How do you think it feels to be Aidan Gillen and know that most people only like you for some bit role in one of the...

How do you think it feels to be Aidan Gillen and know that most people only like you for some bit role in one of the worst Batman movies ever made even though you've put so much hard work into so many greater roles?

Attached: img-aiden-gillen_163553267806-750x1000.jpg (750x1000, 92K)

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implying everyone in the world knows about your guys retarded bane maymay

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He deserved the oscar for best supporting actor.

I've shouted "Bane?" to random people in the street and they've responded "Ay."

I think they know.

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everyone calls him little finger, I doubt people even remember it was him in that scene

he kicked jackie chan's ass in shanghai knight

>How do you think it feels
Very painful

he's a sesh gremlin

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I don't even know what that means.

most people that like him probably like him from The Wire you literal child

He's been a significant character in the Wire and Game of Thrones, two of the most critically praised shows of the modern era. I think he's doing just fine.

me neither. hate music festivals and other hippy garbage like that.

You should watch the movie Easy Rider.

Wrong. He's the significant character in Dark Knight Rises. No one would give a fuck about him if it wasn't for that career-defining performance.

He has been a politician and creepy scammer in his other roles.
Being CIA was once in a life time opportunity

Except it's not even the only time he's been a CIA agent.

>Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA

He was no agent. He was THE CIA.

If you see anyone but Littlefinger when you look at him, your Sup Forums funposting is showing.

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Why he changed his accent in every season

To show how sneaky he is


I never even watched Game of Thrones, but I liked him in the movie "Still."

Has anyone else seen Still?

He's been harrassed by anons before. He knows.

he changed his accent between scenes

That's literally just how Irish people sound.

He changed his accebt depending on who he spoke to, noblemen, peasents..
Truly a mastermind

big if true
when did he speak to peasants?


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When he banged your mom

Lads I just found this video and I'm pretty sure it's Aidan Gillen.

Please delete this, my mom is a very kind lady, she wouldn't do this to my father

Pretty sure being the arse bandit is his biggest role

he's an awful actor so meme status is the best he realistically deserves

No he isn't. Name one bad performance.

>I've shouted "Bane?" to random people in the street and they've responded "Ay."
>I've shouted "Bane?" to random people in the street
Fucking why?

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>Game of Reddit
how about no

I really liked how he was reunited with his boi pucci in king arthur

They look like fellow Kekistanis so I let them know they have a brother in arms that also wants to MAGA.

he rimmed Charlie hunman.

I've seen the gif 1000s of times and there's no way he didn't tongue his arsehole for real

This better be an ironic shitpost

Show me.


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finished The Wire recently and he was really good in it

Does he actually have a scene where he mentions being thrown out of a plane or was that just an edited webm?

contrarian faggots like you disgust me

While he expressed his opinion in a stupid way, it's not exactly contrarian to hate GoT. Many people agree it fell apart quite a few seasons ago.

Changing your accent is how you survive the SKARCH

He was cast in Maze Runner literally because of his role as CIA.

I means he's on ecstasy tablets/mdma

not knowing him for his role in the worst peaky blinders season
>state of Sup Forums

this but unironically

>one of the worst Batman movies ever made

subtle troll

An yes I'm sure he doesn't think his character became a joke and went nowhere

Holy shit, Batman appeared in the Plane Scene? Where was he?