Sup Forums, why aren't you bigger than nine inches? you aren't seriously small where it counts right?

Sup Forums, why aren't you bigger than nine inches? you aren't seriously small where it counts right?

Attached: 1518511501476.jpg (1351x1351, 139K)

what movie is this

The one on the right is just a pic or is there a source?



I actually am 7". I don't know my girth but it's proportional.

>having a dick too big for blowjobs
no thanks

>Having unironic autism in 2018

desu that dick on the right isn't even practical.
If I could make my dick any size I would make it 7.5" long and 5.75" thick.

room ro right looks fuking filthy

If she needs a dick bigger than 8 inches then shes a loose roastie


measuring from the asshole right?

that's not a 9 inches cock, it's more like 8"

It's 7", which is the average size in the Congo

The cervix of most women is 6" in, anything more than that and you can never go balls deep (sucks)

Attached: dicksize.jpg (720x720, 67K)

what's that type of dicks called ?

Get fucked.

Attached: 1505763444490.jpg (480x600, 53K)


Can manlets redeem themselves with big dicks?

dog can't protect you from having a small dick nobody will ever suck for free

i hate you

>It's 7", which is the average size in the Congo
Why would ever believe penis size measurements that were self reported? There's no chance those congo niggers are 7" on average. I guarantee it.

those pixels look odd. Ive seen some shoop in my day and i declare its shooped. Sorry op but your a fagget for having this image saved on your pc.

Attached: 1502302138479.jpg (500x375, 178K)

I’m 7 and I can just touch the uterus of my Mexican gf

>tfw I've got an 8x6 and never fucked a girl at age 24
Still really fun to play with my big boner in the shower tho.

Attached: you....jpg (817x660, 285K)

vaginas can expand, but even pornstars struggle to take really big cocks balls deep. and those are literally professional whores.
So what's the point of having a penis bigger than 8 inches?

There is a webm of it, but I didn't save it.


The only people that want a dick that big are literal faggots.

So are the mods asleep like last night? jesus christ this board sucks

men fantasize about having big dicks all the time. some women probably fantasize about having an over stretched pussy for their 10 inch cock boyfriend.

For fuck sake

Both of them are pretty cocks

lol what


i like getting raped by Sup Forums better than Sup Forums


Reminder that a woman's cervix is about 8 inches deep inside her vagina and hitting it hurts something fierce. Notice how male pornstars never go all the way in? The G-spot is literally half a finger's length inside the vagina, so it's more about girth, or positioning if you aren't thick enough.

can someone source the fucking right already


There is no source, just that picture and the webm / gif.

my cock rages on

why are threads that will be deleted so much better than other ones? is it the butthurt or what?


they look like they fuck black guys

a webm is all I need

in that case, their eyes are more eager than their pussy can actually take.
most girl also prefer and are more confortable with average cocks.
proof is that the best selling dildos on the market are rather small sized, not huge ones.