Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

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You're trying too hard, OP.

this is usually the response from people who are trying to conceal their anger. no need to be upset user I was just asking a simple question.

I only recognize tarantino from the list
who the fuck are the rest of these geezers?

Tarantino is still fun after 14, you just don't take him seriously anymore

Yes. However you get back into them when you turn 22 because you realize teenagers are fucking cancer and only tryhard film 101 faggots pretend like Pulp Fiction is shit.

You know the other to the question and he knows you do, so fuck off

lars von trier, quentin tarantino, david lynch, harmony korine
david cronenberg, gaspar noe, alejandro jodorowsky, abel ferrara


I hate "your'e trying too hard" posters

pretentious shitheads


I'm pretty sure modern teenagers aren't watching entry level arthouse, OP. Tarantino is the only one on that list who is widely loved by teenagers.

there it is. the anger

This. I would say 20 something rather than 14.

lars von tryhard, tortellini, lynch, harmony korine
cronenberg, gaspar noe, jodorowsky (the worst one), Abel Ferrara (irrelevant hack, don't know why he's there)

Show me where Michael Bay is on that list

Brainlet detected.

tarantino stops being fun once you start having seen all the films he's stealing his ideas from. the only adults who enjoy his pastiches are the kind of plebs who refuse to watch anything that isnt from current year

>jodorowsky (the worst one)
t.capeshit fan

t. film 101 stoner


add Nolan to list

But you honestly are a try hard queer teen.
Or a shithead.

oh no a typo I got btfo
totally not pretentious to point that out either lmao

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no 14 year old would even be aware of these fuckers besides tarantino
should have included m. night and micheal bay in the list


I bet you enjoy capeshit.

Capeshitters are honestly pathetic.
>why dont you grow out of entry level art house and enjoy supehedo muvis like me

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No anger whatsoever. Enjoying taking a dump and chuckling over autistic retards on chan

>likes Lynch
>doesn't like Jodo

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>anything in the OP
>entry level art house
>not exit level hollywood

people who have grown out of tarantino > people who havent > contrarians that hate tarantino because he is popular and make up stupid arguments


OP's a fucking pleb

i will
whats up shane. hows modern ocean coming along?

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Jodorowsky only ever made a single film in Hollywood (maybe two, but no one born after the 80s has seen Tusk anyway).

Currently working with Keanu. It's fascinating how much he knows about time travel.

No Joss Whedon
1/10 kist

Now this is podracing

what autist made this picture lol, only ones that 14 yos would recognize is tarantino and maybe cronenberg

Backwards Tbh

these people make movies for normies. it doesn't make sense to include them because normies don't take film seriously enough to grow out of what they think is good. the people in the OP make edgy garbage that appeals to "oh man he's just like me :')" losers that think they're cool for being outcasts because stacy doesn't acknowledge their existence.

You just know a woman wrote this


Pure projection on OP's part

robert bresson, dw griffith, jiro, david fincher
tarkovsky, bela tarr, the kid from the master grown up, charles darwin

Not a woman but definitely a kissless virgin striving desperately for chadness he won't ever achieve

Leave this board and never return if any one of these apply to you:

>you watch sci-fi/fantasy
>you think Robert Bresson is good
>you barely know your classics
>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
>you think french new wave is better than french expressionism
>you need subtitles to watch foreign films (i.e. not bilingual)
>you watch for the plot
>you watch for entertainment
>you rarely watch documentaries
>you don't have a solid grounding in parallel cinema
>you don't have at least have some understanding of the Lumière and Méiliès films
>you have little to no understanding of film outside of your cultural horizon
>you have little to no understanding of film within your own cultural horizon
>you haven't seen all of 你是个大人物's documentaries
>you mostly watch contemporary (post-1950) films
>you believe 'the auteur isn’t dead'
>you make your film analysis proceed from ideology
>you think italian neorealism is good
>you think intricate cinematography is 'pretentious' and that the filmmaker 'should just get to the point'
>your rarely watch structural films
>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
>you think the 60s, 70s, and 80s were peak cinema
>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant film criticism
>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of film authorities
>you rarely watch for more than four hours straight

Story of my life

Enlight us. Show us the good directors.

john carpenter

>mfw the pleb confuses impressionism with expressionism
lol you go back, ribbit

haven't seen a single of of these guys' films when I was 14

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>Abel Ferrara (irrelevant hack
laugh at the pleb

does larson's other fist say trump

who else should I add?

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>confusing german expressionism with french impressionism
>doesn't even know that french impressionist cinema is even a thing
lol >>>

sidney lumet

read my post again, retard
the guy i replied to (you, probably) said french expressionism, instead of impressionism
kill yourself

pure autism lmao

It's pasta you stupid fucking newfaggot.

Make a “Directors You Grow Out of When You Turn 6” so we can add Harmony Korine?

Leone only his later films

>getting older means yer smart

Stupid dumb pineal glandlet scum

I literally don't know who any of these people are

I miss the old Sup Forums memes.

Then what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

Step aside capeshit and star wars threads, the kino connoisseurs are here.


Except you grow into Jackie brown

No fincher ?

>you haven't seen all of 你是个大人物's documentaries
>Google translate
That one got me

Maybe go on reddit or Sup Forums if you don't know shit about films, how are you going to effectively shitpost about films?

its not that hard to piss off insecure losers who think they're better than you because they've seen a stan brakhage film

The Holy Trinity of Directors;
>Christopher Nolan
>Edgar Wright
>Zack Snyder

George Lucas

what a pathetic life you must lead

It's most likely pasta, but you're still perfectly right

probably but it's so full of glaring mistakes and contradictions that I refuse to believe this level of presumptuousness and ignorance comes from a number of autists instead of just one

Guess one made it as a joke and others are using it as such now, jerking each other off and baiting 'lesser' minds, which is pretty pathetic

>implying 14 year olds, let alone most normal people, know who most of these are

All of them. Cinema is an infantile artform.

If you had to know anything about films to post here this place wouldn't have any posters.

Ken burns, i'm not 40 but that seems like what someone 40+ would like