Bad boys always win

Bad boys always win.

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If you're attractive, otherwise people just think you're an asshole.

true, you can't be nice to girls because they think you as a good guy, nobody likes good guys

>gets cucked
>constantly thrown around or made fun of throughout the entire film
he did nothing wrong

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>farmiga ass

Now we need Taissa to do something similar or even lewder pls

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It's funny to me that everyone always hates Colin. I don't mind him, I find him a somewhat sympathetic character.
Ed Exley from LA Confidential is another character everyone seems to hate which I like.

he was a fag for one, a literal homosexual

I've heard the fag theory thrown around a couple times on here. Aside from the one instance he couldn't get it up what other evidence is there for that theory? Seems pretty half baked.

>first time he appears, his first words were accusing someone of being homosexual
>in the talks with alec baldwin's character, alec tells him getting married is a good way to advance his career and show the other guys he isn't gay
>can't get it up with his qt newlywed wife, no chemistry with her, meanwhile Leo we actually see them have chemistry and being hot and heavy with each other
>real estate agent assume he was gay
>pedophile priest subtext
>revolted in the movie theatre at the female on the screen
>theme of living two life
among other things, it's pretty obvious

>winning means you spend your energy trying to be selected by a woman to give her sexual pleasure

lol at betas

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The theme of living two lives works, but it needs something substantial to support the notion Colon is not only balancing two live in terms of crime but sexuality. A lot of the shit you listed is basically just Southy shit, they're constantly calling everyone faggot.

>Implying alphas try
Beta detected

may be true, but considering how it's all piled on damon's character with those other things I mentioned and how over the top Scorsese is with symbolism and themes in this I think it's reasonable
no they don't

I tend to think it's one of those theories which is a stretch. I'm not convinced about the evidence that claims it to be reasonable.

Just rewatch it, if it was just one thing then it'd be a stretch but it's several things piled on his character. All you have to do is compare how forced his relationships and interactions are with Vera, they come off as cold and calculated versus Leo which comes off as passionate and lustful.

they included him having a limp dick in the movie for a reason you retard, the point of that plus all the other hints is to build up his character aka closet homosexual, otherwise there would be zero reason to include all this shit.

>no chemistry with her

That's not true.

>All you have to do is compare how forced his relationships and interactions are with Vera,
They don't though. Look at his initial meeting with her. He's a determined and lustful man. You can say the same shit after he sees the dead body and insists they have lunch. He's lustful for her in numerous instances and whenever he's not the scene follows an instance where he has either assisted Costello in crime, compromising his own identity as a cop, or he's been directly emasculated by Costello. There's points that can support the hypothesis but I still see it as a stretch.

>They included him having a limp dick in the movie for a reason you retard
See above, you're probably a closet case yourself and see it wherever else you can as a coping mechanism.

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