I don't get it

I don't get it

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White males are evil.
This movie actuaklly looks cool, how was it?


Yes you do, stop pretending to be a retard just to shill more threads of this garbage

Best sci fi movie in the last decade. It made Interstellar look like a TV movie.

I can only remember the scenes where Portman fucks a black guy. I'm sure other things happened too but it was the scenes where she fucks a black dude that stuck with me.

I honestly didn't
We're they both Aliens at the end? Was the world doomed?

Interstellar was already shit though.

>Made Interstellar look like a tv movie
>Interstellar had great visuals while this looked like straight to DVD trash

Sometimes I wake in shivers thinking about that.

You aren't the same person you were at the start of your conflict. Biologically and psychologically you are an entirely different person you were in a different "life" a few years ago. Your conflicts have annihilated yourself and those around you respective of who you were, and ever wanted to be.

>We're they both Aliens at the end?
There are some hints that Lena might be an alien but more evidence seems to point to her being real. But it doesn't matter either way because she was exposed to the mutating effects of the Shimmer, so she still may not be the same person.

I really think it needed to explain what the fuck the alien was.
Like they connected the human self destruction meme but it doesnt really hit anything because they gave no reason for the shit to exist. They dont need to explain it fully but give me something

Also why didnt they come in from the coast, it seems the safest easiest way

She is no longer a lolita. she is a old used up roastie so she has to settle for blacked.

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The ending is flawed and it will not make sense to anyone.
Most people have assumed he is the copy and she is the original.
Some very few people think they are both the originals.
I think they are both copies.

when they fuck you can't see both of them in the same frame
what did they mean by that?

Arrival is better

>I think they are both copies.
you're an idiot then

Or maybe I'm so above you that you can't even comprehend it.

nah, very clearly you're an idiot.

This should have been obvious already from the whole tripfag thing.

>t. brainlet

>brainlets actually think the Shimmer was destroyed by a phosphorus grenade

used up roasties make terrible decisions, it doesn't work out

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>Finally I have become Annihilation™ written and directed by Alex Garland and starring Natalie Portman

Jesus christ really?

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Based massreplier!

>man faced tranny lookin' disgusting (as usual)

You're memeing user, but the actual reference to the title in the movie is almost as bad as this.

>They are one person - Kane and Lena in a happy marriage
>They are two alone - drifting apart because of Lena's infidelity
>They are three together - Lena and her double fighting/mimicking in front of Kane's corpse
>They are for/four each other - the final embrace as Lena (who was copied) and notKane (who is a copy) accept each other

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Where did Oscar Issacs character come from? Did he just walk out of the shimmer?
What were those two white deers?
Why did that alien only come out of Ventress?
Where did that black chick go?
Was it just a pretenious version of Invasion of The Body Snatchers?

The Shimmer transports the two copies to outside, that is probably it's goal. Lena's copy was also probably transported outside and the military went after her for interrogation.
One was a copy from the other as the Shimmer experiments trying to emulate other life forms.
It either needs another person to manifest the portal or deemed Ventress' dna unacceptable for copying (likely because of her cancer) and then chose Lena.
She turned into flowers.
I see no connection.

>Where did Oscar Issacs character come from? Did he just walk out of the shimmer?
Lena's double is shown to teleport.

>What were those two white deers?
Foreshadowing of the doubling that is shown later at the lighthouse, also Lena mentions that in the shimmer there were corruptions and duplicates of form.

>Why did that alien only come out of Ventress?
Presumably because she had cancer or that Ventress only came to know what was at the lighthouse, whereas Lena and Kane came for different purposes.

>Where did that black chick go?
She turned into a plant person.

>Was it just a pretenious version of Invasion of The Body Snatchers?
No. more like a mishmash of Stalker, The Color Out of Space, The Thing, Solaris with a poorly developed subtext about individual self-destruction.

Ah, the shill has arrived, with the same Wojak pic as always

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fuck you're retarded.

Epic post, faggot.

no, it's brief and concise, saying all that needs to be said.

Did we get some memes from this movie apart from Blacked?

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No, it's empty retarded posting by a faggot that doesn't know how to use vocative commas, but thinks he is somehow intellectually superior for doing so.

the squatting alien

coming from a retard who can't understand a stupid movie but thinks he does. Cute.

>someone is paying people to post brainlet wojaks in annihilation threads
this is something that you actually believe

>he thinks there's something to understand in Annihilation

Literally 12 IQ amerimutt.

Isaacs is an alien replication, he activated the cloning-force-thing, made physical contact with it allowing it to copy his features, and then killed himself. Portman is the original but has been mutated by the shimmer and could probably be considered to be half alien at the end. I really don't understand how people are debating this, the movie did not leave much room for ambiguity in this particular matter (identity of each form can be identified by the varrying reactions to the phosphorus grenade, Isaacs died instantly leaving behind a skeleton, Portman duplicate reverted back to metallic humonoid form and walked around copying/spreading fire).

