ITT: Star Wars characters you are slowly becoming

ITT: Star Wars characters you are slowly becoming

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lol you wish

kill me slowly

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>tfw when the dark side makes more sense to you than the jedis
>tfw siths are the light, jedis are sjw degenerates

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I haven’t left my apartment or talked to anyone in 4 days.

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>4 days

nigga I ain't had a conversation with anyone outside my family in 6 months

Its nigger you little faggot.

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chill cracka

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I’m American you shit skin.

Unironically me, without the Force, Natalie Portman, or friends

>Salacious B. Crumb was known for his shrill, cackling laughter and sophisticated sense of humor like his fellow monkey-lizards.

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>calling others shit skins
come on now

That whore betrayed me
friends are just useless
My parents are weak
I hate people

Who the fuck writes all the generic backstory for these one shot characters?

whats his story?

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Sorry, I meant to call you a Beaner.

Rejected from eternal bliss by the lord and savior and damned to sitting on a bar stool in a bar with a shitty band to give creepy side looks to ugly fuckfaced aliens until the Death Star releases him by destroying his planet.

Kill yourself reylo

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>another reddit thread

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what are you even fucking talking about?

Fuck off reylo

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I hated this fuck so much, just when I thought I wouldn't have to see him again he appears in TWO more episodes.

>another reddit video game

Why were you watching that shit?

I guess

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Kill yourself poofter

It was fun.

Gay cunt

Woah... that's uncalled for..

Watching that shit is far worse.