How come most Canadians sound Irish but Goose sounds like he's from Brooklyn?

How come most Canadians sound Irish but Goose sounds like he's from Brooklyn?

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Maybe he's an actor.

>most Canadians sound Irish

What? You are deaf.

only newfies sound irish
most leafs aside from lower mainlanders and southern ontarians sound like rural minnesotans/north dakotans


He's said that he changed his accent to distance himself from his Canadian heritage and to fit in with Hollywood. His kids are being raised bilingual by a spic, and taught "Cuban culture", which has also been stated publicly. Meanwhile, take actors like Christian Bale, who speak a perfectly fine American accent as needed, but are still proud enough of their roots to speak British in interviews/publicly. Gosling is a dishonest prick, it's no wonder he got cast in BR2049.

>canadian heritage
As a white country, canada is complicit in slavery, war economies, and global oppression. The leaf should die and goose is doing right to distance himself before DOTR

Why would anyone proud of being from Canada?

In before muh drake or muh raptors

You should always be proud of your roots. That's where your from, it will never change. That he admitted to adopting a non-native accent to fit into the industry is sick. Like I said, many other actors don't, and freely default to their native accent. Gosling is trash compared to Bale, etc.

Will his Cuban/Canadian hybrid daughter be hot?

The only time Canadians sound different from Americans is when they say abooot and that's it.


Canadians sound French not Irish, you cacadoodoo mooka.

He's Canadian, of course he feels sorry.

>it's no wonder he got cast in BR2049.

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A bunch of Canadians sound Scottish, especially older Canadians, because a lot of them have Scottish ancestry, hence the "they say aboot" stereotype.
Quebecois sound French.

>not knowing The Goose's Wikipedia page by heart
"He developed an idiosyncratic accent because, as a child, he thought having a Canadian accent did not sound "tough". He began to model his accent on that of Marlon Brando."

i'm disappointed in you Sup Forums

And? There is a lot more pride in being a slave master than a slave faggot.

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You can't say "Good Eye Might" outloud without an Australian accent.

I'm overcome with the feeling to shitpost blacked screenshots...

Canadians don't sound Irish.
They sound like retards.

Everybody but Canadians can't speak properly. Australians, English, Americans. They all sound like cartoon characters.

this, have you ever heard jordan peterson talk, that's how most canadians sound like, froggy retards

Have you ever heard Irish people talk? Irish people sound like retards.

they say aboat not aboot

Any other sad leafs here. Fuck Pattys day, 613 sucks for it.

Canadians in a nutshell.

Huh. I never would have suspected it was an intentional thing.

Does he actually sound anything like Marlon Brando? I've never heard him.

>most Canadians sound Irish

he grew up in Greater Toronto just over the US border, he isn't a potato farming Newfie

>Try doing it
>It's true

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Why is 5 better than 4? 5 implies she's a slut.