All joking aside who do you think Disney will allow to kill Thanos?

All joking aside who do you think Disney will allow to kill Thanos?

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Captain Marvel

Sora from kingdomheart


Black Panther obviously.

All joking aside will the Thanoscopter appear in this movie?

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>thanos gets all of the gems
>gamora dies earlier in part 1 (they depicted baby gamora with thanos but not baby nebula - why? because gamora dies)
>part 1 ends with thanos snapping his fingers and the screen immediately cuts to black. you - the audience - were a part of the unlucky half
>post credit scene 1 - The Collector, who is still alive but is trying to salvage his exhibit, hears a noise and Adam Warlock hatches from his cocoon
>post credit scene 2 - Darkness and a low humming noise. Gamora's incorporeal body floats in the aether. An offscreen voice says "You're not supposed to be here". It's the voice of Death.

Gamora returns in part 2 in a Gandalf the White moment where the remaining heroes are startled by a noise and Gamora comes out of the shadows. She has a message to deliver to Thanos, and she intends on finding him. She leads the crusade to find Thanos and is the one who defeats Thanos. Drax rips Thanos's heart from his weakened body.

>who do you think Disney will allow to kill Thanos?
Black panther, War machine, Falcon , or Nick Fury

ok nick fury would be funny as fuck

lmao this triggered by cartoon movies

let's talk about this thread of yours. I think it's good, except... it sucks. So let me do the thread and that way it might be really good.

One of the big three (Cap, iron man, thor) is going to die for sure. My bet is on Cap

Vision is going to get stomped early on for his gem. It'd also be a great holy fuck moment for the audience since Vision is madly OP.

leaked plotline said its captain america

I don't think any one person will do it. It will most likely be a combo move. If I had to pick though, the Hulk will throw Black Panther at Thanos like a baseball and he will use his claws to slash his throat or something.

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Thanos cannot die OP

Thanks for the spoilers.

Warlock is a plot device created by the Sovereign (aka MCU Church of Universal Truth) that will be used in GOTG Vol. 3 and there's nothing we can do about it.

Spider-man. Duh.

Scarlet Witch


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>the Hulk will throw Black Panther at Thanos like a baseball and he will use his claws to slash his throat

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>so I was hanging at my friends mansion for an eyes wide shut party
>and he says 'mang, I got these supersymmetrical quantum particles, dog, you can use them to crack encryption'
>I'm like, how will that help against Thanos, G?
>and he says 'you can decrypt the ancient prophecies homes, for real, then you know his weaknesses'


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Squirrel Girl obviously

These are the only options:

woman, black, black woman

Nobody will kill Thanos. He'll fuck up somehow and allow somebody to reset everything done in the first Infinity War. Everything will be redone in a big scene and then in a post credits thing in Infinity War 2 they'll quip "yeah but what happened to Thanos?"

Wait, hold up. Why is Tinterbell on his shoulder?

Adam Warlock

>tv shows


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some "tense" scene where like 12 people are doing something with all their might (holding some gay spell, pulling a chain around him to keep him in place, etc) and then someone who was absent or incapacitated due to some tragic plot device will unexpectedly come to the rescue to give them the extra push they need. i realize this is the premise and the question is who the extra push will come from, but the fact that we all know this is gay as shit. there have been too many movies. let's release 10 a year, and only one every five years can be capeshit.

Nah they won't kill him Disney wants to make him the next vader which means at least one more movie with him part 2 will end with him becoming a farmer

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someone at marvel studios will accuse him of sexual misconduct and cultural insensitivity and the rest of the movie will be him sitting in a tiny chair listening to a series of lectures about privilege and toxic masculinity.

Black widow

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People say I look exactly like Adam Warlock, so it makes me sad he's not appearing in the MCU's Infinity War/Gauntlet.

wait, so cosmic cube, thanoscopter, now this? What the fuck other nonsequitor shit is thanos involved in?

he stepped in dog poop on the way to taking his sister's kid to daycare, and they made him sit in a circle with the kids when he got there and one of the other kids licked the poop off his shoe and had to go to the hospital and died.

There was the time where he became Galactus

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Shuri will defeat him in a chess match, seventh seal style.



