Sup Forums in a nutshell

Sup Forums in a nutshell

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oh i'll nut in that shell altight

the decline and deletion of cunny threads is ever increasing and it makes me so sad, not even 4 months ago they used to be productive and filled with content

Reddit take control, user.

really makes you think

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....that's not how you use the mene, you dip.

formerly Sup Forums

i wish i could be that happy

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I was thinking that really that's all we are as humans. Squishy shells who want to nut in each other. Disgusting imo

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lol what the fuck? i wonder if they got her to recreate the scene

litrally me


i would have preferred a hot cunny like jojo too but hey cmon dont be rude

wtf is this? who is she?

literally 18, normie


talking about her prime years, you fucking disgusting newfag tourists

she is in her prime years

i dont have pictures to refute you, but you are wrong you pleb, she maybe has a nicer ass now but thats about it

what jojo are you guys talking about?

hello welcome to Sup Forums hope you participate in more cunny threads in the future