For me? It's Patrice O'neal

For me? It's Patrice O'neal.

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Knock it off, spade.

the best Irish comedian

I am listening to him right now, Ever noticed how they mention the jew very often in the show? like if they were all redpilled?

Who fed him that line? No way he came up with it himself.

Jimmy norton.

The best bobo bits are the edgy bobo from david and bobo show and stalker patty day when jimmy was behind bobo feeding him the edgiest things and bobo would deliver them with an angry voice, it was a fucking BLISS right there we could have a replament show for O&A

Patrice 'O meal. he had such a chip on his shoulder about white people and humans in general. It's not bad for bitter faggots to die and be forgotten about. Life is for the living and we're all stuck in this mess together.

patrice was as red pilled as could be. if he were alive today he'd be posting on Sup Forums with his shoe on his head asking for black pills.

He probably start and maintain a black panther (organization) general in there for redpilling blacks and shitposting together.

Oh man... all the things that could have been... gone.

I listen to the black philip very often.

Bobo is still golden

If he was so red pill why didn’t he take care of himself and lost weight. He would have still been alive. Also he was a raging cuck. For all that shit he said about knowing and understanding women he let other men fuck her in front of him and raised her kid.

Patrice O'Neal wrote the textbook on chinks.

he was a literal cuck and his ex-partner (not even wife) is scamming people on the back of his legacy

because being red pilled doesnt mean you need to give a shit

>If he was so red pill why didn’t he take care of himself and lost weight
Negroid genetics.

Imagine being such a useless bitch your only accomplishment is fucking a fat man before he died from beetus.

is this funny because it's META?

god, I want to fuck Flutesy.

That’s makes no fucking sense becuase blacks have lots of athletes. Plus you don’t need to have any certain type of genetics to eating right and minimal excercise.

I miss Patreeky. his death definitely threw the show out of a wack.

You see a sign outside this board that says dead nigger storage?

it did Anthony good to have someone to push back on his racism and not ever get offended

>dude loud nigger who would watch one documentary and think he was an expert on everything and if you tried to refute his points he would scream as loud as he could to shut you down lmao
Patrice had some funny stories, but every time he tried to get ''real'' it was Joe Rogan levels retard broscience.

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>patrice was as red pilled as could be
Why? Because he called women whores? He blamed whites for literally everything. He is as ''''''red pilled'''''' as your average Black Panther watching black twitter folk.

He's funny alright but let's not pretend he wasn't relegated to doing a bit radio show part because he burned every bridge he ever came across after having to play a fat black cowboy jesus for cc.

let's not pretend to take this post seriously.

Like he didn't outwardly hate on every comedian more popular than him every time you stuck a mic in his face.

His fight with Danny showed how much of a stubborn and paranoid negro he was.

he didn't, what the fuck are you even talking about?

The puzzling thing to me was that he actually seemed to genuinely like Opie. Maybe he just liked to be able to pick the brain of a corny awkward white guy.

> Patrice wasn't an overly vocal hater.
The fuck are you even talking about?

he clearly spoke his mind but to say he outwardly hated on every comedian more popular than him is just fucking moronic and completely incorrect.

in fact, I defy you to give examples of this. there's a difference between sharing an unfavorable opinion on someone and your accusation.

Eh I'm just not invested enough to do that. Just time and time again he rants off like wtf is the world going to do for him after his killed his career before it even started.

>He blamed whites for literally everything
White people (read: jews) ARE to be blamed for everything.

Opie kissed his ass and Patrice was grateful to have a platform to openly speak his mind.

because that's simply not how he was. he spoke his mind but he wasn't someone who would blatantly shit on someone just because they were more popular than him.

he would acknowledge that he should be more popular than he was at the time, which was definitely true, and that he was a big part of the problem but to say that he would just shit on anyone who was more popular is just not correct at all and I have to wonder if you've listened to enough of him or are just going off a handful of clips.

>shit taste in movies
>thought he was smart after watching a few youtube videos
>fat fuck vegetarian
>liked Opie
why do people like him again? because he died?

I've thought about this quite a bit over the years and I think there's a definite power dynamic at play there. not a sinister one, but there was a certain level of respect he gave to both Opie and Anthony because of who they were and what was to be gained from being on such a huge show.

there's no fucking way Patrice didn't get absolutely annoyed at the "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON" and other Opie bullshit. he definitely walked on 'gregg shells' like a lot of the other comics did at times too.

