They're going to pretend to finally do something meaningful in the series killing off a bunch of important heroes only...

They're going to pretend to finally do something meaningful in the series killing off a bunch of important heroes only to rewind everyone's deaths using the time stone after they defeat Thanos aren't they?

Attached: 31-poll-which-infinity-stones-do-you-plan-maining-marvel-vs-capcom-.jpg (700x220, 34K)

>soul stone
>looks like a piece of shit

>Space stone

Attached: 1392519544546.png (400x400, 14K)

M-maybe you should go sea a doctor user.

Maybe you should bend your sweet 200 pound ass over so I can shove some of my homemade country style chicken black beans straight up that 300ib ass of yours jive honkey

>Like a mind stone cowboy

I haven't watched a single capeshit since iron man 3 and I dont even care. None of this shit ever mattered and we all wasted our time

>no Diversity Stone
I literally just
I can't even do this rn

they should kill off iron man. RDJ is clearly annoyed with his role and he costs the most.
The bigger stars are hempering the franchise with their huge salaries.
Kill them off, take the new characters, maybe drop the odd spin-off movie if necessary and then move on.

No, it's going to be like the Namek Saga.

Back and forths, stealing and treachery, they'll probably do a revival wish while Thanos is still alive.

>I guess the real power was in all of us coming together as one... the most powerful stone was The Family Stone
>Dance To The Music begins playing

Will they actually kill Thanos or will he just vanish and then come back some time later like literally 99% marvel villains?

They should kill off the guys who actually aren't superheroes. You know, like Hawkeye, Iron Man and Black Widow. They are literally just people in costumes, and I don't even get how they are supposed to be on par with people like Thor and Vision.

Why kill him off when they might want to use him again

that was in the black panther

They wont do this but they should.

Attached: drax btfos thanos.jpg (481x750, 114K)

How much you wanna bet they copy this page but replace Drax with Black Panther

It’s gonna be like that Twilight final movie

Captain America has Thano's baby?

They all die and then it never happened

Theyr're probably gonna do some kind of xmen x avengers cinematic universe next.

I hope not. I actually enjoy xmen