/who/ - Doctor Who General

Best girl edition.

Worst girls:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not a bad choice tbf but I think that pic related's pretty good too.

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I wanna bully the tripfags

Reminder that Sesska Dark Water reaction in 3 hours GMT

Doctor Who is dead.

Okay, so it's pretty evident /who/ is shit now and almost every user agrees. But I've found a solution. There are a few steps as to how we actually salvage this shithole.

>Rename /who/ to /dwg/ - Doctor Who General
It's clear to see that the /who/ name is now permanently associated with shitposting and memes. Bringing a new identity will stop this. I'm not saying get rid of the memes entirely, but perhaps make new memes more related to discussion topics.
>Stop all "meme" thread headers.
Instead, I suggest we focus them on discussion, posing them with a question or a talking point. Maybe we could have episode editions right from An Unearthly Child up until today. In addition, we could append this to thread headers to get newbies to follow our new etiquette.
>Make threads focused on Doctor Who.
/who/ should be about Doctor Who (/dwg/ moreso, another reason to change the name), and it should not be a personal blog for discussing your life, nor should it be a place to discuss Star Wars. There are many, many other places to talk about those things - the countless Star Wars threads on Sup Forums, and /soc/ for socializing.
>Remove all the trips.
Even if a few people filter the trips, there will still be a majority of people who see their posts and discuss them, making them a net loss for /dwg/. The best way would be to make them so uncomfortable that they have to leave. Yes, it might f*ck up a few threads in the process but it will be worth it in the long run to have a drama-free environment.
>Close down the stream.
All the stream does for this place is bring even more identity drama. I don't think you can make streams anonymous, so the best way to stop it would be to remove the association or the stream itself.
>Stop posting links to the wiki.
The wiki is another one of those things which is so closely associated with the /who/ identity that it's nothing but drama. Just remove the Sup Forums association and make it a separate thing that all the tripfags and memers can go to.

>I go back a few threads

>I see the Immigrant poem

What the--?

No/No/50-50/Never going to happen/Never going to happen/Never going to happen


>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.

This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.

Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd

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Whats the Doctor Who equivilant of this scene?

Should we brainstorm and try and invent some fresh new memes related to discussion topics?

memes as a whole aren't brainstormed and thought about user they just happen

This one is called "Star Wars Man". I propose we use this to reply to people who discuss non-Doctor Who topics such as Star Wars, as if to politely mock them and say their discussion is irrelevant.

What do you think?

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Meet Discussion Face! This meme will be used to reply to those whose discussions are unappealing, such as discussions of a sexual nature. Sup Forums is a blue board, after all.

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>Rename to /dwg/
>not /nuwho/

>/who/ should be about Doctor Who
There's nothing wrong with a little off topic discussion unless it's about politics. It's only a problem when Neo or N8 makes a huge long winded essay about it.

>Remove all the trips.
That's never going to happen.

>Close down the stream.
Sure if that stops the obnoxious nilsoposting.

He's a briggs guy
For you

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And this is my favourite new meme of all, "Capaldi Dislikes Faction Paradox"! It can be used to politely mock those who are discussing Faction Paradox (hopefully without derailing threads too much).

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how many layers of irony is this thread on

I think you should inspect the inside of a tight plastic bag for about 20 minutes.

Actually, anyone have a favorite Doctor Who book?

Look at this dude *breathes in*

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Sorry, I'm not going to discuss with tripfags.

The secret books of Saxon

Shit Trips volume 2

*breaths out*

*shakes it all about*

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You're not going to discuss that you're not going to discuss with tripfags? That's discussion in of itself, you doofus.

post your bookcase

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Fuck off Hunter

Has anyone here read the Behind the Sofa collection? How is it?

>faction paradox

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I am the very model of a Gallifreyan Immigrant
I'm friends with tripfags far and wide, like Bunk Bed Ben and Lymerence;
I argue with the boardies and defend myself with innocence
And pester y'all for Shit Trips two-point-five because it's imminent!
I'm very well-acquainted with all matters of erotica
Although I may not seem it, I can out-slash fic the lot of ya
And I can tell my Doctors from Skin Diamond to April O'Neil;
You just might catch me wanking over Jenna pics on Paheal!
You might just catch him wanking over Jenna pics on Paheal;
You might just catch him wanking over Jenna pics on Paheal;
You might just catch him wanking over Jenna pics on Pahe-aheal!
Anonymous may doubt it but I'm purely neurotypical
I've been here several years and been the subject of much ridicule
But overall I'm quite well-liked and I don't often do much wrong
Now tell me, how's your Shit Trips 2.5 story coming along?

