Explain this to me

Why do people get called a manchild for criticizing the way Luke's character was handled in TLJ?

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One always speaks badly when one has nothing to say

because u happen to really be a manchild OP.

Because you ARE manchildren.

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Maybe that's just what Disney's shills are instructed to say.

Disney shills mostly, probably some kids as well

Criticism of a film franchise these days is no longer criticism of the work itself, but a criticism of someone's identity or something they feel very strongly about (representation, etc). So when you say "The Last Jedi was shit." you are directly insulting that person and their beliefs.

Shit's fucking retarded, but that's the state of the world today.

Actually, whether they liked TLJ or not, SW fans are all manchildren.

Shill led attempt to discredit anybody who criticizes the movie in effort to trick people into thinking it was actually good


You're also told that Luke is a Mary Sue too when you say Rey is one because there's literally no argument other than "Well this character is bad too, therefore you're wrong"

>I wanna see Luke kick ass!

Meanwhile conveniently forgetting that “kicking ass” leads to the Dark Side and all that shit. Remember that Luke gave up “being awesome” at the end of RotJ.

Because most of the people that say that weren't SW fans until December 2015 and probably haven't watched the OT enough to be familiar with Luke's character.

Because you don't have the mental capacity of an adult to understand that people change over the course of their lifes and tragedy in particular leads people to depression.

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The sad thing is that you are right.

>Yeah, I like that the optimistic man who struggled, but through his determination saved the galaxy and his father, now tried to murder his nephew in his sleep. It's really intelligent and shows that he is also a human with human issues. I too often stand next to my son's bed ready to murder him with an axe, but like Luke, I never managed to do it. I really appreciate the nuance and depth it added to this character though. Truly one of us.

because it's the only way they can defend their shit by ad hominems

Perhaps they should have made a film about Luke's decent rather than showing a quick flashback sequence.

It's prerequisite to hate everything OT to like the new trilogy. So liking luke just means you're a sexist bigot lmao. Rey is a fantastic character the force is female, kill yourself shitlord.

That's right. Explanation about Luke's change was insufficient

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What kind of retarded nonsense is this?

Star Wars is fucking Star Wars. There is nothing deep or meaningful going on in any of the movies. If you think there is, you've been staring at it for too damn long and are starting to see weird shit.

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Its the only defense for their shit taste
The idiots wouldn't understand character development if you caved their heads in with it

Because you're retconning hardcore if you deny he failed his test and was never actually a Jedi Master. He was just a Force sensitive good guy who was afraid of the darkness within himself.

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Are SW fans pretending to be mature now? That's funny.

Didnt he have like 20 years and a couple force ghosts to help him out?

You're delusional if you think that movie wasn't subversion for the sake of subversion

>be Rian "The Schlock" Johnson
>write and direct the film equivalent of a bathtub full of piss

>"What, you were expecting a bubble bath with water in it? EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED!"
>"There's water IN piss anyway, retard!"
>"Come on, we all know you like taking baths, so you HAVE to like this one I drew for you."
>"Psh, you're just mad because I hired some strong females and POC's to piss in this tub with me. Fucking racist, misogynist bastard."
>"Oh yeah? Well this bath wasn't excreted for you anyway! Fuck you!"

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You fucking moron, Star Wars is a space fantasy, the characters are supposed to be larger than life that make the right decisions. The archetypal heroes are supposed to elevate the audience, not to make them depressed and suicidal. If that's what you wnat to film, fine, but don't hijack SW you retard, go make your dark cynical movies in your corner.

There's a difference between these:

>saying "The choices of the writer and director and questionable as {New Star Wars} doesn't really mesh with {Old Star Wars plot} and actually listening to a measured response


The difference is subtle, but it's discernible

Did you miss the part where the story comes to a screeching halt for five minutes, so Luke can make that colossal exposition dump?

People really never change.

They got the Luke character wrong
Its very clear

Would have made sense if they took the time to explain why he decided to drop everything and disappear because he attempted to murder his nephew

Lukes entire character is built on family ffs, subverting that with no explanation is retarded and a glaring mark of bad writing

they resort to insults like calling you a manchild because they're unable to intelligently refute the truth in your criticisms

I think people should stop focusing on him. Rian was the wrong guy for a SW movie JUST like JJ, but that's Kathleen Kennedy's responsibility. She doesn't pick the good directors, only yes men who will put HER VISION on screen. He showed them the script and they loved it, it's KK and Disney's fault.

