Why is degeneracy still so heavily promoted?

Why is degeneracy still so heavily promoted?

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>now smoking is degeneracy
Christ, get a life, Sup Forumstard. Get out of your mom's basement and FUCKING DO SOMETHING.

Enjoy your lung cancer lmfao

how does seeing someone smoke on tv give you lung cancer?

Good. Soy boys getting mad, I see.

Big Tobacco paying Jewflix under the table confirmed.
More plausible than you'd think.

phone poster

Doesn't HBO have more smokers in their shows?

I thought the constant racemixing propaganda was more noticeable but okay.

I heard about a marketing campaign where they'd pay attractive people to smoke in bars with their pack on the counter once.
They have to get creative since they're so neutered by almost every country's advertising laws and rightfully so

>he doesn't smoke

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>never notice people smoking in movies as a teenager
>become an adult and form a smoking habit for 6 years
>Have successfully quit for a few months
>Now see smoking in everything, and it always makes me crave a cigerette

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>if you dont like smoking you are now Sup Forums
this boogeyman shit has to stop.

agreed. it wouldn't be there unless someone was paying for it

Just smoke brah, no one gives a fuck

For me? It's marlboro red

Vapes are so fucking gay. What makes smoking great is the process. Vapes are just robot dicks.

the only good cigarette is a god damn briar pipe with aromatic crap

drugs are degenerate, tbqhfam

For me? It's "what's the cheapest pack of 20s you have?"

>smoking is degeneracy
>cutting your dick off is empowering

i want off this ride

For me, I roll my own.

based poverty poster

It's accurate because cigars back in the 80's were way cheaper than today. It wasn't until recently we started a heavy anti-smoking campaign. People smoke way less today than 30+ years ago. Let's not forget there was a time when you could smoke in theaters, restaurants, clinics etc., etc. Hell even the doctor that got me out of my mom's womb was pulling a cancer stick while pulling me out of her vagina.

Fun fact: Smoking raises testosterone. Seriously. Makes sense now?

Films about WW2 will need to stop showing guns because it glorifies violence

This but unironically

It also improves your cognitive abilities

For me? Luckies straight red

Does the US have those stickers of ridicilous gore and dying children on their cig packages, or is that just yurop/aus insanity?

I mean we all know that smoking is unhealthy and costs large amounts in health care, but what's the ACTUAL motivation for going so far?

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I'll cognitive your anus if you pretend smoking is in any way acceptable, at all, under any circus stances.

>what's the ACTUAL motivation for going so far?
Reducing the mortality rate you silly prick.

>I mean we all know that smoking is unhealthy and costs large amounts in health care, but what's the ACTUAL motivation for going so far?
To reduce medical costs. Every shit for brains can smoke and then the eurogovernment will have to spend millions on his sorry ass.

Generation Z spotted,

Schlomo Goldstein, Cancersticks Ltd. detected

> Smoking men had significantly higher levels of total and free testosterone compared with men who never smoked (p < 0.001 and

I've never seen such an over-the-top campaign against anything else.
By your logic, why is alcohol or any other dangerous legal product exempt? What is it that makes them target the tobacco industry, and only the tobacco industry in this way?

Educate people and let them make their own decisions, or ban it altogether if it's that bad.
This half-assed scare tactic of plastering dying babies onto packages is just braindead manipulation.

27s for me

it's not exempt, it just hasn't taken place yet

You're young, so it's understandable you don't know this, but cigarette companies used to give out samples in bars, at sporting events, and on college campuses. I remember going to a concert in high school, and they were giving out samples of some brand, they were these strange half-packs, with 5 or 10 cigarettes in them. I don't remember what brand, but they were menthol, I only remember because it was the first menthol I ever smoked. And nobody carded us, so we begged the dude and got a couple each.
Cigarettes were incredibly easy to get back then. (early 80's) (Yes, I'm old, deal with it) I remember in college, frats had their events sponsored by cigarette and beer companies. That marketing campaign had to be from the 90's, because smoking has been banned in bars for a long time now.

The cig labels have been around for nearly two decades.
No other products I know of have received the same treatment.
So yes, they are exempt for now, regardless of what you think will happen in the future.

Smoking tobacco is worse than weed.

Not Sup Forums here and I hate it

Yeah, smoking for 30 years is so great. You';ll find out how great it is, when you can't walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air, or you get to watch your parent die in slow motion from lung cancer. Only someone young and ignorant can say something as dumb and fucked up as what you posted.

I vape because it got me off the shitsticks, finally. I don't vape to impress snotty kids like you. Don't like it? Tough. Nobody cares.

You have to be young, and you probably think smoking makes you look cool, too. Right? Been there, was that fucking dumb once, too.

>doesn’t exhale


Sure thing Mr. Goldberg

>fuck off rebbit

>fuck off Sup Forums

wonder what's gonna be boogeyman next year for you retards

How could that post make you so assblasted?

Some cunt's literally telling people smoking turns you into an alpha chad ITT

reddit and Sup Forums are the same thing newfag

when you drink alcohol, only your liver is damaged.
when you are smoking, my lung is damaged, too.

