More like Dr. Milfi, amIrite?

more like Dr. Milfi, amIrite?

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god, no

Upvote if u wanked to that rape scene xD

Is this the JUST thread or a makeup on/off thread?


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He was bald the whole time though.

never wanted to be a gun more than ever in my life

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how long ago was the sopranos, this was expected kid.

I always wanted to get shot by her in bed while I'm asleep or wake up and have hateful makeup sex to affirm my loyalty to the jewess. She was a whore irl apparently, fucked Paulie, Jimmy, and all the fellas so they probably focused on Henry's infedility since women would probably not root for a whore.

daft cunt


j u s t

These two are awfully close in some pictures.

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No shit try finding an image of him without a stupid fucking bandana. I feel embarrassed for him

You just know

What if Tony thought AJ was a loser but AJ was actually watching Milfhunter on his computer in season one and learning some moves?

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She sounded super old when she did a voice on Bojack

It's literally written on his face.

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if that woman on the left had only had the decency to lift her left arm a bit she could be the merchant

He looks frightened if you ask me.

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What the hell. I guess it wsa okay to wear that back when he was playing rock n roll but he shouldve taken it off about 20 years ago

Honestly impressed. Good for him. Tony couldnt even get that.

I'd be frightened too if I cucked Lee Artie Oswald too.

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Tony did get that though?

Oh! Easy on da gabagool, doc.

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He did? What season/episode?

She tells Carm early in the series, that her and Tony dated when they had a break. When they were young


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Season one, either when Artie moves into a new house or when Tony has a dinner party and she told Carm when they were planning it. It's after the first episode since they needed money after Vasuvio blows up.

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Not milf version though. Who the fuck knows what she looked like then.

Quads confirm