Is there a fancut which removes the Whedon bullshit yet or is it a frankenstein monster fucked beyond repairs?

Is there a fancut which removes the Whedon bullshit yet or is it a frankenstein monster fucked beyond repairs?

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THere's only two hours of footage to work with. If you remove the bad scenes, you only have like 15 minutes left.

no. get over it, Zack

Why can't Snyder just say fuck it and release it himself?

A lot of the cut scenes aren't finished

There will never be an alternate cut. The movie was a trainwreck even before Snyders kid committed sodoku

Worst movie I’ve watched in years

Nah, from the leaks it sounds pretty kino. Plus, and I know you aren't going to believe me, my friend was at the VES awards and talked to one of the guys that did vfx for BvS and JL. He said Snyder's original cut was much better in his opinion.

i'm just a pleb, but I thought the movie wasn't that bad

>from the leaks it sounds pretty kino

if we ignore the leak that the people who saw it thought it was garbage, sure

>if we ignore the leak that the people who saw it thought it was garbage


It's way better even if you just cut out the pointless family, the Lois Martha scene, and the many scene ending jokes with an awkward silence after. That's maybe 20 minutes.

What they did to Snyder and his kino is unforgivable.

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Why didn't they use this as the movie cover?

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>if we ignore the leak that the people who saw it thought it was garbage, sure
the WB big wig didn't want a BvS 2 so m they made it worse.. but at least Superman's smiling!

Snyder's version
>Gordon: It's good to see you playing well with others again
Whedon's version
>Gordon: It's good to see you playing well with others

Why'd Whedon change that line? It didn't even affect the runtime.

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he just didn't like the line? obviously it wasn't a time issue. why are you asking?

I love film, but you Snyder boys really are too much. The movie's not even worth watching, Whedon or no. It's terrible. All of Snyder's movies are.

These movies are always gonna be shit. I unironically liked Syneder's direction but normieshit wins the day. I'll stick to Sup Forums, the animated movies are way better than anything on the big screen anyway.

The animated movies aren't worth watching beyond the tinge of raunchiness in half of them. The animation is too SHIT.

Not a fan of the mainline DC shit he's done nor did I like Suckerpunch, but Dawn of the Dead and Watchmen were pretty decent.

The credits?

i enjoyed it. but compared to MoS and BvS UC, its a huge let down.

You'd think WB would release the Snyder Cut after the big demonstration outside their headquarters demanding it.

Of course they're going to release a "Snyder" Cut. They're going to squeeze every last dime out of this flop of a movie.

there aren't any words that can describe how monumentally inane it was to have whedon reshoot a snyder film. i honestly HATE that snyder's name is even attached to this filth.

Why did they turn the flash into a creepy obnoxious jar jar binks sheldon eurasian jew homo? He's fucking awful.

leave this thread and go watch your formulaic marvel movie meant for children, child.

Jason Momoa as Aquaman is inspired and yummy. The more fan service, the better.

It's too kino. That's iconic worthy. Too bad the film vouldn't live up to the poster.

I'm surprised Affleck didn't tell them to fuck off

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who has the more kissable lips, ezra or gal? it's ezra.

The JUST of the decade

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Even the Snyder scenes are ruined by Whedon's hsckish editing and direction leaving a 300m film with blatantly unfinished CGI and absurd colorful coloring.

They can't though for 2 reasons. His movie wasn't finished and releasing a Snyder cut would be too blatantly saying that Joss Whedon fucked it up.

They could maybe do an extended version which has a bunch of the deleted scenes edited back in but I'm not expecting to see a Snyder Cut for many many years like Superman 2 and even then that was a fucking mess

Alcohol zapped him

I hope Whedon's career is over

and Whedon used them both anyway, all for a fucking 'do you bleed' callback

There's a scene between Lois and MARTHA which is horrible colour and lighting wise. Even as a gilf I think Diane Lane is nice but she just looked ugly, not only that but he managed to make Amy Adams look like an old woman too!

I thought maybe WB was improving after firing his ass but then they hired that Wrinkle in Time girl because they wanted a BP-like hit.

Because he doesn't have access to the material that was cut. Just face it, the studio butchered his movie, it's happened before to other directors. Maybe, if we're lucky, we get a partly restored version in 20 years or something. But probably not.

Whedon stuff replaced shit, it wasn't just added.

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Who was Snyder quoting?

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>all for a fucking 'do you bleed' callback

Which was one of the few good parts of the movie really

That scene makes me disgusted even thinking about it. Oh yeah how exciting cinema with the blandest grey room in the world being the basis of a scene. Look at MoS and BvS. Every scene is a visual treat with careful lightning and angle considerations for optimal impact. Whedon and Snyder really are polar opposites.

They didn't bring Whedon in for no reason, Snyder's version was shit and tested horribly

His stuff was bad but it was replacing bad with different bad

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If Snyder had bowed out instead of pushing for a franchise, he would have been remembered as the only one doing a classic cape character well as the MCU began getting tired. Even after fucking up Watchmen.

