How would you have done it?

How would you have done it?

Attached: edgy universal.jpg (299x168, 4K)

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start from dracula and frankenstein to stabilish universe, then go to mummy in form like it is

But where would you have GONE with it? Because I have no clue what their Avengers was supposed to be, especially with Jekyll having knockoff SHIELD.

Before release of "The Mummy" they said teaming up in Avengers-like style was not the goal. They were not trying to copy Marvel. It was supposed to be like in 30s just updated to modern times, to refresh Universal monsters for another decades. They were supposed to be standalone movies, connected by that monster hunters agency. Some monsters crossovers and that's it. That was the idea before "The Mummy" flopped. Now? No clue.

Teaming-up is something that media and public made, it was not intention.

Remakes of old films made by modern-day "indie" horror directors. They can do whatever they want as long as it features one of the monsters. Budget - 15-20 million for each film. Del Toro already showed how his Creature flick would look like.

get brendan fraser to be in all of them

Aah, okay. Thank you very much.

Dracula vs Frankenstein
Werewolf Woman
Monster Squad
Creatura From the Black Lagoon

You missed JUST League

10-30 million dollar budgets.
Actual horror / thriller plot.
Practical effects.

>thriller plot.
>Practical effects.
mummy tried it, with practicl effects and little touch of cgi (outside of plane, animals, storm) but failed.
thrilling plot (ahmanet summoning evil by secuding nick) also stronly rooting to classic mummy/gothic horror too

Attached: 156465978354.jpg (1655x993, 522K)

If you legitimately believe that the Mummy reboot was more of a thriller than generic action schlock you should unironically kill yourself and every male relative capable of continuing your genetic legacy.

yes it was clrearly dark fantasy action, in a bit Van Helsing (with Jackman) like fashion

Right. What would the Dark Universe's JUST League be called?

The Mummy
Monster Squad (introduces Gorilla Girl)
Dracula v Frankenstein
The Mummy Returns
Wolfman in London
Creature of the Black Lagoon
Monster League: The Age of the Mad Ghoul
Invisible Man
The Bride of Frankenstein
Phantom of the Opera
The Mummy’s Curse
Wolfman In Outer Space
Monster League: Infinite Spooks part 1
Invisible Man 2
The Leech Woman
Monster League: Infinite Spooks part 2

I don't even see it like that. Cut out the Mummy and you could have easily made some generic Indiana Jones action knock off with Cruise bumming around Iraq then going off hunting the Set dagger to sell the ruby for mad dosh or something, there was nothing about the movie that felt unique or that it utilized the property well.

Even with the 'original (fraser)' mummy and since you brought it up Van Helsing the action in those films were i guess what you describe as 'dark fantasy' action, they used the setting a million times better, it's been a long time since i've seen either, but i can't remember being angry at all with those movies (aside from some early 2000s CGI which is forgivable).

This one was just indistinguishable from any forgettable, generic, big budget action movie in my mind.

I would've started with Frankenstein to Bride of Frankenstein to Son of Frankenstein. Bride is the best Universal horror film and stands up exceptionally well today.

Not cast the most boring whitebread actors as possible.

It was. It's clearly gothic supernatural romance horror mixed with action adventure. I would say it's even trying to touch psychological horror. Thing is it's using classic definition of horror, which doesn't really appeal modern audience. It's Frankenstein-level. Not gore, not jumpscares, it's supernatural kind.
Watch 1932 Mummy, it's pretty much same kind of horror, Karloff movie doesn't seem to be scary, in fact it's not. It's a supernatural romance which was among classic definition of horror.

With a good script. A beginning, middle, and end. Maybe a plot twist. Characters with motivations. That's what I would have done.

What we got was: exposition dumps, cliches, a 45 minute commercial for the sequels, pointless CGI, quips, studio notes.

I wouldn't. Cinematic universe cancer needs to fuck off and die

Abbot and Costello meet Dracula

probably replace Abbot and Costello with Amy Schumer and Adam Sandler.

I would've said with Dracula but they already tried that with Dracula untold (most posters here have forgotten about it).

I temped to say make a hellboy clone, with a difference. The monsters are being controlled by an agency but that sounds like a suicide squad clone.

The 1999 Mummy has a much more likeable cast that's for sure.

Attached: The Mummy 4.jpg (1330x748, 132K)

I've seen almost every 'classic' monster film from even pre-universal through hammer and beyond, i understand the 'Forbidden Love' aspect of thrillers, The Mummy reboot at best payed lip service to those themes.

