Rian Johnson designing Rose in TLJ



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>Rian; “I want you design the character to be ugly then attractive”
>Designer; “errrr okay we can do that sure”
>Rian; “Oh btw I don’t have an actor cast yet”
>Designer clearly thinks he’s joking and just laughs it off
>Rian is serious

I’m getting TPM making of ptsd flashbacks here

Isn’t this the exact same stuff redditlettermedia and prequel haters gave Lucas shit for but now it’s okay because the Force is Female?

>Rian's waifu insert is a short Kim Jong Un in a wig

Just how pathetic can one man get?

Hahhahhaha I wonder what the costume designer think when he found out that the chosen actress is not only short, but also fat and have a perma pig face.

it is

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>*kills your toy line*
>"psssh nothing personal Kid"
How did Disney fuck up that bad and that quickly ? Do the marvel toys at least sell well?
Too bad their video games all suck

You can see the disgusted faces of the other guys

Not sure about other capeshit toys but at least a few years ago Spiderman merch still sold shitloads

>formal wear, we can really have fun
The fuck is he talking about? The imperial uniforms?

this is fucking hilarious.

It's obvious they were going to dress them up for the shitty casino planet

Boyega and jar jar chinks are ugly so they probably just scrapped it because they can't make them look good

Why would Rian get the prettiest chink for that Ape to impregnate live on the big screen?

Rian is based for getting the ugliest gook around. Open your eyes.

Rose could have been a cool character if she was conflicted and a spy trying to save her sister's life. But nah, she had to be muh blind hope cliché. Fuck, this is the place to 'subvert' our expectations, not the other subvertions Rian did.

Spider-Man always sold well. I don't think kids care about action figures that much anyway

>Rian casts and designs Rose around girls he liked when he was young
>Gets Rose to want the BBC

huh really makes you think

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>Rian: "I'm talking short and ugly... not 'television ugly' mind you, UGLY ugly."
>Designer: "..."
>Rian: "Oh, and forget about that stupid formal wear idea, she's just gonna stay in the jumpsuit... for the whole movie."
>Designer: "..."

I unironically enjoy Rian's thought process.

You can see his reaction b y the end of this clip

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The sales have been declining in propotion with how many fucking unneeded joints the toys have. Some action ficures look like a fucking bunch of joints put together in the vague shape of a person now.

>hire specialists and experts to help you
>ignore their advice and shit on their opinion

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>gives the white girl to the white chad
>makes up some ugly gook and gives her to the diversity darling
>intersectionality motherfuckers


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Thanks Rian

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They killed the pretty asian because (((white))) females hate asians.

Imagine being Kelly Tran, knowing you're there just because your appearance is unexpected. Which could also mean "you're the best of the worst. But hey, you're in fuckin Star Wars, so be grateful pig."

>>Rian; “I want you design the character to be ugly then attractive”

An Asain

lol, rian truly is based

It's just like those prequel documentary clips where George is going on about some crazy shit and nobody else on the team has any idea what the fucking is happening. Except this time it's even worse because atleast George was genuinely doing whatever he felt like, but this was politically motivated.


>but this was politically motivated.
Doubt it

You can feel how Rian was just sweet talking here. In his mind she's just that ugly nerd girl token to secure his place among the SJWs.

>she felt like a character who didn't belong in a star wars movie, and it appealed to me
Well, all is said

It's from "the jedi and the director" documentary, it's on youtube

>that hard of hearing disability hire who thought Rian said Aslan and made a whole sketchbook of majestic Lion-like aliens in weird clothing that were 200X better than what anyone else came up with for the new trilogy but that no one at the studio looked at because they hired him for the SJW brownie points, not because of his ideas

Finn and Po going to space Vegas would have been great.
How did rian fuck it up that bad ?
A)make space Vegas important to the plot
B) make it something besides a side quest
C) send Finn and Poe
D) make it part of admiral tumblr's plan
E) they have to go undercover as janitors so Finn is now the expert (thus switching it up from first movie)
There I fixed the movie

It was motivated by Rian's nostalgia dick.