Oh there's the other one

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Like all cheating bitches she "tried to fix things" but when she failed she went to her next choice in this case, the clone.

This movie isn't feminist it portrays women like her as the scum they're. When things gets too hard after they fucked up, they just quit.

Because they don't know how to control their destructive behavior.

now you're just shitting on yourself

why are you so angry at women? they won't touch your peepee?

Damn!! You got me!

RLM kept calling it "smart"....why?

Can clones mutate or are they immune to the Shimmer's effects?

t. brainlet

they are part of the shimmer's effects

Yes, but can they have their own spontaneous mutations, ones which would cause them to diverge from the original cloned being, who is simultaneously experiencing their own mutations?

Like we didn't see the full extent of the Shimmer on the flora and fauna. Would it get to the point every original form of life mutated to the point it was no longer recognizable to what it once was, and then do it again?

the movie didn't anticipate this level of autism, sorry.

Just finished watching

Ho... Lee... Shit... k-k

*takes a deep breath*


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It was a decent film actually.

this movie isn't even that deep to begin with.. your IQ is like 80?

I'm from /out/ and the bear scene fucked with my irrational skinwalker phobia.

Don't talk about the skinwalker. Don't think about the skinwalker. Nothing good can come from skinwalkers.


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>potential of this thread

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>"Sir, we have the Navy admiarls on the line. A division made up of the best soldiers we have along with our best equipment, supporting a team of the best scientists from both America and the EU who specialize in xenobiology and genetics is standing by aboard a US Navy destroyer just north of the edge of the bubble along the coast. Sailing south at full power they should be at the lighthouse within 45 minutes from mission launch. If all else fails, we can launch a precision strike from 200 KM offshore and destroy everything within the bubble.
>"Sir, I just got off the phone with the General of the Airforce, we are currently standing by on orders to release a squadron of Apaches, equipped with mile-long rope to hover above, then lower into the bubble to collect samples and record data, we can also drop as many men as necessary directly on the lighthouse without having to navigate potentially dangerous terrain."
>"Sir, I just got off the phone with contractors from the 5 biggest mining companies in the US. They are willing to lend their tools and their experts to dig a mile deep tunnel directly under the Lighthouse, which according to our top nuclear scientists is more than deep enough to avoid any harmful effects on the surface. We can then detonate a nuke or collect data by establishing hardline cables along the path while avoiding any more casualties."
>"Sir, the head of NASA has donated a top of the line prototype suit that can withstand solar flar-
>"Sir, our scientists have proposed that if we use a harpoon to shoot a steel rope with recording equipment inside the Shimmer and pull it back out, we can perhaps collect valuable data on what's insid-
>"Sir, I have 40 of the world's top Hang Gliders equipped with GoPros, since the Shimmer effects all of our drones and vehic-
>"Sir, I have a 5 mentally unstable female volunteers with some camping equipment and camera-
>By god you're on to something. Send them in.

I have one question which no one brings up, why was the Kane clone dying, and why did he miraculously recover once the shimmer disappeared? You think it would be the opposite.

because the movie was poorly written and based off a book that was just as equally poorly written. More specifically, because someone wanted the movie to end with them hugging.


More stupidity of the movie.
To my theory, that a bunch of faggots in here are heavily against, the purpose of the Shimmer is to try and create stable life by emulating other life forms. Once it had copied Kane it sent his copy towards Lena to make her go inside the Shimmer and get copied too. Once Lena was copied there were two compatible lifeforms, capable of generating offspring, so the Shimmer destroyed itself and sent Lena's copy to Kane's copy. He stopped dying because he is somehow connected with Lena's copy and needs her, so creating her cured him.

>so the Shimmer destroyed itself
your theory is literary retarded and requires that you ignore the last 30 minutes of the movie. Shut the fuck up already.

>i have never seen a movie that presents false information before because I only watch capeshit and blockbusters!

>movie that presents false information
breh, you should seriously stop.

You are seriously fucking retarded and don't know anything about narrative devices, huh.
I thought you were just forcing, but holy shit, go read a book.

you're embarrassing yourself, please stop.

Idiot. How do you miss the most basic fundamentals of the film?

It's just to show how the shimmer works. With the guy he gave up and let the alien copy his looks and ended himself because he felt that he had no identity left and was just as much the alien clone as the clone was him so he took himself out of the equation.

With Lena she denies the clone, however she spent so much time in the shimmer that her dna was irreversibly altered and in that way she was transformed into an identical match to the alien species. So in the end she was compatiable with the alien clone.

This is also foreshadowed in her final dream sequence where suddenly her husband doesn't look like the version we've seen the entire movie but instead looks like the alien clone with the slicked back hair. That was the shimmer convincing Lena's mind that she loved the alien version of her husband. Notice how she doesn't even react to watching the video of her real husband blowing himself up, she feels nothing it's like watching a stranger and it's further driven home how the husband sounds strange as he now has an accent probably picked up through shimmer fuckery. At that point Lena was already transformed, the shimmer had already won in essence it was just a matter of what would leave, the clone or altered Lena either worked for the shimmer.

don't waste your time breh, there's no hope with him. You can't fix retard.

