Tfw you will never visit the criterion closet

>tfw you will never visit the criterion closet

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But I can download them all for free.

/thread close thread please sage


give me the directors commentary, making of and the behind the scenes of The Fugitive Kind then please.

delete this

But user, I am the Criterion closet...

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can you show me where i can upload it anonymously and discreetly (no torrents please)

You know that you can download entire DVDs/Blurays, that cinephile trackers upload all the extras separately and that most MKV releases have commentaries as secondary audio tracks, right?

>b-b-but muh minimalist covers, muh material objects
Just burn them, buy cheap plastic boxes and print the covers then

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>alphabetical order instead of the spine number

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What about your non criterion collection?


>owning reddit and memey, soydventure time and game of cucks toys

how many of those have you actually watched?

wow look at all that shit you are going to watch once and never watch again

>buying physical movies to watch them

Are you dumb my guy?

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which tracker is that?

sent ;)

>he isn't on pass the popcorn

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>the closet full of classics like tiny furniture

no thanks