Rick and Morty renewed by Adult Swim

Rick and Morty renewed by Adult Swim.

Is this the end, my fellow Pickle Rickers?

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I meant NOT renewed!!

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Begone thot

It's pretty dead, right? Even most of leddit makes fun of it now, and that is the core audience.

Might be the first time a copy pasta killed a show. That and affirmative action.

Who was in the wrong here?

Yeah, I'm a Rick and Morty fan.

Yeah, I shout "Wubba lubba dub dub" to people wearing Rick and Morty merch.

So what? I do it because they're like me. They see the world for what it really is. When I utter that phrase to a fellow fan, it's with the understanding that we're both in this thing together. We can both understand things at a deeper level.

People make jokes about how Rick and Morty fans pretend to be more intelligent, but it's true. We are. And because of this show, this masterpiece, us like minded intellectuals can interact and communicate without having to acknowledge those lesser people.

Thank you Daniel Harmon. Thank you Justin Roiland. Thank you for giving us a community where we can all move forward to a better tomorrow through science and comedy.

Thank you.

>not renewing extremely popular tv show

something is afoot

>sticks gerbil up asshole

>extremely popular
Only in very specific circles.

I really identity with Dan Harmon's nihilism. God isn't real and what's the point of anything? Wubalubduadub

It's their most profitable show, dumb dumb.

mde world peace says hi

>fans like you pay the price
Not really. They'll just watch or do something else. Hell, it seems like most people have forgotten Rick and Morty and moved on to other things for the moment. Meanwhile, if they don't make another season, the creators of the show will lose money.

Season 3 was so bad I wouldn't be surprised if it killed the show
But I doubt Adult Swim will leave it be

I fucking hate this guy

does that mean its finished or what or not? what does it mean?

Is Dan Harmon capable of writing just one sentence without any autism?

Wasn't he accussed of sexual harassment?

he touched a girl's hand without her consent. it was literally rape

Does Rick & Morty still have fans? I thought people ditched it after the szechuan sauce fiasco.

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aqua teen hunger force sends its regards

I honestly like Rick & Morty a lot, but the fanbase deserves to burn

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Best show of all time. I can can quote something from damn near every episode

The show is too good. The humor is on point and sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode because I just cant fathom how they keep coming up with new content. Meanwhile Sunny does rehash episodes and have yet to be cancelled.

>christcucks are still triggered about the pilot episode

Yeah, and he admitted it was all true and apologized.

Genuinely, I have no clue what he supposedly did.

Feminism strikes again

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He tried to date one of the writers.
When she said no, Dan became a stuck up bitch and stonewalled her. She said it affected her career.

Basically he tried to Weinstein her.

Should have been cancelled after the first episode

That'll teach him... hopefully now he won't continue his rape-rampage without thinking about the consequences.

There's no way R&M won't be renewed or picked up by a different network, it's way too popular.

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I think it's time Nickelodeon or whoever airs this shit realizes the monstrosity they created with the fan base and ends it

actually happened is dan was enamored with one or more of the writers and in that state wasn't able to objectively assess the worth of what they were writing, thus season 2. Then once the infatuation wore off (due to either rejection or proximity or actually watching season 2) he started holding the writers to actual standards and not just rubberstamping everything because he had stars in his eyes. The writers interpreted this as stonewalling, and the show collapsed because you can't just fire the diversity hires.

Then one or more of the writers attempt to claim this treatment is what killed their career, rather than SEASON TWO.

I know you niggas hate on this show which is fair as S3 really wasn't that good.

But S1 was fantastic and S2 had a few good episodes with some misteps along the way.

as a massive fan of Venture Brothers, how does ATHF compare and should I go watch it?

Name a single good fanbase.

Good. This place is absolute cancer whenever it's airing.

ATHF is a sitcom for teenagers and the braindead.

oh, OK, I'll check it out then

Dan Harmon is gonna drink himself to death and we're gonna have a party on Sup Forums to celebrate!

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Heroes of Might and Magic

this place has been greater than 100% cancer for a decade, friend.

I hope it's cancelled so Justin can move onto better things. Maybe since Cosby is dead, House Of Cosbys can become a show

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>the only good fanbase is one that practically doesn't exist

... ?

>nuh huh you can't play that, that's OP
>no, you can't hire that hero, that's OP
>stop having fun, fun is OP and not allowed




>ATHF is cancelled, Frylock's voice actor living in poverty
>Robot Chicken got renewed for its 10th season
What a world

The cosby estate would sue the shit out of him.

also cosby isn't dead yet

its because seth green has enough money to fund the show

>write absolute shit
>attempt to claim what killed your career is not dating the head writer

And this is why you don't hire women for creative work.

Nazi Germany

first season had higher ratings than eric andre's first season

Do you mean nazi germany itself as the fanbase of hitler or the current fanbase of nazi germany?

Cause either way it ain't good.

That's like saying higher ratings than dead air.

Based Mike Lazzo pulling the plug on that shitshow, I'm sure he'll be giving the budget to Sam Hyde now no doubt!

You mean you don't want more jokes like this in popular culture?



Reminder that The Boondocks season 4 got record ratings for Adult Swim but it was still cancelled due to the drastic drop in writing quality.

S3 was worth it for the tales from the citadel episode. That was fucking magnificent.

>drop in writing quality

how do you get lower than zero?

This. Sony Television produces it, Adult Swim just airs it.

hes just like rick lmao

>realizing season 3 was so bad you all but wiped it's existence from your memory and lumped the good episodes in with season two

I just... goddamn...

>you will see teen titans go air 24/7 365 days a year in your lifetime

which one was that?


ricklantis mixup

I remember super monkey ball threads on Sup Forums were always nice. Don't go there much anymore so don't know if that's still the case.

What's the affirmative action incident you're referring to?

women writers

those threads dont really exist anymore, much like the franchise itself

Keep circulating the tapes


patrician answer

no and no

wubalubadubdub my niggers!

Rick would never say that disgusting word. Gtfo racist.

Not even a fan of Reddit and Morty but it would be absolutely retarded NOT to renew it as they literally have nothing else of note.

Pure non sequitur insanity.

Well it is Cartoon Network we're talking about. I don't even know why the channel exists between 8 and 3 PM when kids are in school

Sealab 2021.

We agree evil morty is best character, ya?

Based high terror alert quads


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Xavier Renegade Angel


Writers vagina kill shitty show


I hate this leftist sack of shit, but I'm spiteful and would do the same thing in his position.

Fucking this. I'm still bummed about that. What a fucking travesty.

the meme is dead why would disney channel do more episode

It seems you are untethered and that your rage knows no bounds

Linux users
most of /biz/
South Park
Radio Graffiti
Steve Austin

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Expanded staff and renewed contracts with raises can be pricey, it's probably very easy for a modestly successful project like this to get too big for its britches very quickly. For all we know Harmon signed for one season, the success necessitated more, they couldn't come to an agreement on something long-term in a timely manner so both compromised on a couple more seasons to keep the ball rolling, and now neither will budge on anything further because they both want to make money.

source: my ass, I'm not in the industry so I dunno.

>dude alcoholism lmao
yikes. avoiding this stupid show even harder now

>not renewing their most popular show

They’re arguing over sheckels. It’ll happen, don’t you worry. The intellectuals need their comedy

Rick is pretty much a bitchy Harmon self-insert, it's very blatant in S3 in particular.

[AS] will take forever to renew something. Also, they're cheap assholes. They didn't pick up Korgoth because it was too expensive to produce.

not yet renewed != canceled

>flaunting your alcoholism as a quirk
