Mfw today is 3/17

>mfw today is 3/17

Attached: 0BC25FB9-8C8E-411B-A949-EAEA21400767.jpg (623x397, 48K)

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Do ameriblobs really do this?

Attached: 1519915064917.jpg (1151x712, 49K)

why does this song fit his face wtf

what are you doing here?

It's 17-3-2018.

Yes because what month it is gives context to the day.

look above your post and look at the date eurotrash

Not arguments

Attached: 1519918115088.png (604x475, 374K)


Attached: Screenshot_20180317-201159.png (1440x2960, 475K)

>range of months: 1-12
>range of days: 1-31
>range of years: 1-infinite
Smallest range to largest range. Objectively the most aesthetic, logical system. You lose again, yuropleb!


>amerigoblin logic

Attached: 1510110953892.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)

What's going on here?

Is this the Tyra Show or did this just turn into nightcalls all of a sudduhhh...*pffrlt*

>ywn be an american

Attached: 1520882992776.jpg (1000x749, 111K)

It's a black male thing.


Attached: le100percentface.png (440x458, 15K)


Imagine being a bong and giving into the tyranny of romantic languages. You say March Seventeenth in casual contexts, right? So why would you flip that in your writing?

>Come for unoposting
>Musli--err, Europeans perioding all over the place

Attached: Bruce.gif (399x369, 39K)

Man soils trousers at 197 seconds

Starting with the smallest measure of time and ending with the largest makes much more sense

We generally have the year memorized but not necessarily the month. The month without the day provides more context than the day without the month. America wins again.

Attached: 1505790766801.jpg (600x600, 21K)


>day length: 24 hours
>month length: 744 hours
>year length: 8760 hours
Smallest range to largest range. Objectively the most aesthetic, logical system. You lose again, amerimutt!