>normies are discovering the virgin vs chad meme for the first time ITT

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Yeah but who could possibly give a fuck about braindead manipulation when its tricking rubes into not getting lung cancer?

But that has nothing to do with Sup Forums. I’d be first in line to be the one to press the button that launches all poltards into the sun, but this particular topic is unrelated to that board.

What the fuck are you trying to say?

I was talking about that kid and his testosterone study lol

Maybe the part where his parents died

>enhances test
>kills all the soyboys around you
wtf I love smoking now

>muh degeneracy/everything but sitting alone in your basement is degeneracy
jealous you don't get to have any fun Sup Forums?

With both, your brain is damaged by using carcinogens to LARP as an adult.

>implying smoking actually causes cancer

There are tons of centenarians that still smoke to this day. Keep lobbying for Big Pharma for free idiots.

then why are oncologies filled with lungcancer-patients? CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT.

>smoke and you'll be manly. what are you, A SOYBOY?
Nice try Sup Forums

Correlation does not imply causation lmao

If you're low test by nature smoking won't do anything to help it

Doubt it's "tricking" anyone from the younger generation, I've only heard people joke about it and make a game out of which image they get when they buy a pack.

The only reason I've noticed it is because I don't smoke, and have watched the labels progress into more and more melodramatic shit.
If they want to ban it, just fucking ban it.
They're pussyfooting around the issue with scare tactics and indirect bans, trying to obscure the fact that they want to control it.

Alright fair enough

Is that what your homeschool teacher taught you amerilard?

>If they want to ban it, just fucking ban it
and lose all that sweet tax-money?

Well your anecdotes mean roughly jack shit because guess what, smoking is more unpopular than ever.

Using the logic of the retarded labels, alcohol directly kills your children because it can make you violent towards them.

>the second hand smoke meme
Being in the car with a smoker or within smelling distance of someone on the street isn't going to fucking kill you.

>he fell for the vaping is healthier meme

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>Trying to quit smoking
>In the middle of Mad Men

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And your statement means absolutely jack shit as well, since there are a billion factors influencing the popularity of smoking.

>Smoking is not degenerate
KYS retard

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I don't smoke, in fact i can't take the smell, but you're a fag for vaping

I wonder why cars of smokers have an exhaust.
just route the fumes back into the car, they'll love it. all that flavour and fine taste.

Me too, user. And any smoker who switches to vaping after years of cigarettes notices the change instantly, it's great.

>sadbrain Sup Forumscuck SEETHING

No idea what I was thinking when I decided to start smoking. I fucking hate myself.

Anyone notice orange Rizla burns unevenly now? Have they changed something?

>sup bruh, mind if I bum a cig?

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>not "bum a fag"

>u have to be pol to hate smoking
the absolute state of libtards

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Wrong on both accounts. Chinese quadriplegic transexual.
See how stupid you sound when you make assumptions about someone based on an irrelevant sentence?

Advocacy groups should fuck off

>not "fag a bum"

>too much smoking
Why are liberals such whiny faggots about EVERYTHING?

>and rightfully so
Communist scum

>tfw Grandpa 1 smoked since he was 12 and didn't get the cancer until he hit 80
>meanwhile Grandpa 2 never smoked a day in his life and died of a mutagenic cancer that started in his colon, went through chemo, cancer free, cancer comes back in lungs, just about beating this bout, discover cancerous tumors in brain. Died at 74
Life isn't fair. Life isn't long. Cherish it and live it. If you want to smoke, smoke. If you want to ask out that qt grill, ask her if she's a foreman or weber. Don't hesitate and don't let an opportunity slip you by.

you have to be a Sup Forums conservative pos to give a fuck what others are doing and judge them, in general


>Waste of money
>Ruins your heath
>Ruins other health
>It is an addiction
Wow. I am really seething here I guess.

so is playing vidya, fapping and watching tv unless you do those things in moderation, same with smoking

but you don't call those things 'degeneracy' because you do them and you are Sup Forumstard hypocrite

>study shows
What kind of fucking retarded "study" just makes normal observations

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>muh degeneracy
Fuck off you sanctimonious shit


You play video games, fap and watch TV to past time. That is called having a hobby. You don't only smoke and do nothing else moron. Its an addiction.

Lol. This is what every fucking idiot who smokes tells themselves. "I can stop whenever". Then they try and nicotine withdraw kicks in, and then they start having withdrawn symptoms like a bitch and then come back crawling for another puff. No one honestly believes in moderation when it comes to smoking. Not the non-smokers and certainly not the smokers despite lying to yourself about it.

>That is called having a hobby.
waste of money

>mechanistic data isnt proof enough for me

Retard detected.

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Smoking is a waste of money.
Having a hobby is doing something that interest you. It costing money is a just something you have to deal with. Sports cost money. Drawing cost money. All these stuff enrich and entertain you. Not smoking. Unless you sit alone and puff like an idiot, but who am I to judge your pathetic excuses for smoking.

If you are so desperate for high test, go inject yourself with steroids. Not only do you look better than a smoker would, under proper dosage and moderation, you will be healthier as well.

drink alcohol also makes you kill other people

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>All these stuff enrich and entertain you. Not smoking.
>Unless you sit alone and puff like an idiot
That makes no sense, user.