Given the sad state of affairs with the FO steamrolling the galaxy it would have been better for the galaxy if he would have joined ole Sheev.

because they don't have any real argument

>oh yeah Snoke has no backstory but neither did palpatine in the OT so THERE, you can't criticize nuwars for it now
So goddamn tired of this shit.

Star Wars is a series of movies for children. You are meant to grow out of it by the time you enter your late teens. If you are older than that, you are a man. If you are a man and you still get caught up in Star Wars, you are a manchild.

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This. If you saw a grown woman walking around and seriously arguing the merits of Jem and the Holograms, while amusing, you’d probably think there was something wrong with her.

>5 minutes
>colossal exposition dump
"I felt my nephew slipping to the dark side so I decided to murder him in his sleep then realized that that was not only evil and cowardly, but extremely retarded. Then he woke up and saw me with my lightsaber out because I hadn't quite snapped completely out of my murderous stupor yet, assumed the worst, dropped a building on me, wrecked my school, killed my students, and ran off. So now I'm here depressed and wallowing in self pity while the galaxy burns."

If you truly can't see how that short bit of exposition doesn't mesh with "I am also the same guy who refused to kill my father, an insane mass-murderer, because he's family, I still think there's good in him even now that he's more machine than man, and I'm going to try and bring him back because I believe in the inherent goodness in people."
I really can't help you.

You’re also still under the presumption that Luke is the hero of this story, but he’s not anymore. That’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s the world we live in now. Luke already got three movies. In TLJ he was just Obi-Wan with the cynicism cranked up to 11.

nobody gives a shit about this movie, black panther annihilated it

true but not in the way the one who made this image thinks.

His character was quite pathetic, needed Ray to save his ass, not the other way around.

What does that have to do with what he said?

This. Diversity has become a shield for incompetents.

And that's a good thing? They're both Disney shit

>the BLACKED girl on the left


I would explain you why and why not but this is not worth it since we are talking about the dullest franchise...

I actually thought this was retarded but then I realize you're right. Luke believed in Vader just because he was his dad, but he never really knew him. Ben was his nephew and he was indeed too full of himself just because he was legendary Luke Skywalker. He'd never faced anything like that. Ben is not Vader. He was his sister's kid who needed guidance. Not a conceited wannabe Master.

The fact that Luke knows how conceited he was makes his failure and shame that much greater. Failing his family like that is something he's never had to experience, that kind of tragedy will fuck with anyone.

People also pretend he didn't come back in the end to do what he could.

Only on /leftypol/ (aka /tvddit/) would someone recognize that

It's just funny because the people who defend this film tend to be sjw types who would let their wives fuck a black men kek

>Goes to fight Vader and GETS HIS HAND CHOPPED OFF because he's such a shit cunt
>Mary Sue


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Snoke should've cut Rey's hand off you think?

>le wife sharing is shameful
>it's even worse if he's black!

If luke isn't the hero of TLJ, then why give him an arc? This is another bad thing about the writing. The old mentor guy doesn't need an arc. That's for the current protagonists. Just give him cool stuff to do and lessons to teach and he doesn't need a big place. The fans can accept a supporting role for old luke but not a bastardized character

He should've done SOMETHING to her. She should get SOME SORT of repercussions for her actions. She should be bad at SOMETHING.

She's good at everything she ever does. That's why she's a Mary Sue.

>0 arguments



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>He should've done SOMETHING to her.
Too bad Kylo was there

If they have a cop-out where Kylo becomes good and she becomes a kickass Darth Rey, even that'll be shit because there will be no reason for MaRey Sue to become evil. She's just a bad character played by an even worse actress.

Failing the test is failing the test. Yoda knew Anakin wasn't the Chosen One and wasn't expecting Luke to be any Chosener. He was just trying to push things as far Light as he could with little to work with.

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>the "villain" is in love with her conveniently so she doesn't get badly injured because he just murders whoever hurts her

Is Rey a black hole? Honestly though, that's very convenient. The only person who could actually be a threat to her doesn't want to hurt her. I feel like it was by design for Disney feminazi audiences. It's kind of sexist in a way though.

