My problem with him is that he takes the role of the skeptic, questioning everything and being open to new ideas...

My problem with him is that he takes the role of the skeptic, questioning everything and being open to new ideas. In practice this means he questions things that are pretty solid ideas and facts, and then is open to wild theories that are pretty easily refuted. I'm fine with skepticism, and challenging the system, but the way he does it obviously leads to some people accepting conspiracies and questioning facts.

Joe genuinely seems like he's just curious and recognizes he has gaps in his knowledge so he literally "questions everything." But as a scientist his unintentional delegitimizing of thoroughly established facts and theories tends to rub me the wrong way at times too. He seems to assume all of his audience won't give kooks like Jones, Delonge, Molyneux, and Yiannopolus amongst others the benefit of the doubt since he tends to not challenge them as strongly as a trained scientist or skeptic would.

I still find his show thoroughly entertaining and I've seen him doing stand up a couple years back (he isn't everybody's cup of tea) and thought it was hilarious. Plus he introduced Ari Shaffir to a lot of people, and he happened to be the best stand up I've seen. So, personally he seems fine to me as long as you don't consider his opinions as the final say on every topic and don't mind screaming at the podcast in frustration one in every 20 or so.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that episode where the actual skeptic came on the show and tore his buddy Graham Hancock to shreds

He gets torn to shreds every episode, you'll have to be more specific.

My problem with him is that he's NANANANANANANANANA BATMAN!

Why the fuck are we talking about this?

>t. Michael Shermer

It's way better than Larry King Live. "hey, did you just say that thing that you just aid, say that thing."

It's retarded that way. "Hey I don't mean that thing I say, when I say what I say, it's the show right?"

Kiss my ass scarface.

Nothing will top that Alex Jones episode

Never forget

Some fuck the other day tried to convince me Joe "le 56% mutt" Rogan was a nazi.

my problem is his fans who expect joe to be an expert on everything despite talking for almost 15 hours a week with a variety of people


He's got the best talk show EVER and it's like "how come he doesn't do 'this,' or 'that.'

It;s amazing that he's decided to continue doing this shit. I'd have thrown the towel in a long time ago as a comedian. Fuck this shit. "How come my dick hasn't been sucked yet?"

Mate I just ran a marathon, and told my father that Hero was a masterpeice, blach.

>it's just so fucking good, give me corned beef and water ughhhh

That's silly. Anything insensitive he says, he says out of stupidity and not malice. He's a nice guy.

He’s Irish and Italian, literally 100% white. Kys with that tired meme


>global warming
>thoroughly established fact
I hate modern reddit “science”

Global warming literally is a fact. That's why they call it "climate change deniers."

earth is warming up thiscan be scientifically proven and is all in all not far fetched since earth has always gone through ice ages and warm periods. we're merely at the end of the last ice age metereologists agree on that. what those fucks can't prove is that mankind has major influence on that process.

At least he actually looked it up online and was open to learning more. Not like some idiots who would shout "FAKE NEWS!" because it doesn't match with their preconceptions.

This pretty much. People who outright deny global warming are straight up retards and distract from the argument of people who are just trying to determine the scale of our effect.

Personally, it's like they said in Kingsman. We're past the point of no return regardless so unless we organize a massive movement we're completely fucked.

>daddy says 2+2=5 and gets angry at those that say otherwise
>therefore 2+2=5
peak reddit

Sounds like you grew up without a father.

>mfw I didn't

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He's like every other bro who tries mushrooms and suddenly thinks they're a warrior poet.

The funny thing is that the people who are the deepest into the climate change cult would never implement the changes necessary to maybe mitigate some of the effect. Like no more rare earth mineral mining to make your fancy electronics and modern day luxuries.

What can you even do to get where Rogan is. He have like the most famous podcast in the world, and why? He is just an average guy, he earns his life to talk shit about things he doesnt know and being "funny" while at it, I could do that.

Everything right of Lenin is considered nazi by millenials these days.

Exactly. Like yeah, it's easy to talk about how things need to change but how are you going to get people to make those changes? Will never happen.

>He is just an average guy
He was a pretty talented wrestler back in the day.

True. You would have to stop it all dead right this second. It's no good saying we'll faze out fossil fuel power generation in favor of renewable or nuclear because it'll still be generating CO2 up until it's shut down and also building the new stuff will also generate CO2. Millions would die regardless because you'd have to stop international shipping and also national shipping. Think of how much food and essentials are hauled across the country every day, modern cities and some states wouldn't be able to sustain themselves. Millions would die. But that is what it would take to reverse it.

You shouldnt be able to make rogan threads unless youve done devent hallucinogens


can you give me a quick rundown user?

I know more want to hear about the secret world of LA comedians than I want to attend any other random tradeshow on insurance, paper products or vending machines.

And god spare me from annoying people 'riffing', Joes comedy posse wouldn't be considered nothing special at any random construction site or factory.

It reminds me a bit of a interview I saw with a former colleague of Billy Connolly at the Glagow shipyard and they ask the guy if he knew Billy was fated for comedic success. "Aye, he was easily the third or fourth funniest person on his shift".

>mfw you did

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my problem with him is that his commentary is banal shit 90% of the time

also his episode descriptions suck, i'm not listening to a two-hour+ show if i don't know what they're going to be talking about

I'm open minded maaaaan but if you shit talk drugs or meat then I'll fucking chimp out!

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There's an enchilada out there, and it's BIG.

Requesting the joe Rogan pasta

My problem is i listened to him too much and became annoyed at him. Hes not particularly funny or witty at the end of the day. He had some interesting take like 8 years ago because he combined the LA hallucinogen scene with the violence of nature (he got from mma and his tkd career). But society moved

Tho Its amazing how successful he has been in literally everything he touches.