Robin. You can even see his rusty old bike in BvS.

>They didn't bring Whedon in for no reason,
We know. That reason was turning JL into Avengers 2.0 instead of a proper BvS sequel. They even rewrote Terrio's script because they deemed his writing too complex for the Marvel audience (pic related) they sought after.

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Really dude if you had ANY hope left for DCEU after the decisions they made with Justice League you're just asking for disappointment.

Snyder bloating BvS with references to off-screen adventures was why it collapsed under its own weight. His "universe building" stepped all over the scenes and cinematography bringing a sense of depth and left everything in an ocean trench of unintriguing shit to sift through.

They'd already done that long before Whedon came on the scene. Synder was promising it would be 'fun' basically as soon as BvS tanked

Except he's entirely not capable of that kind of movie and shouldn't have tried

It was probably kino but WB shit heads didn't like it because they wanted an Avengers copy.

They thought bringing him in would give them Avengers level success. They completely ignored Age of Ultron though

Absolute mad man Snyder was planning a JL2 even. Holy fuck.

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Mossad agents will get to him before tries. It's what they did to Kubrick for eyes wide shut.

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Problem was the TC removing the wrong scenes. The universe build scenes are great in the UC but they push away other important scenes in TC.

Fun fact; TDKR had 15min longer cinema runtime than BvS.

what is worse, disney fired whedon after age of ultron and give mcu to russos
wb was literally cucked right here

Would it have been better if they let a group of trailer editors make the final cut of the movie?

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Probably. Atleast they'd leave the dialogue as is.

They knew TDKR would be a guaranteed hit while having reservations about BVS. Same reason the theatrical ROTK was 3 and a half hours and BOTFA was just a little over 2.

>blaming Wheadon for this pile of shit
>not the shitmaster himself, Snyder

I'm amused how you DCucks found a way to hate this movie like everyone else, but still be true to your contrarian natures

BOTFA was a little over 3

He had to. Reshoot clauses and shit.

Extended edition (which actually has an R rating to the theatrical PG-13). Cinema runtime was about two and a half hours.

You'd think WB would understand a film as dense as BvS would atleast require the same runtime as a solo Batman movie. But apparently not.

>Snyder makes two bad movies
>Is kicked off his third movie
>But that one was the secretly amazing one, which they decided to make into a bad movie instead

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it's like whedon is trying to make him less of a man.
Look at the chest hair ffs

how big of a cuck can one man be?

>Absolute mad man Snyder was planning a JL2 even
duh, that was the plan. Superman was only supposed to be reviveda t the very end by darkseid and then turned.

>>Snyder makes two bad movies
you're wrong there, kiddo

Jesus Christ.
Imagine devoting years to your franchise with a specific vision, and of all people Joss Whedon takes over.

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I specifically said the theatrical version
There have just been a lot of fuck ups in the DCEU and it's pretty much dead in the water now. I actually like MOS & WW too.

If a fantasy drama with hobbits n orcs n men in capes is allowed to be 3 hours I dunno why a scifi fantasy drama with gods n ayylmaos n men in tights couldn't have been 3 hours

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The Hobbit movies were awful though

user abandoned us, but he left his website up:

Good animation is a dead medium. Take too much work and patience for too little money in the smartphones era when no one can be focused on something for more than 10 minutes.

It's hard to focus on an animated movie when there's no effort put into it. Batman Ninja looks pretty good though.

>remove contrast that chest hair is too masculine for me *drink soyshit*

How did we go from this

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to this?

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the leaks called the original cut "unwatchable"

By the same retarded WB execs that shat all over Ayer's film in favor of trailer editing and who chose Whedon to direct the film. At this rate that "leak" was mere damage control for the ass raping those retards were doing.

>batman kills a dozen people.webm


>batman doesn't kill, it's his shtick
>beats some poor thug's head to a pulp

And it was kino

I was talking about the people who make them. Good animators were always autists paid like shit.

>batman doesn't kill
Proven wrong by literally every Batman movie except that shitty Shumacher won.

>Batman Ninja looks pretty good
ehhhhhhh the artstyle looks kinda cool but the movie looks boring. I probably won't watch it.

to be fair Age of Ultron made more money than any DCEU movie

WB would've been psyched to get an Age of Ultron

>beats some poor thug's head to a pulp
He's literally always done that, comics just have more cartoony physics than our universe so criminals usually survive the severe head trauma.

It was an important aspect of his character in BvS. He was old, embittered and gave up on his no-kill code. Snyder did something new and fans couldn't handle it.

>uppercuts someone off a roof in the cold
>"heh an ambulance that I didn't call will pick him up before all his brains bleed out of his nose"
I was hoping Frank Castle was going to point out the holes in this "no kill" logic in Daredevil 2

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Yeah but you can't really write it off as "oh it's just a comic book violence where they're knocked out but actually completely fine" when they released an uncut version of the movie where that scene has blood splatters and horrifying screams of pain restored

He is absolutely killing all those dudes

>He is absolutely killing all those dudes
Call for mummy tell her to hold you.