What movies give off the best feeling like you're going on acid trip or insane?

What movies give off the best feeling like you're going on acid trip or insane?

Attached: God is a dog-Dog is a god.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

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Don't know if you seen it, but I'l recomend Altered States by Ken Russell.

Attached: Yakruna.webm (1000x425, 2.99M)

Gonna check it out. Doubt it's gonna be as great as the one I've taken the image from tho

Garbage Pail Kids Movie

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What movie this from

See 96067223

the penguin village episode of Dragon Ball. i'd never seen any Dr. Slump before that, and when the flying superintelligent baby and the talking poo appeared, i freaked.

Tetsuo the iron man
son of the white mare
Das Cabinett des Dr. Calligari

beyond the Black Rainbow
Black moon
serial experiments lain
Belladonna of sadness
tenshi no tamgo
alice in wonderland

Holy Mountain my man

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good list, I didn't see Black moon, gonna check it

Funky Forest

John Dies at the End

good movie

The Master

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A Scanner Darkly

The only movie I've ever felt has given an accurate representation of being on psychedelics, from the visuals to the dialogue to the paranoid atmosphere. Pure kino

God is atheist +

Good old lasagna cat

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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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Enter the Void

Be warned it will fuck your head up for about a week afterward

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