It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary

It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary

Attached: 104042C2-C2B2-486F-8ECC-3C35F7F37993.jpg (300x450, 30K)

But it isn't?

Have you seen America since the orange retard took over???

But the president in the "documentary" is black. It's clearly talking about Obama and his failed Obamacare.

Mods!!!! Janitors!!!!!

We really do need a "F*ck drump" banner, so that people know that Nazis are not welcome on this board

>orange retard

> Failed
I was paying just over $200 for a great plan, same price I paid before Obama took office. Now this orange nigger takes office and I’m paying $385 for a limited plan because he keeps fucking with it.

wtf are you talking about retard, the US has been in terminal decline since the 1960's

Would this movie be allowed in this day and age? I bet SJWs would have at least a few reasons to ban it.

>I bet SJWs would have at least a few reasons to ban it.
All you have to do is say it's an allegory of how dumb redneck breeding that led to the election of Trump and they'll be fine. Not thinking things through and selectively ignoring critical details are both core SJW talents that allow them to rationalize all kinds of dumb shit.

memes aside, the set production for this movie is killer


>Have you seen America since the orange retard took over
>America since the orange retard

umm sweetie, i have bad news for you

>Implying his skin color is more important than his behavior and actions

Good god, people really are this truly is a documentary isn't it

>America wasn't retarded before Trump
spotted the underage

The decline really took off with hick Bubba Clinton.
>It was her turn waaaaah. Help gehys!
It's here now, I get it, not few hundred years in the future, all thanks to democrats.

I think user was emphasizing the acceleration of the retarded, as in it just leveled up

All politics aside, stupid people breed much faster.
Im all for abortions for this reason only.

Its actually really about race.

The dumb low IQ races are breeding faster and will inherit the technology of the high IQs and slowly ruin it. This will be a problem.

I am of course talking primarily abouy blacks. Even leftists know theyre retarded.

pretty sure that intro showing the mass- breeding of retards is a depiction of deplorables, not democrats

who let the 12 year old have internet?

It's just a movie, and you'll die alone

They arent stupid they just need extra help getting jobs and into college because of the white man.

>Democrat voters, born into welfare for generation after generation, gays & big city pinko liberal nutcases.
Only retards into mass breading of other retards are what skin color? It's not the average deplorable skin color buddy. You even know who your daddy boy?