I don't think it was a phoniness thing or anything like that but I bet he probably held his tongue towards Opie a few times.

It's just about all in retrospect my exposure to A+O are all the youtube clips so yeah that probably fucks up the ratio quite a bit.

>his ex-partner (not even wife) is scamming people on the back of his legacy
Is the tribute show still being held every year? If so, what a racket.

If you actually gonna listen to a negro for life advice at least listen to a successful one. Steve Harvey has his shit together, actually knows a lot about women. Bamboozled them into buying his crappy books. Has a wife with healthy relationship, successful career, takes care of himself.

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>yfw Patrice was like 6'6"

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Why are americans so dense?
Most of the shit he talked was just horse shit.. made up to pull in viewers
He wrote for WWE, did stand up and went to see hookers oversea's... srsly a lot of the so called racism and woman bashing is there simply to make a show. He admits to talking bs several times.
You people cant read between the lines even if it was a pink elephant with a bow tie singing Abba hits

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What's your favorite Patrice O'Neal bit? I liked the one where the doctor told him he was going to die if he kept consuming so much sugar, then he kept eating sugar while bragging about it on the radio until he died.

Unfortunately he catered to the males that can’t get women becuase of their appearance or personality. So instead of trying to better themselves they double down and blame all their problems on an entire gender. He joked the same old misogynistic stereotypes about women that have existed for years and these idiots some how think he’s a genius. And don’t get me started on how all his conspiracies were just bullshit.

HOL UP HOL UP lets go the callers here real


>He wrote for WWE, did stand up and went to see hookers oversea's
Yeah? What does that have to do with your point?

Yeh but even though i.e. like myself i dont believe it i still enjoy the fuck out of it listening to it
And some feminists really deserved to get butchered the way they did

He was difficult to work with and shit talked everybody just for trying to put on a show, constantly. Listen to the episode with him and Chris Rock, Chris clearly explains that he couldn't hire Patrice because he fought with all the actors and staff all the time and talked down the project in the most useless and non-productive way. Also check out Patrice's story about Spike Lee, who offered him a job and he said no and he lost that contact. Also Patrice's story about his time on The Office, where he said he never got a significant speaking role because he wouldn't play nice with the crew. Patrice fits his niche but he's not made for show business. He's actually pretty dumb and belligerent. Great on radio though.

That amerihicks believe WWE is real

And now he's 6' under haha

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Steve Harvey is so well put together and stable that he actually has a show where all he does is stand up and answer the audience's dumb easy life questions. There are a lot of smart talk show hosts but almost none of them have a show solely dedicated to piecemeal working out the life problems of audience members. I love Steve.

They used to believe it during the territory era.

how is being difficult to work with, or aloof as he put it himself, the same as shit talking every comedian that is more popular than him? I never denied that he was a difficult person, he himself had no issue owning up to that, but there's a huge difference between that and what was asserted in the posts I was initially responding to.

His advice 90% of the time just boiled down to faking it until you made it though.

Yeah plenty of retards don't really understand that the guy was a comedian doing what it takes to get a laugh on a shock jock show. You can like the guy without being stupid like that, but some people don't get it.

But if he wasn't that kind of person he wouldn't have been funny

Oh, you're right he didn't shit talk all comedians above him.

Do you have to define his attitude as ironic so its safe to laugh at?

No. Patrice is good to laugh at unironically, I just cringe at the idea of someone taking his advice and trying to act like him.

Official best Patrice moment of all time:

its called having integrity

I don’t have a problem with Patrice just his fan boys that think he had everything figured out. He was really good at roasting women especially feminist.
Harvey better much is a smart con artist and I respect him for it. If your gonna call someone red pill at least let it be Harvey.

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Based Patrice, donkey punch a bitch my nigga

I just listened to an O+A show where he complained for half an hour about being broke and having to take the train everywhere, then when they asked him if he wanted to plug anything he just laughed maniacally for a minute

You can have integrity as a comedian, just don't do shit you deem below you only to bitch about it all the way until the end of your career in a radio corner.

On the plus side I'm glad he's not one of these 'muh noble profession' standups that pretend they're doing it for any other reason than they can't write.

Patrice literally couldn't help himself from roasting everyone.
That's how good of a comedian he was.
His whole life was dedicated to unveiling gold for manure and it was beautiful. One of the few people I think the world suffers without.
Imagine him ripping into the Lena Dunham's of the world now, he'd be unstoppable.