What if ASJ never left Power Rangers?

What if ASJ never left Power Rangers?

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Why is that suit so faded?

Stopped watching Power Rangers in the 90s like everyone else.

It's the salmon ranger

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

Ah! After ten thousand years im free! It's time to regain my color!

I do sometimes wonder what the show would have evolved into if the gang all stayed together. I would like to peak into other realities for trivialities like this one. But, alas.

Hmmm... Never... Well, no Rocky for one. Upgrade. Hopefully we still get the Zack/Adam switch, though. Although I think the three originals leaving was ASJ's idea.. So I don't know...

If he stays red for the three seasons of MMPR, the 1995 movie obviously is *slightly* less Tommy focused, who likely stays white.

Zeo is the choke point. I can't see stay-universe ASJ or JDF consenting to sideline themselves and wait for Gold Ranger Powers, especially since David Yost (Billy) was also depowered.

Was ASJ a David Bully or not? If he was, that could accelerate his leaving as well

If ASJ stays I can see Saban making a stronger effort to give JDF his own show (VR Troopers was supposed to be JDF's show)

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What power rangers series is the highest quality for a grown adult manbaby?

RPM unquestionably best.

Tolerable: The Judd Lynn Cycle: In Space - Lost Galaxy - Lightspeed Rescue - Time Force

Yeah probably no white ranger, or at least no Tommy as white ranger. Idk, maybe they would have tried to have him on both for a time and then have him switch over to VR troopers full time or back to MMPR if VR failed like it did with him.

Daily reminder that Tommy is an asshole.

The Saban movie, unironically

Was solid

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They switch to the Thunderzord / Dairanger Monster fight footage early on in season two. The Tiger zord is inevitable and therefore the white ranger too.

does this happen at every meet and greet

I can't speak for every meet and greet but at the last Power Morphicon I was fucked by no less than 10 guys while dressed as Kat Manx so it probably does.


I remember wanting to fuck the pink ranger but then she got cancer

Except she didn't. She's still alive and healthy.

That was Kendrix (Lost Galaxy Pink), played by Valerie Vernon
She lived IRL.

Unfortunate, she should have died.

RPM blows everything out of the water

Going to the next one?


Thanks frens

No fren

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Brad Hawkins was originally gonna be the white ranger though

I plan to but my tastes have changed a bit. I hope you like nightmares.

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Hey, spandex and certain belts make it so you'd never know.


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Well like the show I have a "hero suit" for taking pictures and stuff and an "action suit" for more... rigorous activities.

I'm hazy on the timeline of decisions. ASJ, JDF and Saban's

She makes my monster grow.

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>Although I think the three originals leaving was ASJ's idea.. So I don't know...
Not really. He was just the one who thought they should be getting paid more considering how popular the show was. The other two just followed him because they thought he was right. It's not like he tried to get them to leave.

If I remember correctly it's
>S2 of MMPR production starts
>JDF is still on the show but is going to be written out as he's being given what becomes VR Troopers instead
>Brad Hawkins is cast as the White Ranger, wasn't meant to be the team leader at that point
>ASJ and co. start negotiating with Saban over non-scale rates since the show had gotten huge during the first season
>Brad Hawkins is offered VR Troopers instead of JDF, they swap around
>JDF takes over the White Ranger role not as the leader
>ASJ walk out
>poorly overdub the White Ranger being the new leader

So if ASJ never flexes for pay, JDF to VRT, and Brad in as White... Interesting.

Hard to project alternate timelines too far into the future. Wonder if Amy Jo would still leave in MMPR S3 to be replaced by Superior Str'aryan Kat? I think so!

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>Wonder if Amy Jo would still leave in MMPR S3 to be replaced by Superior Str'aryan Kat?
Probably. Out of anyone in the entire PR cast, she's the one that's had the closest thing to an actual career post PR.

Why do ASJ and JDF hate each other?

Who else only watched that SWAT team show on syndication just to watch MILF Amy Jo?!

>yuo will never dress up as pink ranger and kiss Jason

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They don't hate each other. JDF is just a pompous asshole who likes to start fights with anyone and so he made up this "rivalry" between them.

The more I think about it, If the cast stays mostly static through MMPR, I can see the shift to Zeo going very differently and the Zeo cast being the first hard reset.

In Space.

GOAT music GOAT ending to the Zordon Era.

Brad Hawkins is chad in almost every level except for his soyboy voice.

Johnny yong Bosch is one of the best and most used voice actors around

He had a point. Saban jewed all of them.

Why does the fandom enable this pompous asshole?

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get out tumblr before i kick your neck


It's the casuals. Real fans love Adam the most.

IIRC, kids demanded that the Green Ranger return once he got depowered. Some of them weren't even eating.

He'd be just like JDF and the poof who plays Billy.

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Billy should've been the Gold Ranger.

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The pompous asshole has a point. Who's the most loyal ranger of them all?

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Because Jesus didn't tap out.

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Yes JDF is pompous. Unfortunately, my guess he's the only one of the original cast willing to comeback and shill hard for his character. The pay probably isn't that great The other original cast wanted to distance themselves after the show, and move on with their lives. At most, they casually comeback for conventions, and events.

Who knows though? I might be wrong. I heard some of the original cast weren't even properly invited to comeback for anniversary episodes. David Yost complained they didn't get his name right on the letter to be invited back for the anniversary special. Others said the pay was ridiculously low that it was insulting, so they never returned.

They didn't even put his name on the letter. All the invitations just said "Dear Power Ranger" instead of personalized messages. Amy Jo Johnson never even got her letter, because her agent thought it was spam and threw it away.

>move on with their lives
women drivers, am i right?

It's been cleaned of semen so many times the colour faded.

topkek, Asian too

>the only Ranger teams that never show up at cons these days are Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive
Even the RPM cast show up at cons, and half of them actually have acting careers.

Maddie and Nick from Mystic Force actually have careers here in Aus, probably not worth it to make the con trip

>ASJ thread
>somehow becomes a JDF thread

wew lads

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Pink never loved him.

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>no skirt

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Just like the original show!

Honestly, VR Troopers would have been a lot more popular if it had been a Power Rangers spin-off featuring JDF. We probably would have also gotten a Power Rangers meets VR Troopers episode, and maybe other different sentai series instead of just Power Rangers.

I think VR Troopers was always going to be held back due to it being a mash up of three shows. Not to mention their budget was even lower than MMPR's considering the hero suits during the Battle Grid arc were even lower budget than Dark Rangers.

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They also had a problem where they burned through a lot of the Japanese footage really quickly. If I remember right, there were episodes where they'd use like three monsters.

Amy Jo Johnson's ass was lovecraftian tier

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In Space and Lost Galaxy are the best seasons. Prove me wrong.

That's not RPM or Time Force

Time Force is up there, but RPM is garbage.

He was actually planned to.

Made me hype as fuck when he started to summon dragonzord.


I would've been cancelled.

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