ITT: Films that have already been forgotten

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Surely you haven't forgotten about the movie when you make 30 threads a day on it

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nobody is going to ever care about your shitty opinions review screw

your a fucking mess of a human being

too early to say
but i will bet the original will still have threads here long after 2049 has been forgotten.. only to be brought up as 'that movie' from time to time

Not true- there are at least 3 guys on Sup Forums who still care about it. Two actually think it is great. x)

i really enjoyed this movie! :-)

It won best picture last year and people already forgot it exist or it won best picture.

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why would the best action adventure movie of the last decade be forgotten

It didn't.

People still remember The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. They just don't go on posting endlessly about it.

It will never be forgotten. Worst case scenario, it's linked to one of the most popular movies ever.

I'll never forget this movie because it was an absolute mess. I appreciate that they stopped giving a fuck and didn't even pretend to make an actual movie, but jesus fucking christ.
I'm ashamed to admit it's still the Thor's movie I've enjoyed the most.

You think the original Blade Runner is popular?

We have a bunch of autismus still triggered that it got voted the best movie of 2017 making threads every few hours. Funny thing is we know for a fact they are redditors

>why would the best action adventure movie of the last decade be forgotten
It wouldn't and it isn't but we're not talking about Mad Max Fury Road

It's definitely a mess, I'm glad you think so too. I don't get why it's so hyped up.

It's popular enough to get a sequel 30 years after its release.

The only reason it's even remotely enjoyable is because based Waititi is a great director for comedy, and in fact the skits taken on their own are very funny, but the movie is objectively trash.

check em

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