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His son will grow up, watch jackass and find it hilarious and then do the same thing to Bam who will of course also be a fat fuck in 20 years. By the way, his kids name is Phoenix Wolf

Old bummy fart

Watched Jackass 3.5 last night and Bam's shitty punk friend Raab Himself with his shitty fake laugh and dorky clothes pisses me off. I can't believe this faggot actually stayed on the air with his gay MOMS GONNA FREAK show.
All the bits with Bam involved gay shit with Dunn or things getting put in his ass. Clearly he fell off so bad because he was getting Dunn'd right in his ass.
Him fucking with his parents always felt like a way to relate to his 12 year old fans.
And HIM sucks.

>The craziest person of the show is the one who made it in the end.


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>God Tier
Chris Pontius
Phil Margera

>High Tier
Johnny Knoxville
Preston Lacy
Ryan Dunn

>Mid tier
Brad Pitt

>Shit tier
Dave England

>Faggot tier
Bam Margera

I legit hated bam for that shit. What an annoying bastard to go around doing that.

Change God Tier to

he made a career out of beating up his father, sad!

>God Tier

>High Tier
Dave England
Wee Man

>Mid Tier
Ryan Dunn

>Shit Tier
Bam's Friends

You forgot
>Elder God Tier
Party Boy

Attached: Party_Boy_Japan.png (687x404, 711K)


im so glad for him. i always wanted stevo to make it to the end.

Is there a new terrible cringy youtube video up?
Please tell me there is a terrible cingy video up..

Re-watching a lot 90s and early 00s tv and movies a lot of it is really childish humor. Poo and pee humor. I mean even mainstream major blockbusters.

Doesn't have to be bad but I kinda find it weird in hindsight. Almost none of that is around now. Closest I can think of is that elephant scene in Brothers Grimsby but that movie flopped

I unironically hope he an heroes just for the wave of tribute tattoos followed by a mass realization of how godawful he was in every way. Never liked that scumfuck.

still waiting on his skate park

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posting the same old picture when Bam is sober and looking healthy

"Hey watch this im gonna yall the fawkin' n-word in april's pussy"

Phil deserved a much better son

He's a fat fuck but he seems like a really nice guy

he was pretty god natured
Bam is just an obnoxious asshole who lucked out

I'm putting together a team

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The opposite. He had an episode of Epicly Later'd featured about him recently. He's sober and has started skating and working out again and recently became a dad. He still hangs out with Novak though.

who else used to think bams mom was hot

How did the Margeras get so rich with no discernible intelligence or skills

They had a massive house, granted it was in rural PA but still

>in 20 years
Bam will have drunk himself to death in a year.

They're average middle class americans

IIRC Something About Mary started that fad. I never hear anyone talk about that movie now but it was the Jaws of 90s/2000s gross-out comedies.

He’s fell off again after that aired tho.

Her and Phil were only in their mid-40s during peak Jackass / Viva La Bam. They really shouldn't have looked that bad. But yeah, I did.

Attached: 01-Bam-as-a-young-kid-with-his-family.jpg (700x791, 285K)

Bam's mom has always looked old and never had a good set of titties at any point in her life.

which Jackass episode was it where Bam sucks a bag of dicks and then eats 3 dozen frosted doughnuts?

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*cackles incessantly*

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Ah the heroins a tough one to kick, I assume it was heroin or oxys? As well as the obvious crutchahol?

Bam was a pro skater before he got into Jackass.

Him, Knoxville, and that vegan cuck Pontius were my favorites

Me on the right

Bam unjusted himself tho

>a pro skater

no, wasn't he a "life coach" or something?

my fucking sides

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being a pro in skating nowadays is about as relevant as being pro at pocket pingis, nobody cares


>mfw he starts dragging him

this guy is a piece of shit

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bam ruined jackass as far as i'm concerned

god no

He was a pro skater back when skateboarding was cool so he made decent money. Snorted and drank most of it.

Not in just a year, but it's possible that this may happen.

>Bam hanging with retards who are literally braindead from overusing drugs
I bet he's in a similar state as his "friend" in this day and age

He got a DUI like right after his son was born, you can look it up.

>In the beginning of his career, during 1997 and 1998, Margera was sponsored by Toy Machine Skateboards.[11] From 2001, Margera was a member of Team Element, the demonstration team for Element Skateboards

> He was also at various times sponsored by Speed Metal Bearings, Adio Footwear, Electric Sunglasses, Volcom,[14] Landspeed Wheels,[15] Destroyer Trucks,[16] Destructo Trucks, and Fairman's Skateshop.

Novak finally cleaned up though and helps addicts now and doesn't fuck around with Bam like this anymore the last I saw. Your video is pretty damn old.

He should help himself to the medicine cabinet and end himself desu

My best friend died in a car accident four years ago. He's dead and gone. Iceland's his favorite place. I'm gonna build him a skatepark.
You don't have be a musician to be an Earth Rocker. Andrew Stranberg is an Earth Rocker.

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What is an earth rocker anyway

>Iceland's his favorite place

Because there are no trees on Iceland?

anyone have an update on the possible revival of Wildboyz?

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>Thank god Nikki wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up with a black guy who prolly went to jail. She has a big mouth.
What the fuck Bam?

No Pontius
No watch

What will Miika Margera do next? :-D

Ape and Phil are super nice people, met them back in 2003 and helped them carry catering trays back to their PT cruiser after a CKY show in Philly.


I liked when he put firecrackers in his dads room to wake him up.

he's standing front and center you spaz

paybacks a bitch motherfu


"pro skater"

I'm a "pro-poster" on a Thai Bicycle Club image board

my sides again!

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Hey Bam! Don't worry, you'll be off the wagon again in a month.

Their theory on Bam living out every 12 year old's fantasy by bullying his parents was so fucking good.

That's Phil though, his dad

I always assumed Phil was a tradesman of some sort. You don't need to be a multi-millionaire to avoid a place like that in rural America.

>Ehren anything above absolute retard tier

You make decent cash as a tradesman, they have good unions.
Skilled tradesmen are a parallel upper-middle class.

Wasn't he doing fine and skating again like a year ago?


no he was still eating that bag of dicks left over from the Jackass episode and talking to architects about building a skate park in Iceland

bonus round:
it's all about me (see him watch to make sure where he camera is)


waste of human protoplasm

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How did he get away with just punching his friend square in the face and dragging him on the ground until his ass was raw, why did nobody care, why did only one person attempt to help the drunken guy and not get him sent to jail. The 00s were a different age.

>spots the camera
>goes on to hug the woman with a kid for a better shot

I'd deliever the druggie straight to the police, fuck degenerates

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The dichotomy of man.

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hes doing stand up now


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lol wtf who is using stav reaction image. is it you?

Even if he was your good friend and you were also a druggie. I'm not so sure you would desu.

Am I looking into a mirror?

druggies don't have friends though, they just have drug partners who got money for it, as soon as the well is dry, they find new partners

But weren't they friends before becoming dysfunctional druggies. And after, even though one used to punch the other in the face for fun.

Getting knocked out cold as a "joke" isn't anyone I would call a friend