What were his superpowers exactly?

What were his superpowers exactly?

Attached: Ozymandias_(DoI).jpg (2000x1339, 715K)

super intelligent and super fast

understanding all Rick & Morty jokes.


is Watchmen like the One Punch Man universe where some humans randomly have super human strength, durability and reflexes?

killing millions


Master of accents

Saving billions.

saving billions (for 7 years)

adrian has greater control over his body because of big brain so he's the only one who's better than other humans in term of speed and i think strength

the movie kinda memed at some points just because it's a movie

>He thinks they had superpowers

Peak Human fashion sense

To save gorillions

Browsing Sup Forums supereffectively.

Could read the entire library of F. Scott Fitzgerald in 5 hours

Supreme white male.

Pretty sure only Dr Manhattan had actual powers and he was basically god. OP was supposed to be the smartest man on the planet, comedian was a badass vet, etc.

super intelligence. He wasn't super fast, he just knew what to do to give himself a slim chance of surviving getting shot

Rorschach's journal. October 12th, 1985.

BTFOing stoners and Nintendo manchildren

Being even more intelligent than the most intelligent being, and being super fast as to stop a bullet with his hand.


I was always under the assumption that he could perceive time slightly faster than other people because of how fast his brain worked or something.

I know very little about the source material though so that was just my guess from watching the movie.