



Attached: BRAAAP.jpg (1353x699, 92K)

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why does she sit like that?

I was extremely high when I saw this in theaters and it made me feel like I was tripping balls

It's shitting. When you shit you are supposed to squat, not sit. Sitting pinches your rectum.

Literally one of the best scenes I've seen in the past decade

Just kill yourself you hipster reddit shit
Over the top weird cringy shit doesn't mean cool

>being this pretentious then calling me the redditor

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learn how to use pretentious

post the shot where you can see its cunt

>that blast against the wall
>BRAP stance

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fucking kek i will never unsee

OP's image name is literally 'brap' you blind fucks, holy shit.

yeah but my point was I linked it to the guy on the wall so kys

Whoa. Rude. No need for that.



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Don't go there it's the origin of dark side of the force if you go there Luke will disown you

is alex garland our guy?

and there will be multiples of you
>oh shit

>yfw this starts playing

No, Garland is way too smart for this board.

well he wrote this

nice to see another fellow indian on Sup Forums

Luke is Padme's son

>Literally one of the best scenes I've seen in the past decade
wasn't this just one of those zelda puzzle rooms? And portman fucking failed at it that dumb bitch?

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here you go friendos, it's pic related, or: annhilation in a nutshell.

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Tomb Raider on ps1 as well. freaked me out when I was a kid.

these kind of situations always beg the question:
>who was in the wrong here?

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The only part of this scene I liked was the distortion effects they used when it first came into being

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I just watched it. I really liked it. Really liked it.
Muh cancer, aliumz, lovecraftian shit, color out of space, creepy af predators.
It really moved me bob.

If willie pete is that effective should we use it on everyone? Should the white man commit suicide because the bbc?

Spoken like a true bug man

So why does the one woman get "anihilated" but Natalie Portman gets the mimick treatment ?

What's the logic here?

that was retarded

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Tfw cant sleep after the lighthouse scene.
White phosphorous seems cool as fuck though, why do we ban it?

the moment the "succubus" said fuck I'm dead. Horrible writing.

Looks sick!

You know how one drop of Herschlag's blood flew into the thing and then she freaked out? I think that JJL let it take all of her. I think that the idea is that it goes back to the suicide v self-destruction thing. JJL was depressed and terminally ill so she was cool with the idea of being torn down to her base materials and reconstructed, but Herschlag wanted to live so she fought back. She *may* have died, but she didn't commit suicide. She didn't actively destroy her self, she tried to keep personal continuity going.

This reminded me of various old science-fiction things, particularly Book of the New Sun and Old Foot Forgot. Some people draw a distinction between dying and losing yourself. I think that that's what this movie was really about. If you die do you still exist? What about if you change a lot? What about if you die but another thing that resembles you pops up immediately afterwards to replace you?

This is the dumbest movie I have ever seen. No question.

At least other retarded C-movies know they are dumb and just "try" to have fun.

Garland, and a degenerate general audience seems to have believed he made something intelligent.

What a fucking moron.

Staggeringly infantile "science" mixed with toddler philosophy, rendered utterly unwatchable with heinous dialogue and painfully awful acting.

"no-one commits suicide, they self-destruct"

Either way, Garland, please kill yourself.

Don't be so hard

I at least

had fun watching it

Seeing an Alzabo on screen was


name 2 films or optionally 1 flick that handles these themes better and in a more entertaining way.

Also this movie is garbage because it pushes a incredibly statistically inaccurate interracial cheating agenda.

>incredibly statistically inaccurate
You forgot to account for the fact that she's a military wife, the chances skyrocket, especially during deployment.


Not sure cheating with your co-worker is really all that statistically inaccurate.

i agree. those plebs cant see that end scene is near Jodo's Possession surrealism

What themes?

What even happened? It was just fucking awful.

Does one need be stoned out of all sense to appreciate this garbage?!

do you

need a gun to your head

to stop

Reddit Spacing?

fuck off back to Sup Forums retard brainlet

it made my weeny go the big weeny

>glass trees
I thought they were salt trees. Like the salt from the ocean was somehow mixing with tree DNA.

Is salt flammable?


Solaris and Stalker. Hell, even Soderburgh's Solaris was more entertaining than this SyFy Channel reject.

I thought it was crystalline, like when lightning strikes sand.

Anything can be flammable with the right chemical sequence, and since the fire got to the core of the shimmer, it refracted outward, causing everything else to burn as if it were also phosphorous.

Obviously some (((hidden))) meaning in the movie die to the gross deviations from the book. It appears to be pushing some kind of occult dark ritual/ttranshumanist theme by having the protagonist enter and exit the dark pit reborn. Also uncanny similarities to TLJ dark pit scene with a mirrored reflection (both Portman and Isaac have ties to the SW franchise). There's something satanic here yet to be decoded.

This also appears to be done despite the glaring plot holes like why not take a vehicle into the zone if cameras still work. Why not use a tether. Why no blood tests on Isaacs character. Why put a crazy cancer lady in charge.

This movie was basically for potheads to trip out too and feel like the know setting while being subtly indoctrinated with some kind of new age ritual programming. Not kino.

Got brappers for brains mate?

Has better CGI as well.

>having the protagonist enter and exit the dark pit reborn.
I don't think it was the dark pit that changed her. I think it was just being in the shimmer that did it. Like just walking around, camping, and studying alligators her DNA was radiating out and everything else's DNA was radiating into her.

I see sinister shit everywhere in movies but this movie was if anything pushing in the opposite direction to Hollywood. The absolute bedrock force that rules the universe in the mind of the godless atheist is evolution/mutation. This movie presents chaotic change as something at best scary and at worst horrifyingly destructive.