1.shit idea. Its not going to save /who/, its just going to stop anyone from respecting what /who/ used to be

2.thread headers based one one episode are shit because an entire 310 posts for what eventually becomes less than 50 minutes of tele is impossible. Fuckin think, man.

3.extended discussion about what people associated with doctor who isnt bad. I dont mind talking about broadchurch or neil gaiman in /who/, but i agree there should be a limit

4.threads without trips are fuckin boring. They die more times than they don't because everyone ignores everyones opinions and nobody wants to talk about doctor who when anonymous with one another beyond 3 continuing replies in a row at most. Ever. Your high and mighty bullshit about killing off trips always conveniently forgets that we have trip-less /who/ right before christmas and guess what? It was shit posting, discussionless and died 2/3 threads. So either you werent here meaning you shouldnt get a say because you dont know what youre talking about when asking for this or you were and youd rather kill who altogether.

5.reality check: not everyone has watched all of doctor who. Have you? And listened to all audios? even the bbv ones? No, and most people arent motivated to on their own. The stream is necessary to get people into new things that they wouldnt do on their own. It enriches /who/ when it works. And does it mean people are gonna talk about doctor who while theyre watching it together instead of here? Yeah. But you gotta take the consequences of a net gain, sunshine.

6.i could agree to that, but who makes memes organically. We can still record memes for posterity at the wiki without putting it into focus. Just my 2 cents there.

But yeah, for the most part your ideas are trash and you clearly havent been here long enough. Fuck off.

No, but I surprisingly enjoyed Dark Horizons.

You and the other trip-obsessed retards are the issue with these /who/ threads. You should donate your oxygen to someone more worthwhile.

Why do you guys never talk about the best incarnation of Doctor Who?

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I've been here 8 months, kid.

fuck off

Why British people so butthurt about American election so they have to iclude lol trump jokes in series 10 and pic related?

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>Your high and mighty bullshit about killing off trips always conveniently forgets that we have trip-less /who/ right before christmas and guess what? It was shit posting, discussionless and died 2/3 threads.
This, I think people forget/weren't around to see what a big impact that made. It actually surprised me how big of a change it was and how quickly things went back to normal when they returned.

>You just might catch me wanking over Jenna pics on Paheal!

I didn't even know there were Jenna pics on Paheal. And most erotic drawings of Who characters have a surreal, dead-eyed quality to them, anyway.

I heard that sneedposting was started by someone from this general so I just came here to say fuck you

>no "hmmm O'Neil... HAH, GOT IT!"
7/10 desu

Taking off my trip to post this

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Because the time war is actually the 2016 election

>Not the first post from this IP

thank you
now, fuck off

The Sixties by Howe, Stammers and Walker.

Because most actors are psychopaths who love to hype people up
I propose a week without trips just to show how fucking shit it'll be without them.

I agree.

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What would the 2018 equivalent of David Yates in 2015 trying to make a Doctor Who movie be? Hardcore mode: no just saying David Yates again.

Also, reminder of Moff's GOAT response to that whole affair (pic)

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Who do you think are the best individual villains in Doctor Who?

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Did Neo and/or Cats actually start the sneedposting meme?

doing some /who/ research is very enlihtening about how fucked of a state it is in right now, this place is tainted.

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>The stream is necessary to get people into new things
Okay dude I agree that we should keep the stream but it was never made or used for that.
The only reason the stream exists is so the tripfags can have proper discussion when /who/ goes to shit and really the only thing that came out of it was again more trip drama and shitty memes that confuses people that don't go on there.

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some of the last few threads have died early because of the lack of tripfags
discussion takes place in the stream because we don't have to worry about post cooldowns like we do here

Notice the trips in this thread are actually discussing Doctor Who, and the anons are obsessing over how offtopic /who/ is now, supposedly. Interesting.

Not even long enough to have seen a full on season of doctor who. Fuck off, I've been here since series 6 was airing and watched /who/ for a long fuckin time. So take some goddamned advice and trust me: you don't even know what /who/ is about yet. You havent seen peak /who/ or even close to it. You haven't seen comfy /who/, best /who/ or even the worst of who. You havent seen shit and you havent lurked long enough to have an opinion.

What's the point of /who/ existing if we can just discuss in the stream?

How does he do it lads?

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>discussion takes place in the stream because we don't have to worry about post cooldowns like we do here
This will sound so fucking shill-y, but I do find myself more willing to actually write up posts since I got a pass and can post quicker and without captchas

So much of it, maybe all of it, is just in the hair.

