Who was the most beautiful actress at her prime? For me, it's Diane Lane

Who was the most beautiful actress at her prime? For me, it's Diane Lane.

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Inb4 that ugly succubus girl

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Scarlett Johansson, today.

Patrician AF, Six Pack Diane Lane is heavenly

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We've been over this.
It's JConn and it's not even close.

Jodie Foster

Katie Holmes

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But would you fug modern day Jennifer Connolly? I'm not sure if I would but I would most certainly fuck modern day Diane Lane

Miranda Cosgrove

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You're not even trying

>actress in her prime

Diane Lane looks fucking heavenly on The Outsiders Blu-ray playing Cherry Valence. Too bad they fucking destroyed the film with new shit music.

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my nigga.

also checked and confirmed

Dahny, do you want to play

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This is the only attractive picture I've seen of her.

we can end this thread right here

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Actually she got hotter as she aged, Unfaithful was her best role and her prime look. Jennifer Connoly and Jessica Alba where best in their prime.

DL was so hot. And Six Pack was a fantastic movie.


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Even Margarita Leveiva has a prettier face

prime Alba in bikinis in Bahamas. how did this movie flop?

Define "prime" because Dian Lane is still incredibly hot. I can't decide if she's her hottest in Streets of Fire or Judge Dredd.

I'd fuck Diane Lane even now. She still got it.

Her prime was "Not Another Teen Movie", you peedo

prime DL

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I consider Anne Hathaway the most beautiful

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Get out of here

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Worst taste ITT.

What’s wrong with her?

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Susan OR Jennifer Love Hewitt

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I respectfully disagree.

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that's just a little kid, you sick fucking mod

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Lee Remick

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Good choice.

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Choose one of the four, any answer is correct.

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prime dolly parton



Also this

Everyone else has shit taste

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I can't not see Jimmy Fallon when I look at her

elle fanning past her teens


she is still HOT AF

best nina dobrev

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looks like an ugly boy

Jane Seymour in Live and Let Die

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Lesley-Anne Down when she was playing in North and South. Look it up.

>look up a pic of her now

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I actually prefer 30-something Diane Lane than underage Diane Lane.
what's wrong with me?

This. She is so far ahead, it's not even funny. She has her own tier basically - the "Jennifer Connelly Tier" and she still reigns supreme up there.

MFW no one has said Mary Tyler Moore.

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My god. I remember when this was on distinctly. My jaw dropped to the floor as a kid.

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50s: Grace Kelly
60s: Catherine Deneuve
70s: Cybill Shepherd
80s: Sharon Stone
90s: Jennifer Connelly
00s: Rachel McAdams
10s: Ana De Armas

Jaime Pressly

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essentially this

This is cheating

bottle blond biggest gold digger in history, rewarded with ugly ass children

at least they never had to work

For me it was Cate Blanchett in her mid to late 30s.

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MONICA BELUCCI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

60s: Raquel Welch > Catherine Deneuve

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70s: Lynda Carter > Cybill Shepherd

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That's not her prime though OP. She didn't peak till she was at least 39-45.

80s: Heather Locklear > Sharon Stone

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Take the makeup away from all of the painted whores ITT and you'll see they're not beautiful at all.

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back to your containment board


It was all downhill after this.

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Susan Sarandon circa 2017

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Nice ad hom you got there buddy.