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wait a sec if these people are always on the brink of survival why are some of the characters getting fatter and fatter

i stopped watching after season 4?

they are in some prison having stupid conversations about their feelings.

>You will never cum deep inside Rosita's pussy and then slump over in sweaty, satisfied exhaustion
jdimsa ;_;

Why do you think the rest of them are on the brink of survival?

It's not like a show can go on forever. Eventually it was going to crash and burn.

Make main characters old women, black women and black men

Make main character marry a black woman

Huh wonder why it went shit

She has fat jew tits, she is the sister of the annoying guy from that 70s show danny masterson, remember when he was accused of some rape shit??? You never hear about him anymore.

It's just her right now and everyone just wants her to die

yeah and in this case it happened on episode 2 of series 1. viewership took a while to catch up

I feel like Tara's actress has dirt on a producer or the Scientologists threatened something if they kill her off, because there is zero reason for that character not to be dead. She's fat despite living in an apocalypse and the most annoying character in the history of the show.

Clothes are on the clean side, too.
Laundromats still operating.

Season 3 was the last good season. Fight me.

Still butthurt at how awful this show turned out to be. I mean the comics aren't brilliant literature but at the time AMC was on fire and Darrabont was on board. Then we ended up getting Days of Our Lives with Zombies

I can't believe this show is still going. It should have been a mini-series, maybe fourteen episodes at the most.
It's been seven and half years since it began. A fucking real-life zombie apocalypse would be over by now.

What happened after Rick fucked Michonne? Any relevant deaths? I heard Carl died
Andrea should've never died, is she still alive on the comics?

The Walking Dead could've wrapped up after like 3 seasons, and while it wouldn't be a mastepiece, it would be remembered as a very decent show

Instead they decided to drag the corpse through the mud. Shame

The Walking Dead is so fucking bad now even by The Walking Dead standards, people who dropped it even as late as season 6 have NO IDEA.

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They had only ONE job: bring Negan in and make him menacing and exciting. They completely fucked it up.

Despite what you might see on Sup Forums, where most men are extremely weak and obsessed with the concept of "alpha males," if you read pretty much anywhere else on the internet where people have decent IQ you'll see Negan has been hated deeply. Not only is JDM a skinny soy-man, his mannerisms and expressions and backwards-leaning fucking knees were just terrible. And on top of that they took way too long to show him AND made his first kill a cliffhanger.

There is no possible way they could've killed the show any further, so this is not surprising at all.

>if you read pretty much anywhere else on the internet
Sounds like Reddit to me. Maybe you should go back.


dumb self hating poster

>dude there are only two websites on the internet that discuss the biggest most popular form of media and I must vehemently defend my little special club xD

Please do neck yourself, m'tard.

Genuine spoilers: Abraham and Glenn got their skulls bashed in by Negan, it was actually pretty rad. It would've been legendary if they didn't delay it with a ratings stunt cliffhanger, WebM related was literally the last thing you saw in season 6 and they didn't resolve it until the saeason 7 premier. That was pretty much the last time anyone cared about The Walking Dead.

Since then, the fat autistic lesbian doctor caught a bolt through the eye by the crossbow Dwight stole from Daryl. Spencer from Alexandria got gutted by Negan for being a weasel sucking up to Negan and conspiring to replace Rick as Alexandria's leader. The fat lady in charge of food and weapon inventory got shot in the face as punishment for Rosita trying to shoot Negan. Morales from season 1 showed up as part of the antagonist group and Daryl killed him. Eugene and Sasha got captured by Negan and Eugene snuck her pills to kill herself with. Aaron's boyfriend caught a bullet to the gut and turned. And yeah Carl did die, in the lamest way imaginable. He got bit helping a random stranger because of some stupid last-minute philosophy of peace and love. The rest of the deaths aren't really notable, or you wouldn't know who they were unless you watched past the point of Rick and Michonne getting together.

Andrea only very recently died in the comics, she saved Eugene from a bunch of walkers and got a minor bite.

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You hyped to see the gang kill evil Hillary next issue?


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This show is going nowhere. People are realizing this

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I tuned out a while ago myself. I tuned back in for an episode here and there. Rick started banging the Black chick and a bunch of characters became faggots. Fuck this gay shit.