>tfw no qt muslim companion
absolutely haram :(

the stream is for anything and everything (apart from that one time someone queued porn). Most of the time we're watching other shit then an episode of new/classic who or an audio gets streamed and that triggers a chain of discussion on something. We should be posting ITT more but it just so happens that the discussion starts elsewhere.

The blessing has been lifted.

I liked the Time Travelers a lot. And Gareth Roberts's 4/Romana 2 books were top notch.

English Way of Death and Well-Mannered War?

>I'm no newfag, I've been here all summer.

no what the fuck

Because he's a joke.

>threads without trips are fuckin boring.
Not really, they could take off their trips and nothing would change besides their identity.
The tripfags already do that anyway when they shitpost or samefag.

still looks better than McGann

Yep, his writing of Four is basically perfect.

Plus a 3rd, Romance of Crime.

It's the hair. It insulates him from time.

>the "trips are samefags" meme

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Fuck off Judy

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Neo and another user are literally discussing Doctor Who in the stream instead of the thread right now, literally ruining /who/. We need to shut down the stream and shut down /who/ and create /dwg/.

That whole thing was a real mystery to me. I never got what was happening or why he wanted to do that.

My guess would be in some interview or at a panel or something he said "I would love to make a Doctor Who movie" and then shit got out of hand when the press ran with it, is that what happened? Or did he actually try to get the ball rolling?

Also, the correct answer is Peter Jackson coming to Cardiff and hanging around the production offices and very pointedly not directing any episodes of Doctor Who.

Or, equally correct, Big Finish releasing a new boxset of stories starring either the Joanna Lumley Doctor or Arabella Weir Doctor.

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I was honestly enjoying that clip right up until the end. It was a vaguely interesting moral conundrum, it was treated with respect and written and performed well without any stupid jokes or moral grandstanding. It felt like mature sci-fi the likes of which Star Trek should strive for.

That is, until right at the very end where the captain suddenly changes his mind for no real reason, picks the wrong option and gives a speech about how he's right.

And then - and then - that fanwanky reference to the prime directive is absolutely disgusting and blatant and I hate it. Especially when such a grand concept is invoked for such a pissy example of inaction in the face of moral quandary.

They can't tell the future. The captain is absolutely right when he says he shouldn't doom a species to extinction over something that -might- happen in a thousand years. A conundrum like this would work better in Doctor Who, where the Doctor could actually know what is going to happen in the future and make a real case for doing nothing.

If anything this conundrum deserved more time than just the four minutes it got, and maybe if it was given more time and thought and more of a case was made for the doctor's opinion that one could be swayed to see things his way. But as it stands it's just a rushed mess and a highly questionable decision. It would have been more interesting for the doctor to be commanded to act against his morals and could open up some hostility or friction between him and the captain.

Also, I always thought Chuck's Dad was the captain in Deep Space Nine, therefore all online discussion I've seen about DS9 I've applied to Enterprise, making me believe Enterprise is shite, despite my enjoyment of (most of) this clip.

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Anyone in a mood for some png cutouts of 12 and/or Clara?

My understanding was that he'd had a few talks behind the scenes and was actually trying to get the ball rolling, not like with all his might but he did actually intend to do it, but Moff argued firmly and persuasively with the BBC why it was a bad idea, threw them a bone with marking out a big brand plan for them for the next few years, and then was kind to Yates in the press by minimising it as if it was just a dumb comment he made, not an actual plan. I could be off but that was my read.

Good call on Peter Jackson.

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Slightly unrelated but can someone explain the me the desire to purchase cardboard cutouts of actors because they freak me out

Stop forcing your fetishes please

They make for hilarious gifts.

fuck off

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this will never be a meme

Imagine having artistic talent and wasting it on this

Why are right wing Americans always so upset when we poke fun at their ridiculous glorious leader?

On a more series note, you do realise that for better or worse the American election cycle is international news, and we have to put up with all the bullshit about emails and tweets and buffoonery and people getting fired as well?

>not the first post from this IP
so which one was you, faggot?

What does that have to do with Doctor Who?

Is is possible a complete lack of ability to care about the popularity of the show is connected to more or less being born into being a fan of the show and it being a constant in one's life, cancelled or no? Asking for a friend.

They're terrifying though, what do you even use them for? Where do you even buy them? I don't understand.

I have a friend who has one and he hides it in a different place in his house every time I come over just to scare the shit out of me.

I don't fucking care about it being a meme. I want you fuckers to look at this shit every day and remember it exists.

Did the thread header not give it away?