Rian has absolute shit taste, he even said as a kid he hated ESB because it was so dark. I really can't understand this guy

>but this was politically motivated.
Funny thing is, I don't think it even was. It's just pure incompetence by that hack Rian.

it's like poetry

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He would have let Finn die if that were the case

A master of subversion.


Superleia. The movie isn't fixed.
That shit was so retarded it made me lose interest in all things SW and I read the fucking Luuuke and Triclops books!

He said the original plan was Finn/Poe on casino planet but they changed it because it was "boring". I'm pretty sure it's Kthleen Kennedy and her story group that wanted another female protagonist to put under the spotlight. Instead of a Poe/Finn buddy mission we get Finn taking a seat back while the chink does the action and Poe on his side gets chastisized by the gender studies admiral. Was it really Rian's idea or the story group's?

>D) make it part of admiral tumblr's plan
I would unironically have been okay with this. It would have actually given her character something to do.
Hell, you could even have Poe get mad at the idea saying its stupid, and have her get mad at him for refusing orders. Then force him to do it, and there we go, we have the same exact dynamic between the two except we don't get the shit fest that we got

>Finn and Poe's brief interactions in the first film are praised in TFA
>Rian says "I couldn't write interesting dialogue between Finn (an ex-stormtrooper who was brainwashed since childhood) and Poe (The top gun x-wing pilot and hero of the resistance) and just put rose into it instead

Wow what a great director

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>Funny thing is, I don't think it even was. It's just pure incompetence by that hack Rian.
Yeah right, the feminazi agenda that is reeking from every pore of this movie is an accident.

this, I feel so disconnected from the franchise that I gave my entire youth to

It literally feels like Pokemon to me now, where if I see a card I just cringe

Heard that a lot, but don't know if it's true:
There was a spy subplot in the original script. Admiral 50's Colored Hair was supposed to be a potential suspect (but not the real spy). Her actions and not telling people her plans were because she knew they had a FO spy in their rank but didn't know who it was.
Rose was the spy and only did that to save her sister.

I just went back to old comfy EU. Some books, games, and clone wars episodes really do the trick. You just have to tell yourself disney wars is not star wars, simple.

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Yes that's what a director is you brainlet. They are there to help you and inform your opinion but at the end of the day it's your decision and your vision. If you knew anything about film, you would know this.


No a good director will only be responsible for 20% of a film with the rest of the cast and crew making up the other 79%

doubt that was Rian desu, more likely the committee making some of the decisions for him.

Rian is a filmmaker, not a costume designer

It's his job to convey and pain a picture of his vision, which the experts execute.

The better the director is at explianing and transfering his vision to other people, the close the end result will be to it

It's like NuTrek times a 1000 for me. NuTrek isn't MY trek, but at least it's not NuSW. NuTrek isn't my thing and I'm not really into it but I still see some things from the franchise I know and love in the movies. NuSW is just fucking offensive on every level. It's making fun of me for liking the old movies and shaming me for not liking the new ones.

I'm glad we finally have the DVD so all the behind the scene debacles can be shown just like the prequels and Lucas. Pretty much undeniable proof that a lot of the stupid SJW bullshit you see came straight from Johnson

paint *

it took me a few minutes to even remember who 'rose' was.

what a shit movie.

Rose is the key to all of this. If we get Rose working... cus she's the nerdiest character we've ever had before.

he is director, its his job to reject designs that fit the vision and tell them to redesign shit that doesnt. That goes for editing, set design and scoring too

Christ, one thing I fucking hate in the Disney Star Wars is the designs. Fucking dogshit boring, uninspired and not Star Wars. The planets, the alien designs, costumes etc everything is fucking bland and forgetable


If anything this just makes me like Rian a bit more than before.

for me they're literally the only good parts of the new movies, apart from kylo ren and old man luke

he's a beta lonely faggot who never had any real bonding experiences with other boys growing up, of course he wouldn't know how to write the interactions between two male characters.

