He doesn’t watch movies on a treadmill and burn calories while he watches

>he doesn’t watch movies on a treadmill and burn calories while he watches
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, piggies

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>Pace 08:49

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My favorite scene, congrats OP

You only made it .1 of a mile in almost 9 minutes?

“Pace” refers to how long it would take to hypothetically run one mile. OP has been running for one minute and five seconds, assuming he started at 60

I have two miles left, what do I watch now?

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how much is a treadmill with netflix? mine has bluetooth connect but speakers that barely project sound above a whisper...

if you can pay attention to a movie while running, you're not running fast enough

super-size me

Five miles done, I’m just walking now

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>he has do go into a stinky gym
>he doesnt have a fitness room at home with a 60' plasma in it

You really think op is on the treadmill? He's standing next to it taking a pic with his phone. LOOK AT THE ANGLE OF THE PICTURE.

1. The angle is head-on
2. Gyms don’t let you just turn a treadmill on for an hour and let it run while you take pictures of it and post on Sup Forums

Forgot pic

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ew gyms...I'd rather have one in my house facing the TV.

Why don’t you guys post threads like these? I don’t need to carry the burden myself, and more people should be encouraging fa/tv/irgins to get fit

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You know the treadmill is one of the least affective ways to burn calories right. You are better off going outside and jogging around the block.

>the virgin treadmill
>the chad rowing machine

>not doing jump rope instead


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how so?

I actually used to be on a crew team in high school. The rowing machines at my local gym back home are really nice, but I don’t like the ones at those college gym. It’s some sort of different kind, I’m not used to them. I would recommend more Sup Forums piggies use rowing machines as well as treadmills. Really any exercise is better than none

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