What the fuck is happening to Sup Forums? Everyday this board just gets worse and worse...

What the fuck is happening to Sup Forums? Everyday this board just gets worse and worse. No other board on Sup Forums has been invaded by Sup Forums like this

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>muh safe space

formerly reddit

dont really see what you mean Sup Forums has been at the same general level of shittiness since TFA came out and that was like 2 years ago or something

What, are you mad about the Sneed posters ruining your general?

>Sup Forums

The 3 words that killed Sup Forums

>gore & porn threads

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This board has been creatively dead for years.
Just let it be consumed by Star Wars and capeshit, all the good posters are long gone.

>reading comprehension
this place has devolved from actual film and television discussion. everything posted here is now either racebaiting or some stupid sjw shit literally Sup Forums only cares about. Glad I mostly go /fit/ and /lit/ places Sup Forums hasn't shit up yet

Sup Forums being worst board has been a meme since well before you got here

Sup Forums was atleast decent before the new Star Wars films.

>muh safe spaze!!

Wrong, Blade Runner memes showcase peak Sup Forums creativity

the faggot posting them ATM is a bootyblasted Sup Forumsack whining about getting a ban

>its a newfag cries about Sup Forums episode.

The only reason I come here is to contribute to making the board as bad as possible. It's basically a hobby.

I hardly even watch movies.

7 years now crying about Sup Forums on Sup Forums the act has became its own meme

no-one really cares and when they see you throwing these tantrums people start doing it more from Sup Forums or not

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2014 was the beginning of the end

>the faggot posting them ATM is a bootyblasted
Sup Forums doesnt want you or your tumblr general here hole.

Ah so this is about the reylo general.

Threads over everyone, it's just a butt blasted tumblr whale.

If you post mutts on that ptg thread on Sup Forums, you get banned
Even if you actually try to discuss stuff there

Newfag detected.

Sup Forums has been /pollite/ for a few years now. The problem is now that none of the people who kept Sup Forums enjoyable are here anymore. All thats left are autists, /nupol/, capeshits, SWhateshits, and "kino"tists

this board is kino

This is the culture war. We must defend sgasint psyops.

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the last decade (!) of cape shit ruined Sup Forums, there's nothing but bones and dust here

Why redditors are cry soo hard about Sup Forums tonight? Tbh. All weekend is the same thing nowdays. It's a lefypol or discord raid?

Remember. The based goreposter is a oldfag and the OP of all horror threads, Stargate and The Thing threads.

Tumblr and reddit hates him bc he post gore in reylo and capeshit threads.

what about an invasion from facebook?

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If you post "anti-white" things on Sup Forums, even if it's done ironically, you get banned as well. Meanwhile there were hundreds and hundreds of "it's okay to be white" threads which were arguably another autistic project chanology

Posting BLACKED threads will get you banned everywhere.


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i just checked out that page. cringey as fuck. screenshot this comment and post it on facebook you faggot admin

read the sticky

admin is always trying to claim the lolocaust actually happened too, he's a fucking soyboy

Sup Forums literally made a colony on reddit lmao, you are in no position to call anyone a redditor, you literally invited reddit and sucked their dick

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its Sup Forumss ebaums world

I bet you're white, have a bowl haircut, and troll people cause you let the Jews get under your skin.
Make something of yourself.

looks like someones projectiñg

>its another "muh Sup Forums" thread

jesus christ fucking kill yourselves all of you

if you feel the need to complain about Sup Forums your skin is not thick enough to be on Sup Forums, please just leave and stop making these shit threads

You kys you retarded trumpaneze cunt pol Russian degenerate neocuck

it's the same shit over and over. it's fucking boring. maybe you're just fucking braindead, ever considered that?

>wanting decent discussion without autists making everything political is now reddit

Why can't you stay at pol then or does normal people trigger you retards so much you have be a cancer here as well?!

Come to sp la

Don't they like to make everything political nowadays, from children's books to blockbusters?
Some of us ought to give some feedback on that.

Im not trolling. Ten tumblr whales dont need a shipping general on Sup Forums. You fucks even admitted to supporting that child molester.

/rbl/ broship on /nba/ here

>everything i dont like is Sup Forums

>Some of us ought to give some feedback on that.

learn to fucking type, you gave my mind a tongue twist

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except everything that is wrong with Sup Forums is Sup Forums you fucking retard. every board already discusses and makes fun of political issues since that's part of the overarching board culture. autists from Sup Forums ramp that shit up hundredfold which turns every board they infest similar to their own containment board

how deep can we go?

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anti Sup Forums whiners are worse than Sup Forums

every anti Sup Forums is always the same

20 posters rambling on for 300 posts with few people telling you to stop

learn what a post count is

>people crying about Sup Forums because people make fun of niggers
>when they themselves are Sup Forums rejects that only come to Sup Forums to talk about capeshit and star wars

>It's a lefypol or discord raid?

