This boy is flawed

This boy is flawed

Attached: Bobby.png (219x230, 54K)

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That boy ain't right

IF I ever have a son and turned out to be a bobby I would shoot him in the head.

Attached: angrybobby.png (169x191, 52K)


Bobby's not a bad son

Attached: bobby cera.jpg (477x500, 43K)


what did bobby do?

>implying Bobby wouldn't destroy you with his tard strength
>not remembering that episode when Bobby out shoots Hank at the gun range despite never had fired a gun in his life
>not remembering the episode where Bobby becomes best friends with Strickland

Bobby was playing the long game of demoralizing Hank and killing him bare handed to usurp his position as block captain and manager of Strickland Propane.

Attached: Bobby-hill-wrestling-650x469.png (650x469, 438K)

Them is fighting words right there.

Attached: 0fa.jpg (640x468, 43K)

this boy's alright

Attached: 22222.jpg (501x499, 18K)

Attached: Diseasesaed.png (1045x545, 597K)

Always felt bad for Hank. Has a rube of a wife, and a pathetic excuse for a son.

Lump chip charcoal is unironically the most patrician grilling fuel

You're not wrong but them still is fighting words. It's undpoken that Hank, Peggy, Luanne and Bobby charcoal since Luanne made burgers using charcoal but didn't tell anyone until Peggy saw the bag and Peggy started sneaking around cooking with charcoal until Hank found out.

Fuck off back to /x/ Dale.

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Attached: slingbobby.png (205x256, 62K)

totally tubular dood!

Some bobbys grow up to be decent people, user

Does anyone remember that copypasta where Bobby grows up to be a counselor and he calls his dad to thank him for his childhood upbringing because most of his clients were basketcases

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>Not remembering Hank was a terrible shot to begin with

How common were soyboys like bobby when this show first came out?

And? I bet Bobby was actually Cotton's son since he had such latent killing power inside him.

Considering the entire United states is soy now probably a lot

Bobby ain't a soy if anything Bobby is just a sperg.


The boy is soy god dangit.

Okay Sup Forums

How? He plays vidya, he collects troll dolls, he has a girlfriend, he beats said girlfriend in a hand to hand fight, he holds no leftist political ideologies other than maybe bleaching Connie or whatever he gets duped into then gets set right by the end of the episode, and he is one of the best characters. If anything Hank is a soy after he lost all his chad privilages but even then he wasn't a REAL chad.

That boy need therapy.

them boys ain't h'white

>the most racist hook hating WWII veteran knew Khan was laotian as soon as he met him yet Hank and the gang assumed he was chinese

always makes me kek

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this not correct


That wife sure is annoying cunt

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Fuckin Saved

Okay daeud

Sons have always disappointed fathers.

KoTH and Shrek 1&2 are good though. Bee Movie was always shit and That's So Raven is way better than Cory in the house.

This child is not acceptable.

No one is talking about anime. Fuck off retard

the youngling displays unnatural characteristics

Holy shit

Attached: Bane_Batman.jpg (1227x1821, 526K)

Like that guy that killed himself the other day?

>tfw you accidently see your Dad's ass and it's worse than Hank Hills.

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Dale always knew, right?

>when you twist and turn around to look in the mirror, and hank's ass looks back

Attached: ugh.jpg (506x508, 24K)

Yes, he was playing the long con. He was most definitely a cuck but he had a good thing and Nancy quit seeing Redcorn as a lover towards the end of the sieries.

>has a stable job
>good role model if you ignored the paranoia and smoking
>loves his not son more than his father does
>is loyal to his wife


>impregnates every whore
>isn't loyal at all
>always droning on about white man
>isn't a good role model
>lives in a shithole trailer with an even worse work ethic than Dale

John Redcorn more like Tron Ribbone

>Ayo I mean how, would you like to gib reperations to the african-native american league of repressed persons today?

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Dry heat + wood smoke > Ass Gas


That boy needs therapy.
Purely psychosomatic.

Attached: dangitboba.jpg (630x630, 64K)

Thaterton shills in full force