/who/ - Doctor Who General

Pie Mans family edition

Last died

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What is the opposite of Doctor Who?


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what the fucc is up with the user who posts fat Doctor pics?

Oh Justin... :/

t. user who posts fat Doctor pics

I've decided to drop my trip -- it's really uncomfortable using /who/ to talk about what I want to talk about, when I know that authors can search their names.

t. Judy

We should make a wiki page about him.
Also, if he ever saw Colin Baker IRL, his dick would probably explode.

What's his name again?

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le epic dr. XDDD

LMAO that is hilarious!

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God I wish that sofa was me

I assumed user was joking when I saw that

Reminder that people watched several seasons of The IT Crowd to 'get used' to Chris

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10 is the worst Doctor. I want to bully him and call him a fat slut and then forcefeed him pears!

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I support of a twink companion

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Reminder Chibnall wrote a pure "historical" with Countrycide on Torchwood

pure shit more like


>tfw spent 3 days writing beast of fang rock for a future shit trips only to find out it already exists

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What the fuck are you on about? And I've seen Colin pics. I just wish there were more of him chubby but still with hair. Doesn't seem like Tennant's the type to gain much yet.

People will still want to read yours

fat is gross

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Yeah I read the synopsis and it should be fine

oh no no no no

Babylon 5, probably. It's sort of the epitome of the American model of TV science fiction from the 90s onwards that exists only for the sake of worldbuilding. The writers/fans of this sort of show always seem to think that "consistency" and "worldbuilding" equal "depth".

Lots of shows could fit the bill: all the Stargates, the new Battlestar Galactica, most Star Trek after The Next Generation - but almost everyone involved in Babylon 5 - JMS, the fans, even the actors - all seem particularly smug about how deep and brilliant they think the show is.

This article I found says it better than I can, if you can get past the hideous background image: andrewrilstone.com/2018/02/last-best-hopes.html

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Posting juicy bit from the article

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Oh god, doesn't sound like my kind of thing at all. Do you have any more thoughts on it?

>implying fat twinks aren't godtier
>implying feminization through fat isn't both GOAT and accurate to reality as estrogen production increases

Terrible. The saddest part of this is that Jodie will probably get more fat fetish art than ever from norman straightfags while Doctors who are male but far sluttier and cockhungrier get overlooked.

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Build is the new hotness now Emuposter

countrycide is a very memorable episode, user

I don't watch kamen rider and have no idea what those words mean, I just think he's attractive

just out of interest, when was the last time you came so hard and so long you forgot where you are?

i love you

What is actually wrong with this line?

Okay, so it's pretty evident /who/ is shit now and almost every user agrees. But I've found a solution. There are a few steps as to how we actually salvage this shithole.

>Rename /who/ to /dwg/ - Doctor Who General
It's clear to see that the /who/ name is now permanently associated with shitposting and memes. Bringing a new identity will stop this. I'm not saying get rid of the memes entirely, but perhaps make new memes more related to discussion topics.
>Stop all "meme" thread headers.
Instead, I suggest we focus them on discussion, posing them with a question or a talking point. Maybe we could have episode editions right from An Unearthly Child up until today. In addition, we could append this to thread headers to get newbies to follow our new etiquette.
>Make threads focused on Doctor Who.
/who/ should be about Doctor Who (/dwg/ moreso, another reason to change the name), and it should not be a personal blog for discussing your life, nor should it be a place to discuss Star Wars. There are many, many other places to talk about those things - the countless Star Wars threads on Sup Forums, and /soc/ for socializing.
>Remove all the trips.
Even if a few people filter the trips, there will still be a majority of people who see their posts and discuss them, making them a net loss for /dwg/. The best way would be to make them so uncomfortable that they have to leave. Yes, it might f*ck up a few threads in the process but it will be worth it in the long run to have a drama-free environment.
>Close down the stream.
All the stream does for this place is bring even more identity drama. I don't think you can make streams anonymous, so the best way to stop it would be to remove the association or the stream itself.
>Stop posting links to the wiki.
The wiki is another one of those things which is so closely associated with the /who/ identity that it's nothing but drama. Just remove the Sup Forums association and make it a separate thing that all the tripfags and memers can go to.

Unironically go back to plebbit

This is supreme, multi-layered bait

If you hate the state of /who/ so much, just go make a new general offsite instead of trying to change everything about this one

>make them so uncomfortable that they have to leave
>drama-free environment

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hey /who/ ive started doing a butt work out, im over a week in and am already seeing results!

It's fucking perfect.
>perhaps make new memes

Some trips will quite seriously never leave as well, so all this would do is prolong drama forever.

