Brutal feels

I'm blackpilled as fuck. If you're not a too 20 % male in terms of looks then women think you are shit.

Girls in school openly considered me disgusting and after school they still do but are too polite to say it. I've never had female attention ever, never even flirted with a girl, and I went through many years of university and many different jobs with some of them being female dominated places.

Every girl has 10,000 tinder matches and unlimited attention when she is outside. A bottom 80 % male stands no chance.

Instagram shows that every woman travels the world and has easy lives. Every woman in their 20s in my office goes travelling all over the world despite having a relatively low salary. Sugar daddies / parents / banker boyfriends pay for this.

Every woman goes to nightclubs or bars twice a week every week to watch Chads compete over them.

I'm 27 and missed out in everything except having escorts. Being a non normie is a social death sentence, especially in the UK which is homogenous as fuck.

Every single normie agrees with black pill truths except they only explicitly staye it infrequently in pop culture or the occasional

Lifting does not fix an ugly face. And lifting weights while rap / pop music plays in the gym is humiliating.

Working 9-5 and seeing Staceys everywhere during rush hour commutes was pure hell. It really exposes the truth that I'm a disposable beta battery in the eyes of society. Wagecucking doesn't get me anything.

I find it near impossible to sit at home during the day while trying to do productive things (like learning) while knowing that chads and staceys are enjoying their youths that very second and having everything handed to them.

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>Sup Forums - Television & Film

It's not blacks fault that you're ugly

>reddit spacing

Just be yourself brah

>Girls in school openly considered me disgusting and after school they still do but are too polite to say it
Well I mean, you're posting angry shitposts on Sup Forums, so they might have been on to something.

Also, last post you said you had a normal job and a burger flipper job, but this one suggests you don't have the normal job. Sort out your story and come back, uggo.

I do have a normal job. I just don't turn up until after noon because I have so little to do with so little oversight.

>being this afflicted with ressentiment

Great, next step is to stop caring about all this stuff.

What sort of work is it?
>teaching me a new word
Not sure I'll ever use that, but nice work

This is a different format than usual, Londonfrog.

Focus on your career and get a filipino or thai catalogue bride, or just go there for fucky fucky.

We are all gonna make it bruh. These cunts will be shrivelled up in a few years and unhappy without their beta providers.

You sound like a pathetic vain loser who will never amount to anything




Not him but you sound like a STD ridden Stacey devoid of empathy.

this isn't /r9k/ you whiny little bitch

Lol okay micropenis loser

His feelings are understandable. Compared to others, his life is shit.

it fills me with joy that redditfrogs suffer this (or perceive themselves to) much in real life, almost makes the constant redditfrog spam threads bearable.

I hope you're not real

you're not pilled what so ever, user.

realize that while looks are important, they are secondary to girls. they care about things like charm, wit, smarts, resourcefulness, material wealth and immaterial wealth.

you may be ugly but the fact that it brings your esteem so low is what girls pick up on. girls marry ugly dudes all the time, they just never marry 'down' in 'status'.

posts like these (if they are not ironic) are knee-jerk. i always smell their reflexive nature. either this is a cucked (in the truest sense of the word) beta male or a stacy. in any case, enjoy your life after middle age (you won't if you keep this up).

For whores like you everything is about genitals, because you yourself know them to be your only redeeming feature.

Give it a couple of more years and the wrinkles in your face will take that away too

Why are you posting this bullshit here?

Take it to Sup Forums, or /r9k/

Londonfrog is a national treasure, newfag.

let's talk about this thread of yours. I think it's good, except... it sucks. So let me do the thread and that way it might be really good.

Nice reddit spacing

>that spacing
but this is for /r9k/

get a blog london nigger

i like to format my posts. i dont browse the site unless its for posts with useful informations. ive tried and cant navigate it at all.

Can you imagine how bad that blog would be, goddamn

Jesus christ london user. do you think posting this a thousand times will help you? make some changes and then report back. i think you are just spamming this for the laughs.

Look if you're going to post reasonable things I don't know where this conversation can go on a Ghanaian sidewalk chalkpainting board

>Imagine being the man who gets laughs from posting the OP post

Attached: happydaysarehereagain.gif (500x275, 467K)

Do something better with your life. Find a way to change the world or obtain influence. Make your mark in history books. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and become the best at something. There's professional curlers out there who are olympic athletes with mobs of fans who adore them and they play ice horseshoes. Shut up and be better.

are you better, user?

It's very rare for some one to actually be thaat ugly beyond repair. You probably dress like a complete dunce and dont look like you take care of yourself and on top of that you probably exhibit social autism as well, which is the real reason why women actively avoid you. There's people with legit facial deformities that have alright girlfriends cause they've actually managed to cultivate an interesting personality

>Make your mark in history books.
>Become the best at something
Lol. Could you BE any more of a retarded normalfag?

Probably this. Hair is amazingly important for connecting with women, for example. Also shoes - meet any woman and watch her eyes once you notice each other, and she'll look at your head, and then generally your shoes. Nerdy fatasses can get good women - they just need to pay attention to the basics.

>Make your mark in history books

Nobody cares you whiny little pussy