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This. By far.

I prefer this over being overmoderated by autists keeping the official narrative like good corporate whores on Sup Forums.

Fuck off reylo. You were claiming Sup Forums only came to Sup Forums because of star wars a couple of days ago.

You posted this pic again. Sad af, btw, faggot, I just browse Sup Forums and /tg/ nowadays. Be humble, redditor.

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The based goreposter already BTFO tonight the redditors and reylo posters.
He posted 2 pics of him with a girl (maybe male)

>girl (maybe male)
Kill yourself queer.

I still don't get this picture.
>Hungary is one of only 2 green countries in Europe
>All of Asia is orange ore Red
>Hungarians are Asians who mixed with Europeans for two and a half thousand years
How did this happen?
Were the hungarians' ancestors literally the only big dicked people in Asia, and got chased out as demonspawn for their unnaturally large junks?

Any dick size study is bullshit. When is the last time you got your dick measured?

This board was so good when it was just shitposting and waifus. Not even joking. It was a nonstop carnival ride.

smaller dick size seems to correlate with intelligence/power of the nation

Youre a dumb fuck user.

The fact that actress threads are a bannable offense meanwhile porn threads stay up for hours at a time is enough to tell you what type of board this is

>It's another "bitching about the boogeyman Sup Forums thread" while the fags don't realize that they are the problem and not Sup Forums itself

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that page is pure cringe, hope the faggot admin dies

t. Dicklets

t. nigger

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Nope, I look good and I have a big dick, not a nigger or beta white boi.

Gay cunt you have a board for that shit.


And it's Sup Forums

They've been shitting up this board for about three years now. Sup Forums loves to claim that Sup Forums is "Sup Forums lite" (and they've been doing it much more frequently) which is causing a huge influx of edgy 16 year old faggots, thus the state of this board. They're already in the process of trying to ruin /lit/ and /biz/ but I have my doubts they'll get far on that.

Go back poof

Sup Forums is part of Sup Forums, reddit and tumblr arent.

In that case we should allow every single Sup Forums, /hm/, /lgbt/, etc. related thread on this board because it's a part of Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is just Sup Forums-lite

The only difference is those threads are actually related to television and films, wheras the Sup Forums tier threads tend to focus on politics, race, gender, etc.

I dunno. I left Sup Forums around '07 and there were still plenty of Sup Forums tier posters there. Except we called them what they were. Stormniggers.

t. Redditor

Based Golden Days Fallacy poster

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>wanting to actually have a discussion about a certain film or television show without the thread being derailed by race baiting Sup Forums shit is considered being from reddit
Go back

Sup Forums has always been filled with political threads it is Sup Forums after all.

Eat shit newfag youre the ones who hate the simpsons, rome, sopranos.


I just browse Sup Forums and /tg/ faggot. You remember the Lost and Stargate threads in 2008? Nope. So, you go back.

Usually the threads go to shit as a result of Sup Forums biting bait. The bait is possibly thrown out there by Sup Forums in the first place. The Sup Forumstards invariably win because they aren't wrong, but why the fuck do you retards ALWAYS have to bite? Let the monkey posters and kikes have their fun, its not like their delusions hurt anyone.

Fuck that! It's fucking true, a user screenshot a lot of shit proving that this faggot ruining Raimiposting, Sopranos and Rome threads is a literal gay from r/movies and other subreddits and also a faggot from leftypol discord.

I don't know Sup Forums has gotten pretty bad too.

>N word

You have to go back to, fucking piece of shit.

>You remember the Lost and Stargate threads in 2008?
Yeah Pablo we get it, you literally post this in every single thread fuck off nobody cares. I'm not even into lost or stargate so there would be no reason for me to browse those threads, faggot.

No I don't

I post gore in Capeshit and Star Wars threads
I post the black guys in cuck cage
I post weird porn stuff sometimes, specially gay stuff
Almost all The Thing, Stargate and horror movies threads are mine
I'm a big guy irl (1,96cm)
I'm a old Sup Forumstard from Ron Paul times but I don't browse Sup Forums after the election.
I started to browse Sup Forums in 2008 to talk about Lost and Stargate, I used to hate the tripfags back then.
I feel sad about /tg/ nowadays, reddit really take control there.
I was old and infamous faggot in Sup Forums some years ago.
I love LARPing as a redditor left-wing to get (You) 's and I'm pretty good in it.
Lots of baits are mine, if you see a faggot getting a lot of replays it's probably me
Im a famous chad in polgbt discord servers
I post my videos and pics with traps and women in some boards

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>Really pathetic newfag trying to hard to fit.
>G-go back.
Well, back to your Capeshit and Netflix thread, pleb.

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This person is not happy.