Community centers in black neighborhoods bought all the theaters to give free admission to black kids

>community centers in black neighborhoods bought all the theaters to give free admission to black kids
Yeah... A billion dollars' worth. Who would have thought that community centers had 12-figure cash reserves?
No wonder they never bought new nets for the basketball hoops; they were saving up to embarrass the megas

>charity organizations donated over a billion dollars for poor blacks to see this film
That sure explains why they never bothered cleaning up the inner cities or funding social change, they were saving up their titanic wealth so that the blacks could go see this film instead of improving their lives

>Black Panther box office: $1.126 billion
>All bought screenings put together: less than $1 million
So it only made $1.125 billion, damn...

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*crickets* no one cares Sambo.

yet you cared enough to post.

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In soem ways, Black panther is bigger than marvel now.

>In soem ways, a Marvel product is bigger than Marvel now.

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You forget public schools busing nignogs in mass buddy. I mean good for Disney for scamming the left like this

>That sure explains why they never bothered cleaning up the inner cities or funding social change
No sense in throwing good money after bad. At least the movie distracted them from killing eachother for two hours.

Look up "trite" in the dictionary. Maybe next time you'll think twice before attempting a reddit-tier circlejerk

In all ways, Yayoi is inferior to Sachiko forever.

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Are you a brainlet

>In soem ways, a product is bigger than itself now.

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I said Yayoi sucks. Pay attention to me.

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IIT Gay retards believe exaggerated statistics and don't understand that giving black youth a good role model for once is actually worth donations from private charities that can do whatever they want with their money
Conserverators always push for self determination and self financing as long as it's not used to support things they don't like :(

Which aspect of Black Panther makes him a good role model: the fact that he was given given power by his family connections, the fact that he was given his strength from space aliens, or the fact that he lost both of those things fair and square to some garden-variety orphan with a grudge?

This has been a 40 year work in progress by the GOP. They have been conditioning their voters to distrust science and any news that disagrees with their priors, and have been attacking schools around the country, trying to keep them from teaching higher order thinking skills. The extremism in the modern era stems solely from the right.

T'Challa is a born leader who's thoughtful, patient, and compassionate. The movie portrays women -- particularly T'Challa's inner circle of Okoye, Nakia, and Shuri -- as strong, smart, capable, and courageous. Shuri is an inventive tech genius. Even the main villain is complicated and thought-provoking. Positive representation of Marvel's first black superhero; diverse ensemble cast. A highly respected character is revealed to have made some pretty big mistakes in the past.

Did you even watch this film?
The literal plot is a logical, egalitarian African king killing an entitled radical leftist who wants to genocide white people.

A superhero is a much, much better role model than an ugly murderous gangster or a morally decadent rapper.

and guess what? this is the first fucking actual good black role model for kids that ANYONE has given a shit about. You want blacks to stop turning to crime? Stop the fuckheads who teach them crime is cool or just at a young age.

>Transformers makes a billion
>Ugh so many stupid people
>Kang Panther makes a billion


>Transformers makes a billion
>Ugh so many stupid people
>Black Panther makes a billion

If you want to take it a step further, Killmonger doesn't just want to kill all Whites, he was to kill EVERYONE who isn't Black. He smashes his way into a carefully balanced utopia, destroys everything that actually keeps that utopia running (Heart shaped herb, secrecy) out of jealousy that he personally wasn't handed it on a silver platter, and throughout the movie attempts to solve all of his (and his people's) problems through breaking things rather than building him.

The whole movie is basically a big slap in the face to fatherless households and Black Nationalism.

Fucking exactly, which is why when idiot red pillers hate on it it just shows how they're possessed by their ideology and don't think critically at all. This movie shows the problems with black culture in america, it doesn't just jerk black people off. This movie's message is not leftist propaganda at all.

Meanwhile the main actor says BP was the villain not Killmonger.


That is bullshit, I can't disagree with you there

except EVERYONE loves the genocidal villain nigger better

But we know about the charities and the public schools, hardly a conspiracy when it's in the news

>if i close my eyes its not true

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Disney had to tax shelter and obfuscate money from the government like the jews they are.

No schools where I live (black area) did this. Maybe you should put up some numbers showing how one or two places you saw on the news doing it translates to a billion dollars.

not the little kids who saw that movie. Kids know evil when they see it in a movie, they naturally attract to the good guy.

Their minds haven't been molded into a hate machine by politics yet, so this influence of loving a good hero that looks like them will make a difference, believe it or not.

nobody needs a billion dollars. i hope they invest at least 99% of this into black communities

>no money?
>no problem

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Disney literally marketed seeing this movie as political activism
The mouse is on another level

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i like this meme
this is a good meme

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It's going to hit the 1.2b mark tomorrow
we need a new image

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“Scam” implies that people were cheated out of their money. Do you see many complaints from the left about Black Panther?

cute trap

>And when it tops the weekend charts yet again tomorrow, it'll be the first movie since Avatar to do so for at least five straight weekends

when's the next blockbuster coming out? it's Ready Player One, right?

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It wasn't nonprofits doing this user, it was the floating jellyfishmen from Jupiter laundering money by buying millions of tickets then siphoning the money back from the theaters and Disney for their plans of world domination, they plan to frack all the gas out of Earth until air's just the right mixture for them to float around us outside of their suits.

have pic semi related..

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