>we'll give you your stronk heroine!
>but she doesn't actually get hurt ever

I want to believe you're trolling me, but I know cucks are everywhere so rip

It's literally DeviantArt tier;
>this is Rey she is perfect she can fly the Millennium Falcon and beat a Sith with lots of training without even touching a light saber and she can do very good Force powers but she's so pretty even Darth Kylo wants her shut up mom Kylo is cute let me finish my fic fuck you

Because you're an adult getting upset over kiddie shit, hence a manchild.

An attempt to shout people down.
The people that do it don't seem to grasp that we're on an anonymous board, so tactics that work when a horde of people can chip away at someone's identity don't work here.

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hating on it is just a meme like soy or watching rick and morty

most of us dont actually have a problem with cuckold fetishists anymore than homo sexual people

I'm a bi sexual cuck, and I just think the calling people cuck is funny

My brain is literally terrified to think about a Reylo thread if the absolute madmice actually pull a goddamn Kylo-Rey Force Freaky Friday.

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This discussion reminded me of Daisy commenting on the infamous scene of her fighting Kylo in TFA and she's sperging about how big Adam is and that there is no way she could take him IRL, but she "holds her own" in the movie.

top kek

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fuck off bislut cuck

Rey is never going Dark. Ever. She had her chance in TLJ and shit all over it.

No it doesn't you absolute spastic. The Jedi were doing it for 1000 generations just fine, before stagnation was exploited by the most powerful Sith Lord in history.
Fighting for the sake of it leads to the dark side, but protecting the galaxy is what the Jedi Order was created to do.
Did you somehow miss the point of "war not make one great" or "adventure, excitement, a Jedi craves not these things?" while simultaneously saying Luke would have to fight Vader?
The fact Luke found another way doesn't mean that jedi are fucking hippies.

Where the fuck are you getting this line from?

You sound like a little boy who doesn't understand why Luke didn't think it was cool Darth Vader is his dad.

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What does your post have to do with mine?

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No, it's the right move, since it kills two birds with one stone.
First off it makes directors publicly toxic, which dissuades creative minds from going near Star Wars.
Second, it indirectly impacts Kennedy since the Disney higher ups will be demanding to know why she let someone who's caused brand damage take charge without oversight.

Because shills think we wouldn't have accepted anything beneath AVATAR OF THE LIVING FORCE, GREATEST JEDI THERE EVER WAS.
As if Nepoticidal Hobo Who Sits On His Island And Does Fuckall except mope, snark and contemplate suicide isn't the polar opposite of that.
Regular Luke studying for deeper knowledge against Snoke. That'd have been something.

if reylo happens it'll be the gayest shit fucking ever

Youre a hole arguing about something you dont even like

>thinking Kennedy will let her self insert have an intentional character flaw

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>almost completely destroy Sith

Bravo, Jedi. Did this nigga even have to do anything?

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When iger has her killed it will be good.

the reddit is dripping off this

Its nigger user.

It already happened though.

That's not how it works.
Wiping out the Sith kept the galaxy at peace or 1000 generations. Throwing away everything because of one fuck up caused by stagnation is just as stupid as saying cars are worthless, because someone didn't bother maintaining them and it crashed

Because you are emotionally invested in a character from a literal kids movie

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Let's just say you were examining Rey's situation, finding it beneficial and desirable to her and sounding a little jealous.

Your secret's safe with me, user-kun. I think he's dreamy, too.

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Christ, the blackmail material they have on him must be pretty severe

>the black male material they have on him

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He's a big guy.

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Kill yourself poofter

I want this body, i want to look like this

Too bad you look look like this

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>actually thinking that
The delusion is strong in this one.

>The archetypal heroes are supposed to elevate the audience, not to make them depressed and suicidal

kek I remember after tleaving TLJ in theatres everyone was silent sombre and scratchin their heads, just as we leave we see a horde of people leacing The Huge ActMans's The Greatest Showman and they are all fucking beaming and and laughing and are in hella high spirits. I turn to my brother and go "Now why coulndt we have watched THAT movie they at least looked like they had fun"

>wanting to have fun
Not subversive enough

>imply xenofu doesn't want to jump his bones

Too bad she's barren, maybe he'd leave his wife for her.