Why did she kill dumb clonefu, it just wanted a hug ;_;

Why did she kill dumb clonefu, it just wanted a hug ;_;

Attached: poor hershlag clone.webm (1920x806, 2.83M)

She didn't. The one that returned was the clone. Everything you saw was just what the clone told the people at the end.

it couldn't age, so she had to destroy it

hershlag just changes

>Just a badly done Solaris/Stalker/Twin Peaks mashup with a dumb actiony climax with manipulative sound

How come Kaneclone was a retard while Lenaclone was normal?

someone post that inhale pic from the other thread

That would be capeshit-tier scripting, and this movie is not on that level.


/gayfag retard

should have give the clone to me

that would not make any sense given both lena's and kane's demeanor. maybe you desperately wanted an epic "twist" but it wasn't a twist, it was rather straight forward. you're only convoluting it

what would you have done

/super cool dude with many friends

He was acting completely fine at the end.

I thought that was obvious, it's surprising to me that people in this thread didn't see the ending that way

ask her to watch starwars prequels with me


>t. projecting faggot with small brain

I like the dude that said that would be capeshit tier writing but he thinks that destroying the entire phenomena with a grenade, Lena managing to stop the mutations from killing her and managing to go back, just because, and that her eyes are glowing not because she's like him but because she "changed" because she's totally the one, that would be better writing.

Sure, that MAY be what's going on, none of us have the answer, but if it is the movie goes from an 8 to a 5 for how fucking stupid that would be.

giv dumb hershlag

Attached: giv.png (778x512, 45K)