Wins 3 Oscars

>wins 3 Oscars

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>only 3

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Yep. Black movies won lots of oscars this year

shut up

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You just know that fat fuck always smelt like old fryer oil.

and your other Oscar


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>based on his mother’s memoir

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>we've reached the point where hollywood is churning out revisionist propaganda about some dumb nigger who got shot after he chimped out even though literally NO ONE gives a shit about it and everyone knew the media narrative of him being this pure angel gunned down by a racist was bullshit from the start

this is getting surreal

how much of it do you think was written by a jewish ghostwriter?

RIP he was a good boy

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Nobody cares about the political propaganda. They're just doing it because they know a movie like this would make a gorillion dollars.

black panther sequel already?

Cast him.

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>gone to soon
>holding up gunfingers
also checked

Yes, becasue glorifying a violent fat thug who deserve to have his head blown off is really what this country needs

And people wonder why bullies and jocks end up dead so much

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>gone to soon


I didn't even hate niggers until all the shit during the Obama years

It wasn't surreal enough when mass suicide bombings targeting children got a day of "if you're outraged at this you're racist" coverage while everyday coonery gets made out as a cultural revolution when the powers that be decide they can make a quick buck off it?

Oh boy, as the son of an immigrant store owner I can't wait to see more blacks being handled with kids gloves

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Oh fuck me

based airwrecka

She should be in the Trayvon Martin movie as that chick from the trial

Funny how after their narrative started falling apart, it almost immediately it went from
>they murdered an innocent man! burn the motherfucker down!
>well, the department was found to arrest black people more so the riots were justified


The same network that gave us Black Lightning?

>Mother's memoir
Glad she was able to exploit a profit from her sons death. Mother of the decade right there

*freeze frame*

*record scratch*

>Yep, Das right, muhfugga. Das me layin' on dat cold, hard concrete. Y'all probably wonderin' how I got der...

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I read this like 5 times and still dont know what you are saying, use a coma or a period nigger

tyler perry's madea goes to hell

I’m always impressed by this pic

[Spoiler] crashing this hairdoo

A movie about an actually innocent black guy getting shot and killed by a cop has already been made, and nobody gave a shit.

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I'd take a ride in that helicopter, if you know what I mean.

Literally every word, I doubt she can read. Include me in screencap pl0x

>His smile and optimism: gone

Poos BTFO. Based black me will be portrayed as the heroes they are.

Kevin Feige did

aziz ansari would be perfect for the role

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>Directed by Spike Lee

>Gone too soon
>Making gun with fingers
Surely it can't be too unexpected?

Implying they won't make the store owner white.

>Steals 3 oscars

Y’all niggas fryin somethin?

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>no watermelon

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>What do you want senpai?
>Give me that 7 killstreak
>Say no more

Nice grammar.

Wow, it's like I'm back in 2007. Think m00t will unleash the chemo?

What's a "period nigger"? A person who is only Black on certain days of a month?

i dont understand


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Armie Hammer will play the store owner and Alexander Skarsgard will play the cop.

Do you think they will portray this event in the apparently inevitable biopic?

oh please please please PLEASE make this happen. the bootyblasting will be enormous

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Ok. I laughed irl.

It was, thank you.

>be american
>get shot
>have a movie made about you being shot

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>be american
>get shot
>(((they))) profit off of you being shot

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>Be brit
>Get stabbed
>Have a movie made about you

>be a smelly foreigner
>get acid thrown in face

>tip the theater workers
>clap at the end of the film
>get shot in the post-credits scene by pic related

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Considering the fact that the robbery happened only minutes before the shooting and it is adds important context for why the police confronted him and also exemplifies his behaviour, I'd say it definitely won't be in the movie.

he's giant. why did they want everyone to think he was a kid?

Anne Frank as an african-american girl


This. Since Obama I've registered as a Republican, joined the NRA, and got out of the military.

you sure that isnt rosa parks?

when the FUCK does Rosa Parks have the same fucking hairstyle as Frank
>I don't see any glasses

Soon is a pretty cool place; I've been there a few times myself. Hope he had as much fun as I did.

There's literally no way you can make him the good guy unless you lie

>caring about the Oscars
Factual reminder that libtards larp as alt-right so they can respond to their own posts with virtue signaling.

That time the american media declared the facts of a police shooting before they were clear and created a shitstorm that ended with assassinations of random cops around the US


Is this any good?
Maybe I could try encourage people to watch this instead.

dog bles

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>why did they want everyone to think he was a kid?
Extra sympathy

Can’t wait for them to cast a fat child actor and make the cop as evil as possible. No bias whatsoever.

Wakanda Queen's official haircut

>be britbong
>have face melted in acid attack
>doesn’t even make the news

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if this racist pig had just let mb rough him up and rob hib (the cop had just let mb punch him and take his gun) all of this could have been avoided. mb would be graduating from yale in a few months. perfect 4.0, pre-med, just a few short years from discovering the cure for cancer.

>he's giant. why did they want everyone to think he was a kid?

lügenpresse gonna lügen

You say that as though mediaheads and politicians don't already know this.

i would feel bad for them had they not cashed in on their son's death and presented at the BET awards.

Moving into an inner-city area will already do that for you.

Oingoboingo and the coming Sarkeesian-likes pushing left-wing racism only got everybody else to see the same, good ol' divide-distract-conquer kikery following suit.

Rosa Parks was at least a real person.

Was Moonlight winning the official point where the Oscar's jumped the shark?

Genuinely hope this flops because the narrative has hundreds of fake-ass stories they've since numbed the normies with since St. Skittles was kill.
His mother should starve.

why don't black people ever choose a correct martyr?

wtf i hate death grips now

i remember reading something, dunno if by the director, that it would be a race drama like Crash. that's all you need to know to be sure this'll be shit.
if Crash is your point of reference you are fucked, that movie is terrible

moonlight was good as fuck dumbshit

Didn't Detroit bomb?

The correct martyrs are smart enough to not get killed.

So why would they be making this then if they know people hate jerks like micheal? Are you saying its some tactic to raise anger aginst these lunkheads so more get killed?

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It's called 'Much Ado About Dindu Nuffin'