That is the reason why LF loves Rian

Mike loves the new trilogy

So what I'm getting here is that he intentionally, explicitly wrote and cast an ugly character that doesn't fit because he doesn't like Star Wars and still wants to sleep with the one fat, ugly girl from his high school circle of drama nerd friends.

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New Star Wars has a cosplaying edgelord as a bad guy. It's already nerd central. I bet Kylo forces Hux to play the stylus and datapad role playing game Trash Compactor&Rancor with him in their down time.

>Superleia. The movie isn't fixed.

Make the scene not happen.
Wow, that was hard.

Oh wait, shit, Lukes still there...

I'm not even mad, that's just really sad.

Nice try.


do we ever actually see her in formal wear

I forget half the movie

Were gonna Lose Tommy soon aren't we

>Not Tatooine
>Not Hoth
>Death Star 3.0
>Not Endor
>Not Coruscant

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Luke's okay. Crazy milkies sucking old man Luke is kino. Just scrap the Yoda shit and the flashback with Uncle Bedsidesaber. Give Luke another reason to be that way.

This. If there's no Lucas at Lucasarts might as well be consider all of Disney Wars as N-Canon. Maybe S-Canon.

S for shit, right?

I kinda got what Rian was thinking, make a character look ugly at the start and then suddenly when she's out of her jumpsuit she becomes hot but that doesn't work when the actress cast is ugly as sin.

>being that obsessed with making something unexpected
>not properly utilizing the talent of your staff

That's messed up. Why couldn't he simply stick to the directing?

>S-canon, or Secondary canon: Material that could be used or ignored as desired by authors, including older works that predated a concentrated effort to maintain a consistent continuity, such as the Marvel Star Wars comics. Anything that is not completely outrageous or intentionally comic.
> Material that could be used or ignored as desired by authors
Yeah, pretty much.

Looks like they were meant to dress up for the casino. It doesn't make sense that they kept their clothes among these elite people, they stuck out like a sore thumb.

After the backlash TFA got for being a reboot, Diney was obsessed with distracting the audience with unexpected and unwanted crap to make you forget they were still rehashing ESB and ROTJ.

Marvel SW was okay.

>My intent is to cast someone you wouldn't expect to see

Is this just his MO with the entire film?

I feel like this is the best post itt but I haven't watched the movie

>Scrap Yoda
What? Why would you do that?

So is Rian still a virgin?

Rose is a great character and Rian is a genius, all you idiots are just being jelous. F*ck off, just f*ck off.

mirror dubs are liars

reminds me of plinkett using all these clips from the prequel trilogy to try and disect where everything went so wrong, hopefully he does the same with TLJ (Though its pretty obvious looking at the clips in this thread)

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>destroys your movie

soycinema. When are we going back to manly dudes and hot women in shoot outs and whatnot?

damn, recast Kurt Russel as Luke and call it Escape From Jedi

Finn and Poe were the best part of TFA. Since they ruined it in last Jedi and made it so the film takes place immediately after the first one we will never get any tie in media expanding on them teaming up

These people should not be making movies holy shit.

I honestly don't get why people think Rose is ugly, she's a solid 7/10 for an Asian.
She's chubby not honestly not even really that fat.

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It was fairly obvious looking at the bts stuff for the prequels too.

shouldn't you be killing another franchise instead of shitposting on 4c ?

Nope. Why would a kid ask for an action figure when they could ask for a game, pick up the controller and actually move the character around?

Times have changed. Disney alienated their manbabby collector nerd audience with the latest film, so good luck to them selling any merchandise.

t. reddit the post

it really was all intentional...
jesus christ bravo rian.
Unironically based, thank you for killing it, you put it out of it's misery you soy genius you.
Luke really was a metaphor for lucas and star wars.
Let's see jj recover this. It's finally over.

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