Look at your own post.
> Gothic, Supernatural, Romance, Horror, Action, Adventure, Psychological.

I'll admit they tried to do all those things, tried, they did none of them well and the time / attention given to each of those individual aspects all paled in comparison to the authoritative Action stamp that often runs in completely the other direction to that. You cannot have a 'Gothic Horror' that's paced like an action movie, equally you can't have a 'horror romance' plot (since you brought up the Imhotep plot) with barely defined characters who have like a grand total of 2 minutes interaction that actually focuses on the 'forbidden romance' angle, you can't have a straight psychological horror with goofy comedy relief side kick ghost characters. Also in case you're a pedant, by 'can't do these things' i mean 'it makes things harder to do well by several orders of magnitude, so hard anyone with a brain avoids doing it.'

The film is a muddled grab bag that they had no idea what to do with so they just made a shitty action flick with a slapdash paint job of the original films themes, tones and aspects.

Make-em horror movies

If it still has to be a blockbuster series:
>Wolfman: Guy gets the curse, turns into the werewolf and goes berserk, gets captured by Prodigium. We're introduced to Old Van Helsing, the leader, Young Van Helsing, his son and main field operator, and Dr Jekyll.
>They're finding a cure for Lycanthropy and hunting down the alpha Werewolf. There's a fight between Hyde and the Wolf Man in the middle for hype. Frankenstein gets shown frozen in ice.
>Wolfman wins but they don't have the cure, so he decides to stay with Prodigium and help them. Post credits is Jekyll showing the place to Wolf, they've become close friends because of the "uncontrollable monster" thing, they stop at a mystery coffin.

>Next up is Invisibile Man. It ends with Griffin getting called by Prodigium. Jekyll will help him on an antidote for his invisibility.

>Bride of Frankenstein is next. Dr Pretorious has found Frankenstein's old research and is continuing it, and at the same time, an accident leads to Mr Hyde releasing the original Monster from ice. Monster finds a blind guy in the woods and learns how to talk and all that. In the end the Monster, now taking it's father's name, confronts the bride and tries to reason with her. Crying when he sees she'll never be anything but a monster, he kills her.
>Back at prodigium, the world goes dark and a castle is reported to have risen in Transylvania.

>Crossover movie: Dracula's back and he's brought the apocalypse with him. Old Van Helsing gets the team together.
>Everyone butts heads at first, especially with Griffin since he's a dick.
>Dracula kills papa Van Helsing. His son is told to open the coffin.
>The original Van Helsing is there, turns he was turned into a vampire aswell.
>Final fight between Dracula and OG Helsing, in all ends in the sunlight. Van Helsing dies with the creature he dedicated his whole life to hunting.
>Phase 2 is set up with Young Van Helsing having to lead and The Mummy as the big bad.

Ye I have to agree, the movie is literally opposite to style over substance. They put so much into it, that there is no enough style (and time) to cover that substance.
But again, doesn't "Bride.." or "Mummy's Hand (1940) have action-like pacing either? Ending of "Bride.. " with that spectacular explosion of Frank's castle was more of a blockbuster for 1935 than anything else in that time.

You can't go the Marvel route where they essentially turn their movies into levels of a video game, that are all leading up to a big boss fight at the end
It would've been enough to just have movies where the monsters meet each other for one reason or another and interact with a mystical plot that doesn't necessarily involve them, like if there were a cabal of withes in northern Ireland who were conducting evil rituals to summon some kind of pagan demon, and the wolf man and the creature from the Black Lagoon happen to be nearby and get involved

Semantics. They are more action oriented, but even trying to compare pacing of old hollywood films to modern hollywood is just silly. There's so much difference even if they are more action film than horror, 1930-1950's "Action Film" and 2010+ "Action Film" are completely indistinguishable.

Again, not saying you can't have a more action paced horror film, but it's just much more difficult to pull off.

Sorry for confusions, I meant something like I'm comparing 30s ones to 30s action movies. I said that Bride (1935) was more of action blockbuster than actual "action" movies in 30s. Thats why I'm comparing modern "Mummy" with actual modern action movies too. It's matter of time.

These old monster movies were full of special effects for their times, Imhotep turning back into skeleton at the end of Mummy (1932) or these little clones in bottles from Bride of Frankenstein not to mention possibly greatest speical effect of 30s - the invisible man taking bandages off. Thats why I can't understand all the hate. New movie also uses special effects, and they are damn good. Why using them now is bad, while in 30s it was fine?