B5 Thread

>halfway through season 2
what the FUCK is his problem?

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Wants to make Centauri great again.

He thinks that finally his time has come to achieve greatness and restore the Republic to its former greatness. While not realizing what the deal he made with the Shadows costs him and the Republic: basically their souls. But he desperately wants to believe that what he does will be vindicated by winning - because that's what he was taught (recall him telling Vir about duty to the Republic in season 1)
It's a Faustian deal he made so you can guess how it gonna end up.

He's Trump

Kill yourself 90s born faggot scum


whatever it is, it can't be that bad.

Ah, you are reading this in my voice, yes? Good, good, yes!

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the shitskin Narns!

Is the shows version of George Soros?

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I feel bad for the actor that played Sinclair. The reason he left the show was due to mental illness

Kill yourself kiddo

I still love how through all the shit and hell that comes down on Londo, Vir still manages to stay pure and relatively clean (ok so he killed the emperor but who wouldn't).

I feel bad that you think anyone else didnt already know that.

and he gets that prime batshit inane pussy too, Vir was a good lad. rip.

I hate you tumblr. Fuck off.

>What do you want?
just keep watching m8. you've made a good choice.

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kill you are self newfag shitvorlon sympathizer

Get a hooker you thirsty fuck

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I feel bad for you too

Ive watched it countless times. Scum likeRuin everything.

What exactly is your problem?

Lurk more newfag. You got any more insights? You know who luke skywalkers dad might be?

Meanwhile in the dawn of the third age of mankind Sup Forums...

Which piece of shit are you?

I feel bad for you

What did you guys think of Star Wars Episode CMXI: The Final Solution? I thought it wasn't nearly as bad as the last one since JJ was brought back from cryo to direct again, but yeah, they'll never top Return of the Jedi 7.

Oh no people are talking about B5 in a B5 thread

The B5 Thread, was our last best hope for peace.

it failed

You guys think JMS will actually get the B5 reboot off the ground?

Fucking coward

Stay mad

Kill yourself

>mfw purple fucking shits near me

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Nope, and even if he did somehow manage to pull it off there is no way it'll live up to the hype.

It would be fucking garbage and whoever would want such a thing should be executed.

Hey thirsty fuck. I couldnt get you a Centauri but maybe this will do.

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That "happy" drink he shares with K'Gar after he essentially condemned his race to be enslaved again. That look of complete regret and horror was fantastic.

Or the elevator they both found themselves trapped in, rather than help, K'Gar was happy to sit and laugh at having the opportunity of seeing Londo die even if he was going to die with him.

>The epic battle of Light and Darkness
>So it begins the greatest battle of our time
>some bitch talks about values for 20 seconds
>Both sides just fuck off out of the galaxy

What a fucking complete rip off.

Fuck off tumblr

Have you ever had sex user?

What makes you think people talking about the show are from tumblr?

Not people. That whale.

what would you rather have seen?
le ebic boss battle final episode?
sounds lame to me.

I feel bad for you

>le ebic

He's the best character in the whole show besides G'Kar and Garibaldi

>they don't want a bald violent racist centauri waifu


great convo m8

Reminder that Ragesh III belongs to the Narn

Psi Corp=jews

No fucking way. I never knew Ivanova had such pictures for her going. A dream come true.

Actual subliminal messages in their own commercial.

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Says the child too bitch-ass wuss to stay on it's drugs.

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More like what was the psychic redhead's malfunction? She socially isolated herself and went crazy SJW Hitler over an imaginary slight. Captain should have blown her head off when he had her BTFO.

She got Byron'd.

>what would you rather have seen?

The battle that was fucking promised? It was fucking lazy ass writing to cover up lack of budget.

Imagine if Lord of the Rings ended that way

>So it begins, the Battle for Gondor
>Actually sir, Sauron has had a change of hearts. The Orcs have all left.

He wants to restore the Centauri people to their rightful place in the galaxy
You know, he's Trump
>Make Centauri Great Again
>you know I hear it all the time, a lot of people are asking, what did we really so that was so bad to the Narn?
>the galaxy is laughing at us

Can't we all just get along?

