What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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Martin Freeman is cancelled. he is a trash garbage human being of nope

you're cancelled

Um, sweetie, this series is for the fandom, not for Martin "white male, pale and stale" Freeman


sweetie, he tried to mansplain away lgbtqia representation.


/OUR GUY/???

Martin Freeman has always been based, some of his interviews are kino as fuck.


deep dark fantasy

>write 4 seasons of gay bait
>fans love the show for gay bait
>show turns to shit
>worst female love interest in the history of television
>kill female love interest
>get mad at fans for liking your gay bait

Am I missing something here?

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-edict Cumberbatch

It's official.

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post sauce

that response is surprisingly original for modern times

Next time you consider screencapping a SJWs tweet and posting it on Sup Forums, instead you should hang yourself.

Will do, bud

who cares sherlock has been garbage since season 2

i agree about the gay bait but their fans truly are the worst

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what do you mean gay bait? the story of Sherlock and Watson has been told hundreds of time and they're always straight just like Sir Arthur wrote them

Sounds homophobic.

confirmed for gay

if men have any kind of non blood relations they want to fuck each other
hell now even if they are blood related

Bilbo is angry

Freeman is a bit of a grouch in general isn't he? People think he's a clown because he was typecast by the Office but he's a dramatic actor. That's why he's so good in the Office. It's not his fault Americans turned the show into sitcom trash.

If some deluded fans want to see it that way what's the big deal?

Based, fuck obnoxious shippers constantly reading into things that aren't there in every fucking fandom ever.

Gays have a very common fetish for turning hetero boys.

You should watch his season of Fargo

That's kinda hot if they aren't poz

Vocal minority of annoying cunts need to get a life and shut the fuck up about every little thing. Manufactured, exaggerated uproar is the worst thing about social media.

he probably wouldn't give a fuck if they didn't harass him about it. there's levels to it, i remember Supernatural fans sending death threats to the actors wives and hoping they miscarried because they thought jensen and jared were in love with eachother in real life. people lose their fucking minds with this kind of shit.

It's kinda sad that soyboys don't know what a brother from another mother means. They associate true male friendship with homosexual love, like their feminist overlords want them to. The end result is that soyboys have no male friends to confide to or share guy things with, further increasing their soy levels.

It's just sad.

Most people aren't aware of how bad it really got, but during season 4 the tumbloids convinced themselves that there was a 'Conspiracy' where John and Sherlock would be together at the end. Naturally they went apeshit when it didn't happen and harassed anyone involved with production with a twitter account

That those "fans" need to watch Miss Sherlock.

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This is what got me about the movie. It's all about CIA political intervention. The CIA fucking couped a legal AND legitimate political regime just because >muh western values, and lefties and libtards ate it all up because they do{t want to seem racist when, in fact, they all are.

Yeah, male gays are the definition of rape culture. This is public knowledge.

To be fair to the fans, Moffat is a massive fucking queerbaiter.