I don't what this is this sort of this isn't my bag baby!

>I don't what this is this sort of this isn't my bag baby!

Attached: IMG_9518.jpg (972x749, 113K)

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>Never seen it before in my life, baby!

Attached: e848dad44b0975d97cf0128235c5c144.png (516x265, 54K)

No way

it's real I took the screenshot myself
that isn't my bag tho

Do they keep it in their shed?

Attached: 0e9.jpg (600x600, 27K)

such a great movie. here is my favorite scene out of all of them.



Austin Powers is a great movie, has aged exceptionally well and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. The sequels are nowhere near as good or funny.

>Says here name Danger Powers
>No no..Danger's my middle name
>Alright..Austin "Danger" Powers

>I also like to live dangerously...

2 is better
>tfw no mommy heather gf

That's right, buddy, you show that turd who's boss

2 is the best one

honestly the whole trilogy is probably the #4 greatst trilogy of all time in terms of consistency, story arc and trueness in spirit

>Tell me Number 2 what do you do
>Thats my business

subtle yet effective

What are the top 3 then?

>13 beats your 5.

Why did he write an entire book about how much he loved them but then act embarrassed to be seen with it?

because it's no longer the 60s

So what he literally just woke up why would that matter to him?

What do penis pumps even do really

the swedish pump company paid him to write the book.

he had his own jet. the brits don't pay spies that well. he needed outside sponsorship to live that large

Its a visual gag, do you not know comedy?

>this isnt mine
credit card recept
>this is a joke
warrenty card
>this isnt my bag!
book that literally says this is my bag

I'm saying the joke makes no sense

its hilarious. you are just a stick in the mud.

It's funny but it doesn't make sense if you think about it

Does anyone else hear the guy say it in your head?

This Sort of Thing Is My Bag...

just turn your brain off.

Make it bigger