Black Panther

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that--politics aside--this was just another mediocre capeshit; nothing special, nothing overtly cinematically offensive (besides that one poorly framed shot when Killmonger confronted the council--you'll know the one I'm talking about if you were paying attention during that scene), just another bland, distracting, "fun for the kids" superhero romp that sets itself up for the sequels to come.

Coogler is a boring, uninventive filmmaker who made yet another boring, uninventive film for a boring, uninventive franchise.

Attached: black panther poster.jpg (656x1024, 95K)

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I wouldn't know, I don't pay for movies in the theater. Only niggers who can't afford high speed fiber actually leave their house to enjoy a film.

It looked like they redid the gungan battle scene from phantom menace but then I saw the new infinity war trailer and they're doing it there

>politics aside
Nah, fuck that. Sup Forumsyps whinging about this for months on end and finally getting BTFO is the best schadenfreude us Sup Forums leftists have had in a long time. Fuck off, stormweenie.

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I'll agree to whatever you want if you'll shut the fuck up.

I think it deserves props for being the only Marvel movie in recent years to appropriately use comedy for characters who are established as being comic reliefs and only doing comedic things that make sense for the character. Overall it's a pretty average movie, but not a mediocre one.

Stay mad, whiteboy.

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Workers of the world, unite!

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Lets be clear about one thing. Why did this film do so well? Why would a seemingly run of the mill super hero film do so well?

Well, I'll tell you. It is a fantasy film. Specifically a fantasy film where niggers have a functioning nation state and aren't all 60 iq savages. Of course people wanted to see it, its like Narnia. Fuck yeah I wanted to see Narnia brought to life, and fuck yeah I wanted to see some monkeys using telephones and driving cars. IT IS A GOLDMINE. Everyone goes off to give the hollywood Jews some money, hell maybe a pittance of that goes to help the community center manager buy a new bmw, and maybe he gives a bit for Jamal to buy his baby some shoes but it probably gets spent on crack. Hollywood gets their cut to make more ridiculous fantasy movies, Tyrone gets his BMW, and a handful of Jamals get their crack, and most importantly you and I get to see Narnia. Jamals baby probably doesn't get his shoes but sheiiiiit nigga, aint nobody needing shoes in Wakanda!

Add in the obvious political factions that want to believe its real (you know how there was that one kid that actually checked if the closet had Narnia in it and really wanted to believe?) and are willing to pay a heap to see it a few times and you have a recipe for a grape drank blockbuster. Everyone wishes that it were real and then they go back to reality. Sup Forums is always right.

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>wahh why are NIGGERS so unintelligent? why they always complaining about everything?
>wahh why can't a high level stable genius intellectual like me get a job or girlfriend? my white genes are superior!

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but Kendrick will an Oscar for best song, right?

doubtful. and only soyboy cucks listen to memerick.

/Leftypol/ shitting up the low hanging fruit threads i see...

True. On no, wait, he just won a Grammy.

Attached: kendrick-lamar-grammy-award-winnerjpg[1].jpg (1200x1200, 166K)

sippin on some soy milk

Attached: Academy_Awards_78th_2006_26- embed.jpg (928x660, 172K)

>low hanging fruit

You mean brainlets too stupid to even understand a superhero flick? Yeah, easy pickings.

lmao, who does this research?

>he thinks grammys mean anything

Its a political charged movies, ofc its shit.

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Three 6 Mafia are (were) based.
Kendrick makes overproduced commercial pop garbage.
Three 6 Mafia made real, ignant rap.

So if he can win a Grammy, but he won't win an Oscar, does that mean the Oscars DO mean something?

Kendrick's gonna EGOT

Neither mean anything. Get your head out of the garbage. Read Manufacturing Consent.
The Black Panther album and his songs from it got bad reviews, so no, he isn't going to win a Grammy for them either


and reviews aren't part of the manufactured garbage?

>it's a conspiracy you guys!

lmao sit down be humble

I thought it was pretty bad even for a capeshit,

...The Grammys and Oscars and all the other award shows are all "conspiracies," yes.
(((They))) decide who gets nominatd, (((they))) decide who wins, (((they))) make the viewing public take their (((opinions))) as objective facts on the matter of taste.

like critics and their reviews

Now you're starting to get it!

A beefy vagina?


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Idk i don't watch nigger movies.