Star Trek is really probably the better poster child for the "canon is everything" approach, but I didn't choose Trek because it wasn't like that at all in the beginning. The original series was a wonderfully bizzarre window into 1960s culture.

Nowadays the show can't go a single episode without referencing lore from the original series that was only meant to exist in the context of a 50 minute TV episode that would have no ramifications for next week's story. It doesn't make for a convincing fictional universe, and it makes for awkward, stilted televison that doesn't feel like it has anything to do with reality, no matter how hard the writers try to make the plots relevant. And most Trekkies can't see why they would make the show any other way.

I hope the Tarantino Trek movie ends up reminding people about when the show had a broader appeal like Doctor Who, but it's probably wishful thinking on my part.

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Any general name with a redundant 'g' in the abbreviation is pure shit tier
Trying to reframe the purpose of threads won't change the fact it's the same userbase with the same personalities and implicit culture. If you don't like that culture, you need to find another place to discuss doctor who rather than trying to change us.

t. grantzilla

>the censored "fuck"

I don't know about you guys but can anyone else smell some tasty pasta cooking?

The stream is literally just one tier below having a discord
A notable percentage of recent /who/ drama has involved the stream

I really like your take/s. What era of Doctor Who do you think fell to these tendencies the most, and what era the least? What about Doctor Who do you think has seen it resist that sort of approach/fanbase/etc? Does it go deeper than the lack of canon? Star Trek ostensibly has something of the rejuvenating era quality Who has, in doing new series in different times and shit, but why does that not really work the same way for it? For the record I've seen none of Babylon 5 and only a bit of Trek (some TOS episodes, fair few of the movies).

The amount of loads blown over this show could probably fill an olympic sized swimming pool.

Thought that was interesting.

Hey trip I had sexual intercourse with your mother

(I think it's working!)

check your curiouscat

rank Doctors (excluding 13) by submissiveness in bed

Neo watching BvS alone in the stream

When is /who/ gonna regenerate?

masturbate to cartoons

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Post your rankings

Close down the stream (it's fun for the people who are in it, but it's basically a law of communities that offsite chatrooms, which always develop their own independent cultures compared to the main community, just increase fragmentation)
Make threads focused on Doctor Who (this is absolutely unattainable but yeah that's the goal innit)

Episode editions (I used to be super against episode editions as forced-tier bullshit, but at least they give every thread an on-topic start)
Backing away from the wiki (I don't think we should cut it off entirely, but some distance would probably do us good)

Rename /who/ to /dwg/
Getting rid of memes
Remove all the trips
Having rules

in conclusion, pls fuck off

It was a genuine question about the logistics of how it works, since it's something I'm completely unfamiliar with and uninformed about. It's not something I'm going to get off to.

What's step 2

idk it's just endemic to me of Chibnall's tendency to get drama across through rambling melodramatic dialogue. And it's just awkward. It's meant to be an intense moment but it unironically makes me pic related.

>"As the Americans say... screw you, petal!"

>"The man who delivered the letter... Anthony. Be nice to him, because he's your grandson."


>"She's SO right, it's EMBARRASSING."

>"When was the last time you came so hard and so long you forgot where you are?"

>"It was also when we realized something the Shakri never understood, what "cubed" actually means.
>The Power...
>of Three."

>"That night, we camped on a beach in Brittany. It got so freezing we wore our coats and shared one sleeping bag. When we woke up the next morning, a dog was pissing on our tent. Hold me, Ianto."

just some of my faves

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>Episode editions
they work as sporadic things, but autistically trying to enforce that each new thread needs to be the next consecutive episode is not a good thing

>Backing away from the wiki
The wiki should be considered part of /who/ and not a separate entity. It doesn't have discussion forums or any kind of difference in culture the same way the stream does


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>When was the last time you came so hard and so long you forgot where you are?
wait fuck what that's a chibnall quote? from torchwood I'm guessing?

I think some of those are clumsy but the cum one has never struck me as weird and I've always been surprised to see it memed here. Same with the Anthony line. Or the embarrassing line. And I'm still confused by people's reactions to the cubed line when it was clearly going for that tone.

Does chibnall needs his own 'pretentious dialogue machine' page?

please discuss doctor who lewds with me my balls are tardis blue

/who/ should get them to act out a doctor who scene

I dunno how to answer honestly in that case, could you be more specific because I mean, a vagina's a vagina?

Upgrade, masturbate to Doctor Who.

put your dick in the box

>when it was clearly going for that tone
Really though?

Absolutely. Clearly. It was cheesy. It was literally a pun.

I'm very biased in my lewds, as you can imagine

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wasn't sure if there was anything functionally/mechanically different after being on hormones and/or having bottom surgery regarding what comes out on orgasm

what type of lewds?