I'm so glad I dropped the show then, thank you user.
Also, Andrea died saving Eugene? I really have no reasons to keep reading that comic book now, unless the guy with the tiger is still alive. Man, I can't even remember which characters I liked

this is when i dropped the show. it all went just full retard for no reason, some of the laziest and schizophrenic writing I've ever seen

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No, she is dead

What is the end game? Will they find a cure or will they just all die?

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it stops being profitable and then the show is cancelled

why don't they just use the eagles?

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Was I the only one who wanted to see this bitch die since season one? She always made this stupid face and every line out of her stupid mouth was a passive-aggressive question.

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Once ratings are low enough that AMC starts bleeding money, I assume the writers will summon a gigantic army of sneaky zombies and kill everyone still alive at that point

A fitting end

I want everyone to die except Eugene.

I want him to be left all alone.

What? Next season already started? Shit, i've heard NOBODY talking about it when to years ago my feed was full of people talking about it. Damn everyone got fed up with this show at the same time.

How can anyone still watch this the characters are awful and just seem you flip flop to whatever the plot demands. It's kinda sad that a syfy original series has better characters than this.

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That show is just as shit though.

They butchered pretty much every character from the comics.

The game is much better and it is a fucking videogame.

Andrea gave me this weird urge to kiss her ugly old wrinkly monkey face

Is the shitty offshoot series still running? I don't even remember the name of it.

Fear? Yes it is, and it's unironically better than the main series at this point.

No way. At least that show is funny and sort of has an actual plot.

There's an episode in Season 3 (9 or 10 maybe) where she's walking towards the wall in Woodbury and her body and gait look downright simian. She looked like a chimp who's just found something shiny.

So what's going on these days? Is Negan dead? Did Carl ever get that pussy? Is Michonne pregnant with Ricks chad babies yet?

Zombies then vampires were cool in the early 20-teens.

What is the new hotness besides interracial couples in everything/

no no and no

>Virtuos leaders are black/ jews/ female/ lgtbbq
>Abusive leaders are fucking a white male
Rick being the exception to the rule. He's also the only one who used to have a job that helps him operate, everyone else simply got their positions by being "good" people.

>You never hear about him anymore
You never heard about him to begin with.

I dont get this pic

She switched sides herself earlier in the show.

>established within the first couple episodes that zombies can smell the living
>not one in the entire horde picks up on the dozen people hiding under cars

Realistically, wouldn't all the women (except Michonne) all be forced into prostitution?

At this point even the porn parody of TWD is better


>mfw tomorrow marks the 6 year anniversary of the season 2 finale
Time flies.

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This show is one of the worst things I've seen in the last 15 years. Are you a woman by any chance?

Please don't tell me they show these any of these disgusting hobos having sex.

Andrea was actually cool in the comics and the show managed to completely it up.

Since the end of season 7, Tara has been henpecking Dwight about being untrustworthy and tried to kill or have him killed several times despite proving himself time and time again to be a reliable double agent who only did the bad things he did (which Daryl knows of) to protect someone he loves just like anyone else would. She even admitted they wouldn't have lasted as long as they did without his help, but she went right back to being an idiot. Even if she still doesn't trust him, her stupid attempt to take him out to the woods and kill him allowed him to get away, which would've blown up in her face and gotten all her friends killed if not for the fact that Dwight is remaining true to his word about stopping Negan. Now, it's ESPECIALLY bad considering she was part of The Governor's siege on the prison that got countless people killed, and Rick's group took her in despite that because she helped Glenn. The writers are retards if they think this is compelling drama, it just pisses people off.

Society collapsed less than a decade ago in TWD and it takes place in the USA. I'm pretty sure the remnants of Western civilization wouldn't instantly revert to medieval ways. Although it is unrealistic that the issue of rape/prostitution almost never gets brought up in TWD. You would think by now Rick and the gang would've encountered a rape gang.

Not everyone is as insecure about their virginity and pencil dick as you are, Sup Forums.

Now go back to your containment board

I want to fugg enid so god damn hard in her meaty vagina and put babies in her belly I have no words to describe it. hope you know what I'm trying to convey.

What are you on about you retarded Sup Forumstard?