He will drop the cube


a) Gamora wants to kill Thanos, she has a personnel vendetta against him. She will kill Thanos.
b) Nebula wants to kill Thanos and protect her sister, Gamora, she has a personnel vendetta against him. She will kill Thanos.
c) Drax's entire existence is fueled by hate towards Thanos, his sole purpose in life is to kill him, robbing him of that would absolutely ruin his character arc. He will kill Thanos.
d) Marvel wants to establish Captain Marvel as the best heroine ever, and the face of the future decade of Marvel Movies. Considering she is joining the fray in Avengers 4, they will make her become a key part in defeating Thanos. She will kill Thanos

You can't deny this fact. I win, OP. I know who will kill Thanos.

>let's talk about this thread of yours. I think it's good, except... it sucks. So let me do the thread and that way it might be really good.
have an upvote

baby groot for epic merchandising

Fury deserves it, he's the only reason they don't get BTFO

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stronk womanz

He'll get imprisoned through the power of team work or dance offs so they can bring him back for some sequel years from now.

Is it the same guy who does all these? They're always such top quality.

leaks you say?

links i say!


I think they'll have him drop the gauntlet and Drax surprise stab him through the back/heart


Will that happen in the movie?

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>swoops in
>slowly repells down web

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So infinity war will be the official introduction of captain marvel??

A woman. Thanos' real issue is Life. Women represent life. His obsession with Death and abuse of Gamora and Nebula represent a corruption of life.

>All joking aside who do you think Disney will allow to kill Thanos?
Thanos will defeat Thanos just like in the comics

yes, she has an after credits scene of her waking up.

That's more stupid than Squirrel Girl.

>literally has his name on the side

The silver age was truly a wondrous time.

Black Panther isn't Wolverine.

I don't care what anyone says, Antman is my favorite MCU movie.

>Thanos I've come to bargain

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A nigger.

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It's a fun silly movie you can rewatch and still get some laughs. I guess it helped that they didn't take themselves too seriously, which was the way to go because lol antman.

Team combo with Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Doctor Strange.

wish marvel's comedy was this good nowadays

dont forget pepper, black widow and shuri

although realistically only mj and shuri have any chance of defeating thanos

>black man needs a white person's help at any time for any reason

Fuck you, Hitler.

Squirrel Girl. They already cast her for a surprise appearance

I hate how comicbook movies kill all their villains. That is the number one reason that continuity falls apart in these movies. They barely scratch the surface of these characters.

Squirrel Girl is the only good X-Men girl

she beats him in the comics

I think Chris Evans and RDJ are done with the movies, so probably those two.

>part 1 ends with thanos snapping his fingers and the screen immediately cuts to black. you - the audience - were a part of the unlucky half
>Disney releases the nerve agents they’ve carefully stocked in theatres across the world
>humanity enters a golden age of film with the lowest common denominator removed
>they proceed to realease great original after great original eventually enslaving the world in kino

>erasing the history of the green people
>on st.patrick's day

so is chris hemsworth, just google "chris hemsworth I'm done" , should be the first link, if not "chris hemsworth I'm done this is it"

We have at least 5 confirmed kills.

I would love if they made a DVD extra that is just this comic with the actors and the ´´quality`` of the movie and that wold be glorious

Make Black Widow or Shuri the catgirl role and its all set


Say what now?

>gamora dies earlier in part 1

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I don't think he'll die.

Adam Warlock is confirmed not to be in either movie though.

>post credit scene 1 - The Collector, who is still alive but is trying to salvage his exhibit, hears a noise and Adam Warlock hatches from his cocoon


>believing a literal retard posting his fanfiction
are you 10 years old?

What the fuck is DEBICKI? Is this it?

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Drax in the MCU is pretty weak. Most of the heroes are pretty under powered compared to their comic counterparts. Only the villains seem to keep their full power and usually require a macguffin to be defeated.

I'm okay with cap dying only after he wields Thor's hammer. I really hope the new hammer has the same "worthiness" test as the last one.

we just wait for the video game

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But will it be like the video game?

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its not a hammer retard, its stormbreaker, his axe.