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Hs more the breitbart guy

Don't feel bad. They're not telling the whole story
He was being a pain to work with for other actors
Tried to pick a fight with Jerry Doyle, Doyle refused to work with him anymore
Sexually harassed an intern on the show
Doyle and Claudia Christen discussed this at conventions in the 90s/00s but haven't for ages
And now Doyles dead too

Have you see what he is making with the Wachowski child abuse case?

Well wouldn't that stuff be due to the mental illness and paranoia? Or was that just an excuse?

What did you expect?

>wants freedom for her people

No it wasn't
It was always intended to be that way, that the old races had to leave to give the young races room to grow
You got your epic space battles in the earth civil war

it was mental illness but it wasn't known to them, so they just thought he was an asshole to work with at the time, it didn't come out til years later iirc.

someone killed his sexy waifu

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The whole story isn't being told:
JMS doesn't mention actors were refusing to work with him
JMS doesn't mention the sexual assault
JMS doesn't mention that the PTEN affiliates demanded he be replaced for a better actor as their deal for renewing the show for a second season

>Come into this thread for a rare comfy B5 discussion
>People are calling each other cowards and telling each other to kill themselves completely unprompted

What the fuck is happening in this thread? On topic: I watched this show blind and was floored when Sinclair disappeared. I figured this Sheridan imposter would be promptly replaced. But then he won me over. Even then I was so excited in that season 3/4 episode when Sinclair actually shows up again for a time travel adventure to save Babylon 4. That was fucking awesome, what a show.

You'll notice its carefully staged so that he and Doyle never share a scene together, in fact all of Doyles scenes are isolated from the rest of the main cast
This would have been to ensure they were scheduled to be on the set on different days to keep them apart because of Doyles demand

bester did nothing wrong

Sinclair was supposed to go through the whole series
Never meant to be replaced, that's why its so wonky
You can even see how parts of his character have been grafted wholesale onto Sheridan
Sinclairs love interest, the shady xeno-archeologist is beginning to get interested in old ones towards the end of season 1 and had gone looking for at least one race, the walkers
This would have continued ino season 2 and she would have gone to za'ha'dum

And what was Sheridans wife? A xeno-archaeologist. And where did she go? Za'ha'dum.

Sinclair would have died at za'ha'dum, been revived with a 20 year life span, and at the end gone back with the Babylon 4


They supposedly had a plan to split the series into two five year stories if it was a success
The alternate idea was that b5 would be destroyed by the minbari at the end of the series IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL THE WARS and then they would have gotten Babylon 4 and had s new series with them tooling around the galaxy in this mobile station

>Come into this thread for a rare comfy B5 discussion
>People are calling each other cowards and telling each other to kill themselves completely unprompted
It's literally just one guy

He lost.

>I was so excited in that season 3/4 episode when Zathras actually shows up again

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Honestly, I find it better that the whole 'chosen one' storyline is shared by two people.

I thought it was between the three of them

She killed 250,000.

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loved this show

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I loved the escalation of the openings.


Because season 4 was more or less two seasons condensed into one. On one side it made for very brisk pace, but knowing how previous seasons developed a LOT was probably left out.

>Zathras shows up
Zathras wait for YOU

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you are not the one.

So which moment in B5 gave you the biggest nerdgasm? For me it was


There is no moment in any show more chill-inducing than in Farscape when Crais says "Talyn... starburst." But the one you mentioned was pretty fucking cool.

>bitch-ass wuss
At least im not a nigger


a lot..but hes probably the most interesting character on the show as far as his motivations go..everyone else seems to be good or evil completely

oh that farscape line brings back memories..still need to finish season 4, kinda lost my motivation and got a little bored..but i'm gonna jump in again and finally finish through peacekeeper wars

I really didn't enjoy crais or talyn as characters overall, but that was a great scene.

I hope you get cancer

Oh... oh my, that Farscape line gave me an *extreme attack* of nostalgia... have the vapors, I do...

Chrichton was the dreamiest, but Crais was the schemiest....

>tfw my parents watched Bablyon 5 when I was too young to even know who the characters were
>Called all bald people Garabaldi as a kid

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