I'm putting together a team

I'm putting together a team

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>Nine companions...so be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.
>Damn it, chief. You know I work alone.

>baggins, you sure are a loose cannon, but boy do you get results

>and my other axe

>this dwarf...he's a loose cannon...unconventional methods...but by God he gets results

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>this guy, abandoned his oath to help isildur in the last alliance, no allies, hasn't been seen thousands of years
>he's a god damn ghost

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>turn in your bow and axe

So tha's it? What? We some kinda... Fellowship?

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>and your other axe

>and your other breakfast.

>I assigned you a simple escort assignment, Gandalf.
>You mind telling me why the mayor's on the phone, up my ass about THE BRIDGE OF KHAZAD-DUM BEING DESTROYED!?

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>He was only two days away from his retirement, goddammit!

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>Amaaazing Grace...

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Isildur! Get your ass into my office RIGHT NOW!

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make me you faggot elf

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I miss Hugo Weaving

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you'se gonna need brooklyn

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DeNiro can look perfectly like an italian mobster.

Anthony Jr. is the best

yea? you know many italian mobsters?

Damn it Frodo, Galadriel's up my ass! You've got 3 days to clear the Ring case or you can clean out your hobbit hole!

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I have been falling, for 30 minuites.

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How long would it have taken Loki to escape?

A literal eternity

Nah. He's a wizard. He would have been out in a few hours if strange had not set him free.

>I don't like your team's methods, Faramir, but I like your results

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