>however she spent so much time in the shimmer that her dna was irreversibly altered and in that way she was transformed into an identical match to the alien species. So in the end she was compatiable with the alien clone.

Oh yes, that's totally more intelligent and creative!

>Notice how she doesn't even react to watching the video of her real husband blowing himself up, she feels nothing it's like watching a stranger
You're right. I didn't notice it in the viewing but she basically watches her husband immolate himself and she goes "Oh hey a hole!".

>Notice how she doesn't even react to watching the video of her real husband blowing himself up, she feels nothing it's like watching a stranger
were we watching the same movie? she was crying

This. And she was being mind fucked by the revelation that who she saw at the start was an alien clone.

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for like 2 seconds! Damn cold ass bitch doesn't even think twice before going spelunking a neuron firing later. She wasn't even Lena at that point though so it probably makes sense.

Literally just watched this.

Dull, pretentious and poorly thought out would describe it best.

It feels kinda of like Lovecraft minus anything interesting, exciting or meaningful.

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I got a boner when the girl started becoming a tree thing

>trying to interpret every post in this thread without having seen the movie
i think i'm losing brain cells lads

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>Goings into the thread about the movie without watching the movie.

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ITT: movies men will never understand

what's their to get
>alien life
>human life
>both spiraling in space with no real understanding of their form or function on a galactic scale
>one assimilates the other to become something new, forcing its evolution
>ultimately, what remains will be a mystery

the only problem is that this is another movie plagued by stupid scientists. the only information they really needed was that whatever the phenomena was, it caused drastic and severe mutations in whatever it touched. that info is enough, if it can't be contained, to literally turn that entire area into glass. now, only after nuking the area proved useless, would it be necessary to find the source of the problem.

is it so hard to create good scifi with smart scientists?

>the only information they really needed was that whatever the phenomena was, it caused drastic and severe mutations in whatever it touched
The movie shows exactly why they didn't have this information at first
Also, they were trying to understand, before destroying it

the most immediate and consequential evidence they had was that no one ultimately survives the stuff, which should've altered these scientists' objective despite their quickly minimizing time frame. trying to understand a phenomena is secondary to surviving it.

They didn't know what was causing their deaths due to the lack of information

any biologist that looked at the rapidly mutating plants and animals would've immediately assumed there was a pathogen or at least something that was acting like one. you don't need much info beyond that to know that whole area needed to be quarantined or nuked.

that's why i'm saying these scientists were not smart at all.

When they entered the area they spent 4 days in there and didn't even remember it
They explain why going back was never an option to begin with, even if they already have crucial information
We can assume something similar may haveh append to the other expeditions

Okay, I can agree with that. Yeah, they didn't remember setting up camp, but given the low possibility of return or survival, they should've had contingencies in place. The "biologist" was being interviewed by a man in a hazmat suit, which suggests they had a better understanding of the phenomena than the people going into the shimmer. I just don't get it. There's a way to write this story such that scientists don't explore unknown things so unprepared for microbial dangers. Even Stranger Things scientists are smarter than these guys.

If we are to accept the film's rule we need to assume they have sent people in Hazmat suits before and they also didn't return and perhaps they have even taken samples of stuff at the border before and knew there was nothing airborne.

But to me that's "shutting your brain off".
I cringed (hate using that word) when the biologist goes near a gigantic wall of fungi that she herself labeled as cancer and puts her fucking face right to a pulsing bulb that is just asking to shoot spores at her stupid throat.

>Explain what the mistery is halfway the movie
>Straight fordward ending, doesn't do anything extraordinary with the topic at all
Meh, 6/10

Anyone got a picture of the worm explosion body.

Coolest thing in the entire movie

>to me, that's shutting your brain off

exactly. scientists work on educated guesses/hypotheses and none of them seemed to have any clue about the nature of the threat posed by this thing. scientists wouldn't assume a possible alien phenomenon is nonlethal or nonthreatening when people are not returning from investigating said phenomenon.

>let's only send them in with rifles and rations against ground zero of a possible pandemic

this is alien covenant all over again without the comical slipping on blood and terrible aiming though this movie does have some terrible aiming.

>I cringed (hate using that word) when the biologist goes near a gigantic wall of fungi that she herself labeled as cancer and puts her fucking face right to a pulsing bulb that is just asking to shoot spores at her stupid throat

ikr? am i supposed to also assume that the shimmer affected her mind in such a way that she doesn't care about the consequences of inhaling dangerous microbes?

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>keep sending people in with hazmat suits
>no one comes back
>send more people with hazmat suits
>no one returns yet again
>for the skae of experimenting send people without hazmat suits
>finally 'someone returns"
They were experimenting with different scenarios