Which Junji Ito stories do you think could be adapted well into film?

Which Junji Ito stories do you think could be adapted well into film?

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what the fuck was his problem?

The holes in the wall that are in the shape of people is the only (only!) scary one

>WOT IF manga

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Most of Tomie stories should be adaptable if you have a good horror makeup/effects crew. Too bad all the Tomie movies are shit.
Dissection Girl, Whispering Woman, The Town Without Streets etc as well should be pretty adaptable.
Really surprised none of the live action Junji Ito movies actually even bother to go with the "Sin City" route and go high contrast black and white, would probably look far better with the atmosphere of Itos work.

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The one about the crystal balls from the afterlife

Honestly it's not even hard to do this sort of effect in After Effects, literally takes like 20 minutes.

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Post the end bitch


In terms of looks, this girl looks pretty good for Tomie.

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Childhood is idolizing Junji Ito.
Adulthood is realizing Kago Shintaro makes more sense.


They already did Uzumaki. It was terrible. He just doesn't translate well to film.

>muh gore
Umezu is the real man's choice

So how is that anime going?

The animation is cheap as shit.

The two of them are completely different. They both do body horror but for different purpose.
Ito is for the atmosphere and the general horror about body modification. It's also about the general reactions towards a supernatural element. Kago is about comedy and surrealism. Modifying one's body (or one's panel format) to instill a general sense of ridiculousness which provokes curiosity and humours. Kago is grotesque and uses it for laughs.

I love them both anyway.

It's complete garbage.
This does a pretty good job explaining why.
Honestly I've never understood why people are so lazy with adaptions when they could be done so much better with ease. For example, in that video, the scene with the dinner at the table? In motion, you could do a really cool effect, where the girl MC zooms back making her smaller and the father and bother in the foreground zoom towards the frame, creating a disorientating image where it really shows the oppressive atmosphere of the father and brother and how small the MC is feeling.
Nup, they don't even show perspective as well, they just completely flatten the image in the animation.

This is actually a problem I've noticed a lot in Cyberpunk as well, in the original Ghost in the Shell movie, scenes with the City show the city sort of slowly zoom into frame, while the camera also zooms away from the character, which makes the city "grow" showing it's sheer size and atmosphere (Akira does this as well), but for the amount of fucking times Cyberpunk references the shots in Akira and Ghost in the Shell, they never fucking use this effect and just have a flat fucking image.


Even though it probably wouldn't translate to the screen well, Hanging Balloons is the one that stuck with me the most.

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There are several live-action films adapted from Junji Ito manga from Japan.

And yes all are shit.

not true
the one with the girl whos family spies on her gets to me
and the spiral ones

They're shit though not because all Junji Ito is unadaptable, they're shit because Japanese cinema since around 2000 has completely lost any sense of cinematography, lighting, acting, scriptwriting.
Junji Ito's work relies a lot on high contrast lighting, where Japanese film and television has the flattest, dullest diffused lighting possible.
Compare pic related to which is how you would actually do Junji Ito.

yeah for me as well. It is by far the most creepy story.

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Nobody likes a lonely only. Everybody join hands now. Everybody join hearts now.

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I seriously admire the way Kago takes a really crazy concept (i.e. abortion turned into a fashion statement) then develops and expands on it until its ultimate conclusion. Not to mention stories like abstraction or the one where the panels of the comic are treated as physical locations are little masterpieces of sequential art

>This is how the mind of a dentist works deep inside

Never trust a dentist. NEVER.

I just saw that video and totally agree. It's a shame because a Junji Ito anime could be so good, the source material is worth so much more than that shitty show

did the crapp anime animeate DRR... DRR...? I want to know what that's supposed to sound like.

I always thought it sound like DUUR from HUUR DUUR maymay.

re: GitS and its use of cityscapes, this is the best analysis I've seen to date


It's a mistranslation, it's supposed to be a slipping sound.


I just tried to read fetus collection is the ending seriously just the baby not coming out? It doesn't seem like an ending at all but 2 different websites stopped there

It was funny the Fan live action ghost in the shell stuff was better.

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What's that manga where the girl gets holes in her body and keeps filling it with things?

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How gross is it.
I really cant be arsed to slug through a story if there is too much gore.
And the japanese love being gratuitous with their gore

Wait...why is she opening her mouth?

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would be cool if they took 4 different stories and made a movie anthology out of them directed by 4 different horror directors.
because as one long movie...his stories would suck

Fetus collection doesn't really have any gore you're good

Yeah. That's a other thing Kago and Ito have in common. A lot of times their stories don't have an ending, they just sort of stop

Fetus collection isn't that bad, all things considered

Just stay away from stories like "the drafting of a water goddess" and you'll be fine

Which is good if youre going for horror.
Resolution and explanation usually take away some of the edge of the horror.

Un-ironically Rob Zombie Goresploitation tier

12 hours long 1:1 on screen remake, directed by Lynch or someone wacky like that
Would you watch it?

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This can definitely work. Very grounded, thrilling and keeps you confused until the end.

Hellstar Remina would be my ideal choice because of the cosmic horror we lack. Plus it's an incredible story.

Hideaki Anno please. I love Lynch but not him

>"the drafting of a water goddess"
I discovered Kago with that story when I was 13 and browsing Sup Forums for the first time.

It shaped up what kind of man I will become.

Read it for yourself, it's short: The Enigma of Amigara Fault

manga is underrated. so much awesome and unique stuff there.

Don't give Anno more reasons to never finish 4.0

>Plus it's an incredible story.

