Itt: style over substance

>itt: style over substance

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any wes anderson movie

Tarantino flicks
Reservoir Dogs is good though

any game of thrones episode past Battle of Blackwater


it's okay though

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Ocean’s 11 is the only good one prove me wrong
Twelve is ok
Thirteen is Shit

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11 is good.
12 was okay, but that was only because I spent the entire movie staring at Zeta Jones' ass.
13 was meh, not bad, but not good either.

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>Tarantino flicks

Nailed it. RD is the only one I ever truly liked too

Dr. C++, I'm CPU

the style was the substance in this tho

When someone criticizes something for having "style over substance," it's a sure sign they're a braindead pseudo-intellectual.

Style over substance: the person

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anything by this hack. lucky for him, spielberg swooped in to save AI

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style over substance isn't inherently good or bad, the oceans movies are good but this term honestly describes them perfectly

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Imagine how sweaty she got in that outfit. Imagine being the guy that cleaned it every day. What do you think it smelled like?


I mean, obviously feces. Does anyone think it didn't smell like feces?