faggotry? 0

consuming by choice and being shamed into consuming/because you don't consume enough aren't the same thing

Richard Spencer is likely more handsome than you. Prove me wrong.

they just want money and followers to look cool user. nobody wants to save shit and since not many people "represent" the right wingers they see an opportunity in it and milk it

>he thinks energy is real and not some abstract concept made up by a limited human mind
Point at him and laugh.

Nu Sup Forums would rather watch a shitty cartoon over a well made film.

Can't answer that but Spencer obviously thinks he's a dashing smart dude when he looks pretty much like garbage.

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Missed the part where I said "if". I mean I used capital letters. It's called "axiom". Didn't they teach you that in Philo101?
>Don't redditors love to post worship social media whores
How the fuck should I know? Just please fuck off with reddit/twitter normie garbage discussion.

if nazis looked like pic related, i'd be able to understand. Okay, fair enough that seems superior to me.

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but instead they look like this

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>How the fuck should I know?
You're the one vomiting up reddit you little fat fag.

>dude I need to use axioms otherwise my arguments would collapse in themselves

>if Nazi had the face of dogs bred to be ugly I'd be able to understand
Based Disneymom

>insults reddit letter media with a reddit meme picture
user i...

>implying any philosophy works without axioms
I don't even have a point to make sweetie. I neither care bout Descartes nor Buddhism.

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Why do brainlets still have problems understanding this movie after 20 years?

>hehe I got called out
>better insult him to look like I am a total 2014 oldfag

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To be fair ITT clearly only American Sup Forumstards have.

I think buying pointless furnishing and decor for your home, particularly if it's just to say you have the whole collection of whatever furniture set IKEA is selling in their catalogue, is as consumerist as it gets.

Pretty accurate

holy shit the 56% meme is real
post more trumptards

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You are damn right I don't. I am just here to shitpost, the most ancient of philosophical traditions

Post your picture /leftypol/

>implying Spencer is not a plant
the faggot apeared out of nowhere. How can people not see this?

lol critisizing capitalism is bad m'kay stop thinking criticaly of system you live in dude just live dont think