It really is. That fucking grim-but-cheery ending.

Thomas Ligotti explains the difference between horror and weird fiction like that. In horror there's typically an explanation (a curse, a monster, a ghost, an experiment gone wrong, etc) while weird fiction is an enigma that can't be dispelled; it's not about why things happen, but what Lovecraft called a violation of the natural order. Ito sometimes writes weird fiction (Uzumaki, the giant head balloons, army of one, etc). It's when he veers into straight horror and tries to explain things that his tales don't succeed as much

I don't think there's enough meat for a full length film.
I think it could work if you adapted them into 30 minute long episodes in an anthology series. Set it up, build the atmosphere give the spoop, then get out before anyone notices the story wasn't resolved.

If you haven't already check out drifting classroom, its got similiar vibes to Ito's stuff.

The thing about weird fiction is it's not necessarily scary either. It's just weird.

nothing in fiction is scary because its all made up retard. The only sense of fear is how we compare said ideas with our own lives

>not Suehiro Maruo
Do yourself a favor and read The Laughing Vampire.

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She likes it

Yeah man, too bad Sup Forums is absolute trash

One non-Ito horror that comes to mind is Kazuo Umzeu's The Drifting Classroom. I think it can work as a movie, minus all the preachy stuff about the environment and all. This legit has Jurassic Park and whatnot before it was even a thing. A classic IMO

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Didn't Ito pen Uzumaki?

If so, they already made a pretty good, batshit insane movie out of his work.

Machino Henmaru The Holes

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The uzumaki live action film was trash though. There is an animated gyo movie thats pretty good though.


Fucking goosebumps


completely remove any of the almost comical endings of itou junji
just look at the window next door story
in the anime it ends with the protaginst telling the viewer that they moved immedietly once the parents saw the window having grown to be right next to his
in the manga it ends with a caption that says that his parents are thinking about moving somewhere else, classic itou ending

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The Gyo OVA was fucking weird and it wasn't because of Ito's source work.
Like the graphic mmf threesome that served no purpose or the girl getting tentacle rape by one of the fish. It was so out of place for a Junji Ito's story but it was campy and it reminded me of old exploitation b-movie. It was entertaining overall but I'd wish the adaptation would have been more faithful.

Izumaki (Spiral) was already adapted in live action and it's very meh
I think Hellstar Remina could make for a good movie
how bad are the anime?

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>he hasn't seen uzumaki

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poorly adapted considering uzumaki is itou's greatest work and the live action ruins most of the story that made the manga great

is that the 3rd impact?

deserter in the house

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isn't it the plot of Melancholia? also Zelda

do they have a massive beings that eats planets?

Eyepatch Wolf is one of the best anime youtubers out there

>how bad are the anime?
worse than terrible, they're boring

also he is comfy as fuck
Pause & Select is also god tier but I don't know that many others

Did they want to crucify a young girl in Melancholia because she was the namesake of the planet and people thought murdering her would save the world?

Why is Ito so based?
he is almost on par with the Berserk guy in term of drawing quality

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This could work for a very good 90 minutes movie, I feel. Things would have to be added to pad up for the time but I'm sure it could work without distorting the original story.

Uzumaki movie was trash. That fucking editing was dreadful.

>almost on par
itou is better, he devotes more than 9 hours into making each reveal as detailed as possible

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I don't know if his ideas work too well with film. Really would have loved to experience what he could contribute to Kojima and del toros silent hills though.

take your edgy Sup Forumscomic and fuck off

not tv or film related

He pretty much honed and perfected his style for the kind of monstrosities he likes drawing. He also reminds me of Pickman's Model a bit

>You know, it takes profound art and profound insight into Nature to turn out stuff like Pickman’s. Any magazine-cover hack can splash paint around wildly and call it a nightmare or a Witches’ Sabbath or a portrait of the devil, but only a great painter can make such a thing really scare or ring true. That’s because only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible or the physiology of fear—the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or hereditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness.

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>that manga I read a long time ago on Sup Forums where it's about a girl who can't shit and maim herself so she can take her shit out
is that by Ito ? it was the same drawing style
I don't think he is that gross though

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one of the most disgusting itou junji moments

No, that was Kago Shintaro

itou junji reminds me of a comic book i read as a kid, it was about some kid that was dumped in the sewers and survived by eating a weird looking worm that made him able to survive without needing to breath, it also turned him into a horrible monster

>user is too scared

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i remember that thread, good times, fucked me up good
but no it doesn't resemble his style and i've read all his work and it doesn't show up

It's by Shintaro Kago, from an anthology called Hell Season.

And this was probably by Hideshi Hino, pic related. Same Hideshi Hino who made those Guinea Pig gore flicks, btw

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Not even, just a nice Hitchcock episode length would do.

Someone should start up a masters of horror type anthology show, but just adapt horror manga and comics.

no, the one i read was a comic book as in western hemisphere, it was a collection of short stories, it also had one other story i remember that was about an alien invasion where the aliens are gigantic eye spiders that shoot lasers

Most Ito panels are not detailed

most mothers aren't whores

that'd be great.
Kinda reminds me of 4bia, a movie made up of 4 parts(stories) with each story having a different director. It was fun because the length of each was just right, some were made to be scary but others as a comedy
Also reminds me of Yami Shibai, I liked that season 1 but kinda feel that season 2 went downhill a lot.
Damn that shit has 5 seasons already, didn't even bother to watch after the 2nd one

Gyo already got made into a film and it was OK. Could've been done much better though.

Junji Ito

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