The 'hold onto yourself or be annihilated' thing could be read as something sinister but I wasn't bothered by it, it's the same existential issue people have been dealing with since Gilgamesh. The 'suicide v self-destruction' thing is interesting but only really speculative since no means of lasting beyond your earthly death exists outside of science-fiction. This movie is ultimately Jacob's Ladder with Stalker aesthetics. Accept that you have to die and let Danny Aiello take the pain away.

What's the appeal of this movie?

thats actually pretty good. all the edgelords here dont understand fun kitschy writing. its supposed to be fucking silly.

Science-fiction that takes itself seriously. If you're a fan of the genre you take what you can get. I liked Ex Machina more but this was perfectly watchable.

>Science-fiction that takes itself seriously

On what level?
All the characters do is bicker and fight.
They never accomplish anything.
How would the ending have unfolded if there were no phosphorus grenades left?

Trippy aesthetics and 2-deep-4-you plot
I had a fun time watching it, even if I was ripping on it's flaws every step of the way.

>on what level
thematically. They chose to compromise narrative-coherence a bit for the sake of telling a story about what they thought was interesting. Sending the most neurotic women they could find inside might have been a shitty idea but if they were level headed operators we wouldn't have been able to have constant existential crisis to discuss. And they do accomplish something, only it's not really presented as a typical win in the sense that they had a clear goal in mind and they did it. Herschlag killed the zone with phosphorous but what was going on in her head was the real mystery.

If there were no phosphorous left she would have had to make like Standard Gabriel and face her biological mirror. He decided that in a world where his concept of self as he understood it didn't matter he'd rather not exist at all, she decided assert her uniqueness by killing her doppleganger. If she couldn't do that maybe she'd have fought it to the death, maybe she'd have spoken to it and they'd have reached a civil agreement. We can't really say since there was a phosphorous grenade left.

> :^D

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>urbna warfare
>tanks not buttoned up


That's what I hate about these movies.
They are full of arbitrary shit that supposedly serve as food for thought.
If I want to watch a meaningful movie I'll watch something like Amores Perros.
If I want a sci-fi thriller I'll watch Event Horizon (which was infinitely better than this).
Annihilation is essentially a polished Neil Breen turd. Full of meaningless crap that anyone can interpret anyway he/she wants.
Case in point:
You say Lena "decided to assert her uniqueness by killing her doppleganger". I can as easily say that she did not kill it. She consumed it, and by doing so, she embraced her duality.

Any other waifufag feeling it hard after watching the movie? What is this feeling called again?


>They are full of arbitrary shit that supposedly serve as food for thought.
That's true for a lot of science-fiction but I don't think you made the point as well as you could have.
>You say Lena "decided to assert her uniqueness by killing her doppleganger". I can as easily say that she did not kill it. She consumed it, and by doing so, she embraced her duality.
But she didn't consume it, she killed it. We see it die after she deliberately puts a phosphorous grenade in its hand, pulls out the pin and runs away. I get the point you're making but for that scene at the very least I'm pretty sure that I'm if not right at least way the hell closer than you are there. I know that's not how you read it and just an example but I'm drawing my conclusions from what I actually saw on screen. This stuff is broad but I'm pretty sure that there was at least a genuine direction in line. Too much homage to genuinely intelligent science-fiction for this to be pure hackery. At least one person involved in this production was a patrician.

>shermans = modern tanks
>ww2 tactics = modern tactics

>it's supposed to be shit
>it reverts your expectation
>and that is a good thing
checked the dubs tho

>kino movie comes out
>tv shits on it hard
>1 year passes
>it is remembered as the greatest film ever made in that genre by every user on Sup Forums
Every time i swear

Any c/lit/ or anyone who read TBotNS?
What did you think about the bear / alzabo thing?

But salt doesn't have DNA so how could it mix with trees that do? Also while we're on it how did shark DNA even get inside the shimmer?

whoa Steve-O is still alive?

Is that thing THE thing causing the craziness or just one clone out of many? I never got that.

Why doesn't they wear any protection like hazmat suits, knowing that everyone that got in never got out?
Why didn't they get a boat and went to the lighthouse by the coast instead of going through the forest?
Why the helicopters don't get in?

t. brainlet

>reddit spacing

I liked the parts where they were just exploring. The barracks, the tower, tree people, mutated bear, the movie should focus and these things.

Nooo, instead, we get muh marriage, muh cancer, muh mysterious alien.

Anyone else get some Twin Peaks vibes from the ending?

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They just didnt.

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I think it's just an effect of THE thing.

I gotta be honest here
I'm enjoying the butthurt that this movie is creating a little tad to much

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They explain it on the movie


mimic BRAP'ing

Its been spreading so much it thinks its a natural human behavior

Where did they touch you user?

Just about every time someone has mentioned the "flaws" of this movie they are entirely focused around latching onto a particular assumed truth, and finding that truth does not fit with the rest of the movie, then proceeding to rant about it here and call it a "flaw".

Ie: Why didn't they send troops in? That's what I'd do. They didn't do that and I don't see any reason why they didn't thus that is a flaw"

Other "flaws" are centred on the lack of determinism with the ending and other aspects.

These aren't flaws. You just utterly lack imagination and you want a defined explanation. Sorry this isn't the movie for you.

It's a flaw when the highly talented scientists and military personnel who are supposed to be the best at their job don't make decisions to reflect it. Example: the paramedic who thought Oscar Isaac went crazy even though they had footage of shit writhing around in the guys guts. They told her "look there's clearly something there" and instead of just looking at the footage again she says "no it's too gross to look at you have to be wrong" like it isn't her fucking job to deal with people with guts hanging out of them