>tfw we could have gotten this instead of something that looks worse than the 60s version

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As long as you are fine with fat slut 10. I am male but for some reason my dick goes diamonds for a prissy alien male taking cock and having more fatty flesh to grope.

I'm writing a lewd story for shit trips 2.5
but you'll have to wait and see because it has some twists and turns and revealing anything about what it's about or who's involved could spoil where it goes

doc being a big guy

Doctor Who sort of jumped the shark after the first story, what with going against the entire "educational" tone Sydney Newman had intended, and has kept reinventing itself since. There's no central creative vision to adhere to or "betray" - no Roddenberry/Straczynski/Lucas/Kirby/Lee figure that "defined" the program. Newman's vision for the show has practically nothing to do with RTD's, for instance.

The part of the show that probably went against this the most was the Saward/JNT era. Each prior doctor's era had been radically different from the others - the Hartnell era had a lot in common with contemporary cold war sci-fi, the Troughton era consisted of monster-driven adventure romps, the Pertwee era was ITC Who, and the Baker era's theme was genre pastiche in space. Bidmead had begun to take the show in a less genere and monster-driven direction based on his own particular brand of "mysterious science locations", but he quit and we were stuck with Saward, who worshiped the Baker approach. Even now, we're stuck with variations on the Baker approach, with the "mandatory monster" rule that's supposedly in place - it's retroactively become "traditional" Doctor Who, even though it can and has been structured quite differently.

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Ask again on there and I'll answer seriously this time, promise

I'm not into inflation/fat but I approve of dominating Ten in general so we have in common I s'ppose? I have worse kinks, anyway, I think. Certainly ones that are much easier to rip on.

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I didn't get a tongue-in-cheek vibe from that at all but different strokes I guess

Doctor Who is dead.

>Some of these former Doctor Who fans are are just nasty little boys who don’t want gurls in their treehouse. Some of them have a much wilder, political objection. The idiot who got up an actual petition against Jodie Whittaker's casting uses a lot of easily identifiable far-right code-words: the idea of a female Doctor was forced on the BBC by the “SJW community”; the idea that the Doctor has to be male is “common sense”. He mentions in passing that there are “only two genders” suggesting that he failed his German ‘O’ Level. And he thinks the series started in 1957. He isn’t actually concerned about Doctor Who as such: he objects to the idea that the Doctor could change gender because he objects to the idea that anyone could change gender. His distaste for Jodie Whittaker is simply a distaste for trans people. He sees the casting of a female Doctor is part of a wider PC/SJW plot to destroy civilization. He is a very silly man and I don’t know why I am paying any attention to him.

why do you want me to read this

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Fair. As a biscum man myself I feel that 10 would not be just dominant with everyone. He slutted around with everyone from wose to Jack to that fucking gmilf who molested him in End of Time. And it's satisfying to imagine shutting his technobabbling, quite vain and manic, pseudo-villainous nature up with a cock, gag, or feeding tube, all while still rubbing and hugging him. I have high body temperature so I would like to nohomo cuddle a Gallifreyan.

Thoughts on this

I swear I had more pics of the bondage chair because I commissioned a friend of mine to draw lewds of it but oh well

Whose idea was it to put Tennant in bondage anyway, Davies and his goddamn GAY AGENDA

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>it's retroactively become "traditional" Doctor Who, even though it can and has been structured quite differently.
This irritates me so, so much. I've bought this up before and people have bristled at it, maybe I framed it too aggressively. My favourite version of the show was 1's when it felt much less locked down into any approach and, as you say, literally jumped the shark as soon as possible.

Do you think Doctor Who on TV will ever be able to crawl out of the monster tradition?

Can you keep your fetishes somewhere please?
The only fetish allowed on /who/ is watersports.

I can, doesn't mean I will.

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but what about missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

thank you for the explanation, I hadn't heard of clitoral expansion before so that was interesting to learn about

I remember watching the finale with a friend and having to go leave to rub one off into the bathroom stall. It was fucking embarrassing.

My faggotry also makes me combine the fat shit and bondage, mainly because it's fun to imagine the extra pounds making the ropes tighter, straining against his sensitive skin, and the Master can bully and humiliate him even more. If I were better at writefagging I'd probably write some shitty fapfic for myself where based Simm fattens him up during the Last of the Time Lords plot instead of aging him into fucking Dobby. There's a story somewhere about fat 10 getting stuck in his TARDIS and getting his ass and body groped by Rose but it's short.[/spoiler]

B5 isn't a bad show. It's quite good. It's just that it takes two and a half seasons for it to get good.

Okay. What about Ten being inflated by piss? Checkmate.