
Attached: 87585777.jpg (1372x647, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Thanos wants to significantly reduce the population of Asia and Africa by 50-75%

Ummm, how do I join him?

kill yourself

Thanos wants to wipe out the majority of major city populations in western nations while leaving the countryside and small towns untouched

ooooo gotemmmmm

He meant literally half the population of the UNIVERSE. Which could probably mean all of Earth, too.

yfw Thanos and Bill Gates have the same agenda

How is he gonna decide which ones?

Sort alphabetically and wipe A-M? By age? By Gender would be sort of short-sighted.

It's mentioned in such an oddly specific way, why put that in a trailer?

>YET ANOTHER tired racist comment
wow, i'm shocked


That won't get you half.

Why does he want to kill exactly half of the universe's population? Why not 60% or 90%?

I'd assume it's just random selection, or they could just do half of all population groups, it doesn't really matter to him

It's specifically half evenly distributed throughout the universe. So half of earth, half of Asgard, etc.

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I still want to see what his motivation is.

Over-population? Revenge for having lost someone? Keks?

I get he's just autistic, but what's the trigger for this particular kind?

Am I the only one that would love to get pounded in the ass by Thanos?

he will kill all asians and white people

>Huh? There's only 56% percent of this intelligent race on this country?

By breeding rates, he'll have to come back to cull negros in less than a century if that's the case.

isn't it more like trillions? doesn't he want to kill all the other aliens and shit in the universe too?

Something to do with impressing Death

Why is he attacking Wakanda and not China then?

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Because he needs the Infinity Stone they're hiding there.

>implying there arent Infinite Stones knockoff in China

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Disney don’t want to drive away Chinese audiences yet again

There is more racism posted against whites on this website than any other group.

>Thanos's face when there's an odd number of people on Earth

Attached: K.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Based genocidal poster

It's probably overpopulation, apparently his planet died because he wasn't allowed to do something, I'd imagine culling his planets population, so he won't allow the universe to suffer the same fate or some shit like that

>Speaking up about meany racist on Sup Forums

iirc in the comics it's because he's a neckbeard and the goddess of death is his m'lady and he want's to make a grand offering. But adding actual gods to thee MCU would be a big step so who knows what they'll do.


Shouldn't he just go around killing overpopulated planets, then? I get that the Earth would fit, but why would every other country?

I know the comics, but they aren't going that route, at least for now.

In the comics he literally wiped out half of the known universe to impress his waifu. I have no idea what your image is in reference to.

Attached: thanos-half-universe.jpg (1920x2898, 871K)

>There is more racism posted against whites on this website than any other group
amerimutts are not white

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>Alpha Flight

He needs/wants the complete Gauntlet to enact his purge

Considering where we are, I'm probably the only one here who doesn't

Name one thread that's up right now that's racist against whites. I'll wait.

What are you, retarded? It's from the same fucking story.

No that's all gone. Now he just wants BALANCE because he's just another "save the world by killing everyone" villain.

what sorta quip entrances do you want Sup Forums ?

>4 archived within the last hour
>threads up now

Read the fucking book, that's the reason Death asked him to do it.

That page is literally from Infinity Gauntlet, half the population up and disappears

There was literally a bbc whitetoid thread 5 minutes ago.

I keep seeing people say stuff along these lines. How do we know they removed the stuff about Death?

What about , literally right below this thread?

link to the 4 archived threads then.

> Niger is ripe for the taking bro, they have sticks...

He doesn't need to be there to wipe out populations.
He just needs all the stones, most of which are on earth. Once he has those he can click and half the universe will just go


>implying he won't start with Europe

Did he really say that?

Yes I understand that. But Cap is not running down a list of people killed when Thanos wiped out half the universe. If you think that's what's happening in your image, you better post proof with your very next reply.

The image you posted just there is from like 3 pages before the image you're replying to

nigger 2

I meant, why would he want to wipe out half of every planet. Some of them might not be overpopulated.

What about planets with just one dude?


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So a shitpost thread that gets deleted by the mods is more than the entirety of Sup Forums?

God, even with Evans' retarded Captain America hat it's still a thousand times better than the convoluted shit they're doing now

Indeed I have

People are dying and being born every second, he just has to wait another moment to snap his fingers

...uhhh, bud? He literally is.

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Yes because we get about 12 of those an hour. While Sup Forums threads are usually actually talking about movies but bitching about them.

>>Name one thread
it's one thread bro

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If you ever spent anytime on Sup Forums you would know that for every racist thing said about blacks or Asians there at least one racist reply against whites, it balances itself out


That would hilariously arbitrary and in character for the Mad Titan.

>Tony tries to talk him down

Attached: Thanos-13.png (750x400, 510K)

Different user.
Here is the next page, as Odin talks about how HALF THE PEOPLE disappeared from Asgard.
It's for the same reason.

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If you're a 2015 tourist maybe lol

i know its been done before, but how cool would it be if he stole/copied each individual power from everyone

so instead of just punching really hard, he manages to copy their powers and fight them with their own powers

I've been on Sup Forums longer than Sup Forums as a board buddy

this is fake news

lol newfag

I would support him as long as he only got rid of wh*tes

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fake news

>the ceremonial eyepatch of sorrow did I immediately don

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>thanos will never come to your world and kill all w*ite people

I'm still waiting for that 1 thread.

Firstly, that would be total shit and also the most boring possible idea. Pretty much every marvel movie has involved the bad guy being an evil version of the good guy, with the same powers. Why the fuck would you want that more?

And secondly, thanos doesn't just punch really hard. The whole plot of the movie is about the infinity stones, which give him crazy reality bending powers

lol, I was sucking moot's dick when registered the domain.

here you go

I am a newfag, newfags have been here longer than Sup Forums by years. How new are you that you don't know that?

wow truly you are an oldfag

Anyone else feels like Josh Brolin elevates Thanos to be actually interesting? He sounds like an old, ruthless war general. Comicbook Thanos is just an edgelord with a booming voice

>there is no cinematic universe with actual capekino culmination to claim 2bil
Worst timeline.

Attached: batman_dead_final_crisis_6.jpg (912x1446, 359K)

>Name one thread that's up right now


It was up when he posted it and another has gone up since then

> halve the world's population
I'd take the gamble

that would be a big bulk of the african population so it's a good start


are they going to show the defenders getting erased in the movie?

>everyone gets in one line
>thanos toss a coin whenever to kill you or not

He wants to kill half the universe for balance. He's on Earth because the stones are there. He doesn't give a shit about it.

>post you're face when based Thanos will start by wiping the entirety of the >56% States of America before moving on to delet Chyna and Pooland from the planet.

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This. The motivation comes off as stupid more than anything else.



But this is a movie.