There have been 5 black main characters the entire show. The other 15-20 are all white.

If I am, then that makes your mom a lesbian.

They shouldve just stayed on the 5 main characters and not a bunch of useless niggers which is his point.

After that they get into a ridiculous war with the "governor" of a commune that isn't total shit
Rick being Rick, he and his crew become insanely jealous of them and find a way to ruin their town. If anyone is doing better than Ricks crew, they'll find a way to sabotage them.. everyone MUST be as miserable and screwed up as they are.

I came back to watch season 4 and stopped soon after


medieval ways isnt forcing everyone into prostitution brainlet

But he is a cuck

They did that at the hospital with the cop gang rape of female patients

The zombies at their peak outnumbered humans 5,000:1. If we were to use the pre-infection population of ~300,000,000, it means that only around 60~70k people survived. (Realistically it would be lower since many people died during the initial chaos). That's barely the population of a small city-if not a large town- spread throughout the ENTIRE U.S.
Georgia, which has around 3.6% of the US population, would proportionally only have 2,500 people. My high school had more people than that. Some of my lecture halls in college had 1/5 of that.
I would say it would take several decades for humans to reach something even resembling the middle ages. The manpower would just not be there to achieve anything greater.

World is filled with dead people eating the living and you think people are going to stay sane enough to rebuild society?

Long term survival in these apocalyptic scenarios are a godamn joke and shouldn't be the point.

People would still be able to rebuild something resembling "society." Woodbury was the best example of this: a walled town with plants and crops inside. It might not be as friendly and innocent as Mayberry, but it would exist.
Walkers wouldn't even be much of a problem after the initial shock. If every able-bodied person (let's say half the population, around 1,250 people in Georgia) killed 10 walkers a day for five days a week for a year, they would clear out more than 3 million walkers in only one year.
Hell, one guy set up with a rifle on a building could kill hundreds in a day. The whole "ammo scarcity" plot device in the show would never happen. There's millions of ammunition rounds floating around in private hands, especially in rural states like Georgia. Just to give you an idea, here's some people talking about their ammo stockpiles in California, a state not known for its gun culture:
Most gun owners there have a minimum of 1000 rounds stockpiled. Georgians would definitively have more.


>There's millions of ammunition rounds floating around in private hands

>"Hero's Journey? Three-Part Act? Yawn!"

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True it'd pretty much sort out the weak willed right from the start. You'd need five events before ammo ever became scarce just with the amount of pawn shops alone.

>Sup Forums boogeyman!!!

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Are there any REAL southerners here that talk like retards? I just want to know if Lauren Cohan's ridiculous accent is unrealistic or not.

>meaty vagina
For some reason that combination of words gets me rock hard. Enid's mound of pussy would be really fun to play with.

I've heard people sound like her. I was surprised she was English.
You'd be amazed how incomprehensible some Southerners speak. The most realistic accents are the actual hick actors who play Darryl and Merle, with the worst being Andrew Lincoln. His accent slips in and out very badly.

Something seemed very wrong when I was mid way through season 2. Why are we spending all our time on this fucking farm?!.. as soon as Frank Durabont was fired at the end of season 1 it was a downward spiral.

I didn't know that it was still on.

Norman Reedus isn't a hick. He doesn't have an accent in real life.

>Norman Reedus isn't a hick

>"Reedus was born in Hollywood, Florida
Yes he is.

You have to go to specific parts of a state to find hicks. Reedus isn't a hick. Just watch any interview with the actor.

I was just joking, you're right. The guy who played Merle actually spoke in life like he did in the show.

her fat is literally hanging over her belt this is gross

The entire referenced post was about interracial marriage killing a show. That's not just an opinion I don't like, that's typical Sup Forums shitposting.

Tara is insufferable but she's not a hypocrite. She never murdered for Governor. She was a conscientious objector. Dwight was a nigger for Negan.

I'm surprised it made it this far because season 2 was already trash.

I lasted for over 7 seasons but this latest season is just too fucking shit. I can't stand it anymore so I dropped it anymore. Nothing can save this shitshow anymore. It's so fucking boring and there is no real end goal for the shittiness either.

Season 2 had the slowest start but was the most kino because of Masku Somethin